
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
76CarteGUI3.1Guitton, JeanLe temps et l'eternite chez Plotin et Saint Augustinda
77CarteHEN3.1Paul Henry, S. J. Plotin et l'Occident. Firmicus Maternus, Marius Victorinus, Saint Augustin et Macrobe da
78CarteHOL2.1Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
79CarteHOL2.1#2Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
80CarteHUI1.1Huian, Georgiana Augustin : le coeur et la crise du sujetda
81CarteKIT1.1#1Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
82CarteKIT1.1#2Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
83CarteLAN5.1Lancel, Serge Saint Augustinda
84CarteMAN1.1Mansion, AugustinIntroduction a la Phisique aristotelicienneda
85CarteMAN5.1Mandouze, AndréSaint Augustin.L'aventure de la raison et de la grâceda
86CarteMAR23.1Marrou, Henri Saint Augustine et l'augustinismeda
87CarteMEE2.1.1Meer, Frits van derSaint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 1da
88CarteMEE2.1.2Meer, Frits van derSaint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 2da
89CarteOGL1.1Ogliari, D. Gratia et certamen. The Relationship between Grace and Free Will in the Discussion of Augustine with the so-called Semipelagiansnu
90CartePEP1.2Pepin, Jean Saint Augustin et la Dialectiqueda
91CartePER9.1Perler, Othmar Les voyages de Saint Augustinda
92CarteSAA2.1.1Saak, Eric Leland Augustinian theology in the later Middle Ages (vol. 1)da
93CarteSCI1.1Sciacca, Michele FedericoAugustinusda
94CarteTAS1.1Tasinato, MariaSulla curiosità. Apuleio e Augustinonu
95CarteVAN4.1Vannier, Marie-Anne Saint Augustin. La conversion en acteda
96CarteVAN6.1Van Bavel, Tarsicius JanSaint Augustinda
97Articolx-hol1Toivo J. Holopainen Augustine, Berengar and Anselm on the Role of Reason in Theologyda
98ArticolX-man1.1Mansion, AugustinLa theorie aristotelicienne du temps chez les peripateticiens medievauxda
99ArticolX-sch5.6Schabel C. si Courtenay W. J.Augustinian Quodlibeta after Giles of Romeda
100ArticolX-wal1.1Wald LuciaCe este augustinian " De grammatica" a lui Aurelius Augustinusda