Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
41x-baz1.2Bazán B. CarlosLe dialogue philosophique entre Siger de Brabant et Thomas D'Aquinda
42x-baz1.3Bazán B. CarlosL'authenticite du ''De intellectu'' attribue a Alexandre d'Aphrodiseda
43x-bed1.1Bedu-Addo, J.T.Recollection and the Argument 'From a Hypothesis' in Plato's Menoda
44X-ben1.1Benveniste, EmileExpresson indo-europeenne de l' " éternité"da
45x-ben2.1 Bendegem, Jean Paul VanZeno's Paradoxes and the Tile Argumentda
46x-ber1.1Berti, EnricoAncient Greek Dialectic as Expression of Freedom of Thought and Speechda
47X-bia1.1Bianchi, LucaCensure, lberte et progres intellectuel a l'Universite de Paris au XIII Siecleda
48X-bia1.2Bianchi, LucaA turning point in medieval philosophyda
49X-bia2.1Bianco, F.J. von Die alte Universitat Koln sowie die zu Koln administrierten Studien-Stiftungenda
50X-bla1.1Blazek PavelJean Streler, lecons sur les psaumes de la penitenceda
51x-bla1.2#1Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
52x-bla1.2#2Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
53X-bla1.3Blazek P.Il commento al" De inundatione Nilida
54x-bla2.1Blanco, ArturoThe influence of faith in angels on the medieval vision of nature and manda
55x-blo1.1Block, IrvingPlato, Parmenides, Ryle and Exemplificationda
56X-blu1.1Blumenthal, Henry J.Neoplatonic elements in the de Anima commentaries da
57X-blu1.2Blumenthal, Henry J.Themistius: the last Peripatetic commentatator on Aristotle?da
58X-blu1.3Blumenthal, Henry J.Did Plotinus believe in ideas of individuals?da
59X-blu1.4Blumenthal, Henry J.Plotinus Adaptation of Aristotle's Psychology: Sensation, Imagination and Memoryda
60x-blu1.5Blumenthal, Henry J.Soul and Body (chapter 2 in Plotinus ' Psychology)da
61X-blu1.6Blumenthal, Henry J.Some problems about body and soul in later pagan neoplatonism: Do they follow a pattern?da
62X-bod1.1Bodéüs, RichardAme du Monde ou Corps Celeste? Une Interrogation D'Aristoteda
64X-BOE1.2BoethiusDE HEBDOMADIBUS cum Gilberti Porretae commentariada
65X-bon1.1BonaventuraeSermo IV Christus unus omniummagisterda