
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1898CarteEUS1.1.2Eusebius von CaesareaDes Eusebius Pamphili Bischofs von Cäsarea Kirchengeschichte (Band II)da
1899CarteEUS1.1.1Eusebius von CaesareaDes Eusebius Pamphili Bischofs von Cäsarea ausgewählte Schriften (I)da
1900CarteEUT1.1EutropiusEutropii breviarum ab urbe condita da
1902CarteHAA1.1F. de Haas, J. MansfeldAristotle's On generation and Corruption, I, Symposium Aristotelicumda
1903CarteBER8.2f.a.Bernard of Clairvaux. Studies Presented to Dom Jean Leclerqda
1904CarteFAB1.1Fabro, CornelioParticipation et causalite selon Thomas d'Aquinda
1905CarteFAG1.1Fagan, Garrett G.New perspectives on ancient warfareda
1906CarteFLS1.8Falà, Jacopo Francesco ; Zavattero, Irene (eds.)Divine Ideas in Franciscan Thought (XIIIth-XIVth century)da
1907CarteFAL2.1Falkener de Vratislavia, MichaelExplanatio super Aristotelis Librum Posteriorum Analyticorumda
1908CarteFAL1.1Falque, EmmanuelSaint Bonaventure et l'entrée de Dieu en théologie. La Somme theologique du Breliloquium (Prologue et premiere partie)da
1909CarteFAU1.1Faure, ÉlieIstoria artei : arta medievalăda
1910CarteCOD1.1Fausto CodinoEinfuhrung in Homerda
1911CarteVES1.1Federici-Vescovini, Graziella (ed.)Le problème des transcendantaux du XIVe au XVIIe siècleda
1912CarteBIB6.1.1Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. I)da
1913CarteBIB6.1.2Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. II)da
1914CarteBIB6.1.3Feldman, Louis H.; Kugel, L. James; Schiffman, Lawrence H. (eds.)Outside the Bible: ancient Jewish writings related to scripture (vol. III)da
1915CarteFEN1.1FenelonLes Aventures de Telemaque; suivies des aventures d'Aristonousda
1916Articolx-fer2.1Ferguson, A.S. On a Fragment of Gorgiasda
1917CarteFER3.1Fernandes, Carla Varela; Barreira Fernandes Catarina; Fontes Joao Luis InglesLoci Sepulcrales. Places of Memory and Burial in the Middle Agesda
1918Articolx-fer3.1Ferrois, Jose The Road to Modern Logic-An Interpretationda
1919CarteFER1.1Ferwerda, R.La signification des images et des metaphores dans la pensee de Plotinda
1920CartePLO1.4Ficino, MarsilioPlotini Divini illius e Platonica familia Philosophi De rebus Philosophicis libri LIIII in Enneades sex distributida