
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
4076ArticolX-sch5.11Schabel C.The Quodlibeta of Peter of Auvergneda
4077ArticolX-sch5.12Schabel C.The Nicosia Franciscans vs. The Chapter of Nicosia Cathedralda
4078ArticolX-sch5.13Schabel C.Reason and Revelation in the Sentencesda
4079ArticolX-sch5.14Schabel C. si Rossini M.Time and Eternity Among The Early Scotistsda
4080ArticolX-sch5.15Schabel C.La dottrina di Francesco di Marchia sulla predestinazione da
4081ArticolX-sch5.16Schabel C.Il determinismo di Francesco di Marchia (parte 2)da
4082ArticolX-sch5.17Schabel C.Il determinismo di Francesco di Marchiada
4083ArticolX-sch5.18Schabel C.The Redactions of Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 3 of the sentencesda
4084ArticolX-sch5.19Schabel C. , Papamarkou C. si Katsoura E.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 4 of the sentences. Traditions and Redactions, with Questions on Projectile Motion, Polygamy, and the Immortality of the Soulda
4085Articolx-sch5.20Schabel, C.Early carmelites between giantsda
4086Articolx-sch5.21Chris SchabelThe Quaestiones Libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part I: Author, Text and Receptionda
4087Articolx-sch8Fredric W. SchlatterIsocrates, against the Sophists,16da
4088Articolx-sch9David S. SchwayderAchilles Unboundda
4089Articolx-sch10Edward SchiappaDid Plato Coin Rhetorikeda
4090Articolx-sco1.1Scoon, Robert Plato's Parmenidesda
4091Articolx-sea1.1 Seaton, R.C.The Arsitotelian Enthymemeda
4092Articolx-sen1.1Senger, Hans Gerhard Nikolaus von Kues und die Pariser Verurteilungen von 1270/1277da
4093ArticolX-sen2.1Senko, W. Un traite inconnu <<de esse et essentia>>da
4094Articolx-ser1.1 Serafini, Marcella Duns Scoto interprete critico dei Anselmoda
4095Articolx-ser2.1Sérouya, Henri Maimonide sa vie, son ouvre avec un expose de sa philosophieda
4096Articolx-sha1.1Shapiro , H.Walter Burley's De Toto et Parteda
4097Articolx-sha2.1Sharvy, Richard Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argumentda
4098ArticolX-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
4099Articolx-she2.1Sherry, David M.Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisitedda
4100ArticolX-sho1.1Shogimen, Takashi The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Tought in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda