
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3761Articolx-ein1.1Einarson, BenedictAristotle's Protrepticus and the Structure of the Epinomisda
3762ArticolX-eld1.1Elders, LeoSaint Thomas d'Aquin et la metaphysique du "Liber de causis"da
3763ArticolX-els1.1 Elsakhawi, NabilQuelques Reflexions sur le Commentaire D'Averroes au Livre zay de la Metaphysique D'Aristoteda
3764Articolx-eme1.1 Emery, Gilles Le photinisme et ses precurseurs chez saint Thomasda
3765ArticolX-end1.1Endres, Joseph AntonPetrus Damiani Und Die Weltliche Wissenschaftda
3766Articolx-eva1.1 Evans, G.Inopes verborum sunt latini, Technical Language and Technical terms in the Writings of St.Anselm and some Commentators of the Mid-twelft Centuryda
3767ArticolX-fak1.1 Fakhry, Majid Al-Farabi on Plato and Aristotleda
3768Articolx-fei1.1 Feibleman, James K. The Therapy of the Dialecticda
3769Articolx-fei1.2 Feibleman, James K. On the Topics and Definitions of the Categoriesda
3770ArticolX-fer1.1 Ferge, Gabor Emendations to the Reinterpretation of Aristotle's Idea of To Ti Hn Einaida