
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1971Articolx-sch8Fredric W. SchlatterIsocrates, against the Sophists,16da
1972CarteFRE1.2Frenkian, Aram M.La methode hippocratique dans le Phedre de Platonda
1973CarteFRE1.1Frenkian, Aram M.Le monde homerique. Essai de protophilosophie grecqueda
1974CarteFRE5.1Freudenthal, GadScience in the medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditionsda
1975CarteFRE4.1Freyburger, GerardFides. Etude semantique et religieuse depuis les origines jusqu`a l`epoque augusteenneda
1976CarteFRI2.1.1Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.)Corpus Iuris Canonici. Pars priorda
1977CarteKIR2.1.6Friedhelm WinkelmannKirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/06da
1978CarteFRI1.1.1Friedman, Russell L.Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 1da
1979CarteFRI1.1.2Friedman, Russell L.Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 2da
1980CarteFRI1.2Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.)Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher : a Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda
1981CarteTWNT5Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 5da
1982CarteTWNT6Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 6da
1983CarteTWNT7Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 7da
1984CarteTWNT8Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 8da
1985CarteTWNT9Friedrich, GerhardThelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 9da
1986CarteFRO1.1Fronterotta, F; Leszl, W. (ed.)Eidos - Ideada
1987CarteFUC1.1Fuchs, Franz Venedig und der oberdeutsche Buchmarkt um 1500 da
1988CarteFUM1.1Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Parodi, MassimoStoria della filosofia medievale: da Boezio a Wyclifda
1989CarteFUM1.2Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Simonetta, Stefano (eds.)John Wyclif: logica, politica, teologiada
1990CarteFUN1.2Funkenstein, AmosTheology and the scientific imagination from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth centuryda
1991CarteFUR1.1Furley, David J.Two studies in the greek atomistsda
1992CarteFUR2.1Furtado, Rodrigo; Moscone, Marcello (eds.)From Charters to Codex: studies on cartularies and archival memory in the middle agesda
1993CarteHOM1.8.1G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. I (Books 1-4)da
1994CarteHOM1.8.2G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. II (Books 5-8)nu
1995CarteGAD1.2Gadamer, Hans-GeorgL'idée du bien comme enjeu platonico-aristotélicien: suivi de Le savoir pratique da