1091 | DUB1.1 | Dubel, Sandrine; Favreau-Linder, Anne-Marie; Oudot, Estelle | A l'Ecole d'Homere: la culture des orateurs et des sophistes | da |
1092 | SAS1.1 | Sasu, Voichita-Maria | De l'amour de l'aventure a l'aventure de l'amour (Moyen Age-Renaissance) | da |
1093 | LEH1.1 | Lehmann, Yves (ed.) | Aristoteles Romanus. La reception de la science aristotelicienne dans l'Empire greco-romain | da |
1094 | CES1.1 | Cesalli L., Germann N., Hoenen M.J.F.M. | University, Council, City. Intellectual Culture on the Rhine (1300-1550) | da |
1095 | DEN4.1 | D.G. Denery II, K. Ghosh, N. Zeeman (ed.) | Uncertain Knowledge. Scepticism, Relativism, and Doubt in the Middle Ages | nu |
1096 | WEI1.16 | Weijers, Olga | In search of the truth. A history of disputation techniques from antiquity to early modern times | da |
1097 | WEI1.17#1 | Weijers, Olga | A scholar's paradise: Teaching and debating in medieval Paris | da |
1098 | CIO1.2 | Cioba, Mianda | Ficciones de la identidad a finales del medioevo hispanico | da |
1099 | VOI1.1 | Voicu, Mihaela | La litterature francaise du Moyen Age. Xe-XVe siecles | da |
1100 | THO4.1.1 | Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.) | Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxford | da |
1101 | THO4.1.2 | Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.) | Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume II: Cambridge | da |
1102 | ABE1.4.1 | Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus) | Opera Theologica I-II | da |
1103 | ABE1.4.2 | Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus) | Opera Theologica III | da |
1104 | ABE1.4.3 | Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus) | Opera Theologica IV-VI | da |
1105 | LOH1.2 | Lohr, Charles H. | Commentateurs d'Aristote au Moyen-Age latin. Bibliographie de la litterature secondaire recente | da |
1106 | ANC1.4 | Cristina D'Ancona (ed.) | Storia della filosofia nell'Islam medievale. Vol.I | da |
1107 | TRO2.1 | Trouillard, Jean | La purification plotinienne | da |
1108 | GIR1.1 | Girgenti, Giuseppe | Il pensiero forte di Porfirio. Mediazione fra henologia platonica e ontologia aristotelica | da |
1109 | DAM3.2.1 | Damascius | Commentaire du Parmenide de Platon, , tome I (ed. Westerink) | da |
1110 | HEN3.1 | Paul Henry, S. J. | Plotin et l'Occident. Firmicus Maternus, Marius Victorinus, Saint Augustin et Macrobe | da |
1111 | GER3.1 | Gerson, Lloyd P. (ed.) | The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus | da |
1112 | PRO1.3.2#1 | Proclos (Proclus); A. J . Festugiere (trad.) | Commentaire sur le Timee. Livre II | da |
1113 | PRO1.3.3 | Proclos (Proclus); A. J . Festugiere (trad.) | Commentaire sur le Timee. Livre III | da |
1114 | PRO1.4 | Proclos (Proclus); E. R. Dodds (trad.) | The Elements of theology | da |
1115 | TRO2.2 | Trouillard, Jean | L'Un et l`ame selon Proclos | da |