2456 | HOB1.1 | Thomas Raynalde, Elaine Hobby (ed.) | The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, The Womens's Book ...... | da |
2457 | DAS2.1 | Daston, Lorraine; Park, Katharine | Wonders and the Order of Nature | da |
2458 | GRA2.2 | Gracia, Jorge J. E. | Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages | da |
2459 | AER1.2.2 | Aertsen, Ian A. (ed.); et al. | Individuum und Individualitat im Mitteralter | da |
2460 | AER1.2.1 | Aertsen, Ian A. (ed.); et al. | Individuum und Individualitat im Mitteralter | da |
2461 | SCH5.2 | Schabel, Christopher (ed.) | Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century. | da |
2462 | GRE5.1 | Green, Monica H. | Making Women's Medicine Masculine. The Rise of Male Authority in Pe-Modern Gynaecology. | da |
2463 | WYC1.2 | John Wycliff, Ivan J. Mueller (ed.) | Tractatus de universalibus | da |
2464 | ARN4.1 | Arnaldus de Villanova, Michael R. McVaugh (ed.) | Arnaldi de Villanova Opera medica omnia, v. 2, Tractatus de humido radicali | da |
2465 | CAD1.1 | Cadden, Joan | Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages. Medicine, Science and Culture. | da |
2466 | GRA2.3 | Gracia, Jorge J. E. (ed.) | Individuation in Later Scholasticism and Counter-Reformation. 1150-1650 | da |
2467 | TRO1.4 | Trottmann, Christian | La vision Beatifique. Des disputes scolastiques a sa definition par Benoit XII | nu |
2468 | SZP1.1 | Ryan Szpiech | Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference. Commentary, Conflict and Community in the Premodern Mediterranean | da |
2469 | STR5.1 | Stroumsa, Sarah | Maimonides in His World. Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker. | nu |
2470 | BRA1.2 | Remi Brague (coord.) | Saint Bernard et la Philosophie | da |
2471 | GRE1.4 | Grigore cel Mare, Cristina Horotan (trad.) | Dialoguri | da |
2472 | SIL3.1 | Silver, Daniel | Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180 - 1240 | nu |
2473 | COU5.3 | Duba, W. O.; Friedman, R. L.; Schabel, C. (eds.) | Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay | da |
2474 | COL3.1.2 | Marcia L. Colish (ed.) | Peter Lombard vol. II | da |
2475 | COL3.1.1 | Marcia L. Colish (ed.) | Peter Lombard vol. I | da |
2476 | BOV1.1 | Alixe Bovey | Monsters and Grotesques in Medieval Manuscripts | da |
2477 | CAP6.1#1 | Marialuisa Caparrini, Maria Rita Digilio, Fulvio Ferrari (eds.) | La Letteratura di istruzione nel Medioevo germanico | da |
2478 | MAG4.1 | Magnano, Fiorella | Boethius on Topical Differences | da |
2479 | AV14 | | Archa Verbi, vol. 14/2017 | da |
2480 | WIL5.1 | Williams, David | Deformed discourse. The function of the monster in mediaeval thought and literature | da |
2481 | BAR8.1 | José Pablo Barragán Nieto | El De secretis mulierum atribuido a Alberto Magno. Estudio, edición crítica y traducción | nu |
2482 | DUB2.2 | Duba, William O. ; Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Chris (eds.) | Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay | da |
2483 | CAM1.1 | Richard of Campsall (author) ; Synan, Edward A. (ed.) | The Works of Richard of Campsall. Vol. I. Questiones super Librum Priorum Analeticorum | da |
2484 | DIE1.1 | Dierkens, Alain; de Ryke, Benoît Beyer (eds.) | Mystique. La passion de l'Un, de l'Antiquité à nos jours | da |
2485 | LEPh2012.04.2 | | Les Etudes philosophiques. n° 2 (2012), Marius Victorinus | da |
2486 | CHA4.3.1 | Walter of Chatton | Reportatio et lectura super Sententias. Collatio ad librum primum et prologus | da |
2487 | ARI1.23 | Pseudo-Aristotel | Secretul secretelor | da |
2488 | CAN2.2 | Cantemir, Dimitrie | O cercetare naturală a monarhiilor | da |
2489 | HAL4.1 | Halama, Ota(ed.) | Amica Sponsa Mater, Bible v Case Reformace | da |
2490 | GRO2.1 | Anonim | Călătoria Sfântului Brendan | nu |
2491 | MEI1.8 | Meirinhos, Jose ; Lopez, Celia ; Rebalde, Alcade ; Rebalde, Joao (eds.) | Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages | da |
2492 | ARI1.24.1 | Aristotle | Physics, I-IV | da |
2493 | ARI1.24.2 | Aristotle | Physics, V-VIII | da |
2494 | LUC5.1 | Lucas de Magna Cosmin | Postillae | da |
2495 | AEG1.3 | Aegidius de Roma | Expositio super authorum de causis | da |
2496 | SAP1.1 | Anonim | Sapiencie quinto scribitur (Comm. in De causis) | da |
2497 | IOH1.1 | Johannis de Nova Domo | Tractatus de esse et essentia | da |
2498 | MAT2.2 | Mathaeus de Cracovia | Rationale divinorum operum | da |
2499 | PAU3.1 | Paulus de Worczyn | Glossa in Politicam | da |
2500 | STA4.1 | Stanislaus de Scarbimiria | Sermones de sapientia selecti | da |
2501 | KEC1.1 | Bartholomaeus Keckermann | Praecognita philosophica | da |
2502 | URS1.1 | Urs, Otilia | Catalogul Cărţii româneşti vechi din Biblioteca Academiei Române filiala Cluj-Napoca | da |
2503 | TIM1.2 | Timotin, Andrei | La prière dans la tradition platonicienne, de Platon à Proclus | da |
2504 | DSTFM22 | | Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale XXII/2011 | da |
2505 | DSTFM24 | | Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale XXIV/2013 | da |