
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
181CarteDEC1.1-Decretales Gregorii P. IX, Liber sextus Decretalium Bonifacii P. VIII, Clementis P. V Constitutiones, Extravagantes tum viginti Ioannis P. XXII tum Communesda
182CarteDEL3.1Delumeau, JeanLa peur en Occident, XIVe-XVIIIe siècles. Une cité assiégéeda
183CarteDEM2.1.1DemosthenesOrationes I (I-XIX)da
184CarteDEM2.1.2DemosthenisOrationes II (XX-XL)da
185CarteDEM2.1.3DemosthenisOrationes III (XLI-LXI)da
186CarteDEM2.3.2.1DemostenesOrationes II, pars I, (XX-XXIII)da
187CarteDEM2.4.1DemosthenesScholia in Orationes 1-18 continens Vol. 1da
188CarteDEM2.4.2DemosthenesScholia in Orationes 19-60 continens Vol.2da
189CarteDGR1.1Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, TheodorDictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. I, Α)da
190CarteDGR1.2Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, TheodorDictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. II, Β-Γ)da
191CarteDGR1.4Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, TheodorDictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. IV, Ε)da
192CarteDGR1.5Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, TheodorDictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. V, Ζ-Η-Θ-Ι)da
193CarteDGR1.6Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, TheodorDictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. VI, Κ)da
194CarteDIO1.1Pseudo-Dionysie AreopagitulDe caelesti hierarchiada
195CarteDIO1.2Ps.-Denys L'AreopagiteOeuvres completesda
196CarteDIO1.3Pseudo-Dionisie AreopagitulCorpus Dionisiacum, ed. B.R. Suchla, vol. I-IIda
197CarteDIO1.4Ps.-Denys L'AreopagiteLa hierarchie celeste, trad. M. de Gandillacda
198CarteDIO1.5.1Pseudo-Dionisie Areopagitul; Chevallier, Phillippe (ed.)Dionysiaca; vol. 1da
199CarteDIO1.5.2Pseudo-Dionisie Areopagitul; Chevallier, Phillippe (ed.)Dionysiaca; vol. 2da
200CarteDIO3.2Hammerstaedt, Jürgen; Morel, Pierre-Marie; Guremen, Refik (eds.)Diogenes of Oinoanda, epicureanism and philosophical debates/Diogène d'Œnoanda, épicurisme et controversesda
201CarteDIO6.1.1Diogenes LaertiusLives of eminent philosophers. Books 1-5da
202CarteDIO6.1.2Diogenes LaertiusLives of eminent philosophers. Books 6-10da
203CarteDRA1.1Draelants, I.; Balouzat-Loubet, C. (eds.)La formule au Moyen Age, II, (Formulas in Medieval Culture, II)da
204CarteDUB1.1Dubel, Sandrine; Favreau-Linder, Anne-Marie; Oudot, EstelleA l'Ecole d'Homere: la culture des orateurs et des sophistesda
205CarteDUB2.1Duba, William O.The Forge of Doctrine. The Academic Year 1330-31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris da