326 | X-blu1.1 | Blumenthal, Henry J. | Neoplatonic elements in the de Anima commentaries | da |
327 | x-sol1.1#1 | Solere, Jean-Luc | Neoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis" | da |
328 | x-sol1.1#2 | Solere, Jean-Luc | Neoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis" | da |
329 | X-mel1.1 | Meliado M. şi Negri S. | Neues Zum Pariser Albertismus des Fruhen 15. Jahrhunderts. | da |
330 | X-poi1.2 | Poirel. Dominique ; Stirnemann, P. | Nicolas de Montieramey, Jean de Salisbury et deux florileges d'auteurs antiques | da |
331 | X-col1.1 | Colomer, Eusebio s.j. | Nikolaus von Kues un Raimund LLul aus Handschriften der Kueser Bibliothek | da |
332 | x-sen1.1 | Senger, Hans Gerhard | Nikolaus von Kues und die Pariser Verurteilungen von 1270/1277 | da |
333 | X-van2.1 | Vansteenkiste, C. O. P. | Notae et Discussiones | da |
334 | X-cou3.1 | Courtine, Jean François | Note complementaire pour l'histoire du vocabulaire de l'etre | da |
335 | x-bro1.1 | Broad, C.D. | Note on Achilles and the Tortoise | da |
336 | x-hun1.1 | Hunter, J.F.M. | Note on Father Owens' Comment on Williams' Criticism of Aquinas on Infinite Regress | da |
337 | X-nel1.1 | Nelis, Hubert | Note sur le Chronicon Bethleemiticum de Pierre Impens | da |
338 | X-sch5.8 | Schabel, C. | Notes on a Recent Edition of Parts of Francis of Marchia's in Primum Librum Sententiarum | da |
339 | X-gau1.2 | Gauthier, R.- A. | Notes sur Siger de Brabant | da |
340 | X-imb1.4 | Imbach, Ruedi | Notule sur le commentaire du Liber de causis de Siger de Brabant et ses rapports avec Thomas d'Aquin | da |
341 | X-ock1.2 | Ockham, William ; Davies, Julian (trad) | Ockham on Aristotle's Physics: a translation of Ockham's Brevis summa libri physicorum | da |
342 | x-wed1.1 | Wedeking, Gary A. | On a Finitist "Solution" to some Zenonian Paradoxes | da |
343 | x-fer2.1 | Ferguson, A.S. | On a Fragment of Gorgias | da |
344 | X-egg1.1 | Egginton, William | On Dante, Hyperspheres, and the Curvature of the Medieval Cosmos | da |
345 | x-min1.1 | Minardi, Stefano | On Some Aspects of Platonic Division | da |
346 | x-all1.1 | Allis, Victor and Koetsier, Teunis | On some Paradoxes of the Infinite | da |
347 | x-all1.2 | Allis, Victor and Koetsier, Teunis | On some Paradoxes of the Infinite II | da |
348 | x-opp1.1 | Oppenheimer Paul E. & Zalta, Edward N. | On the Logic of the Ontological Argument | da |
349 | x-chi1.1 | Chihara, Charles S. | On the Possibility of Completing an Infinite Process | da |
350 | x-neu1.1 | Neumann, Harry | On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausanias | da |