
Nr.  TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
1606CarteSAS1.1Sasu, Voichita-Maria De l'amour de l'aventure a l'aventure de l'amour (Moyen Age-Renaissance)da
1607CarteLEH1.1Lehmann, Yves (ed.)Aristoteles Romanus. La reception de la science aristotelicienne dans l'Empire greco-romainda
1608CarteCES1.1Cesalli L., Germann N., Hoenen M.J.F.M.University, Council, City. Intellectual Culture on the Rhine (1300-1550)da
1609CarteDEN4.1D.G. Denery II, K. Ghosh, N. Zeeman (ed.)Uncertain Knowledge. Scepticism, Relativism, and Doubt in the Middle Agesnu
1610CarteWEI1.16Weijers, OlgaIn search of the truth. A history of disputation techniques from antiquity to early modern timesda
1611CarteWEI1.17#1Weijers, OlgaA scholar's paradise: Teaching and debating in medieval Parisda
1612CarteVOI1.1Voicu, MihaelaLa litterature francaise du Moyen Age. Xe-XVe sieclesda
1613CarteTHO4.1.1Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxfordda
1614CarteTHO4.1.2Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume II: Cambridgeda
1615CarteABE1.4.1Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus)Opera Theologica I-IIda
1616CarteABE1.4.2Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus)Opera Theologica IIIda
1617CarteABE1.4.3Pierre Abelard (Petrus Abaelardus)Opera Theologica IV-VIda
1618CarteLOH1.2Lohr, Charles H. Commentateurs d'Aristote au Moyen-Age latin. Bibliographie de la litterature secondaire recenteda
1619CarteANC1.4Cristina D'Ancona (ed.)Storia della filosofia nell'Islam medievale. Vol.I da
1620CarteTRO2.1Trouillard, Jean La purification plotinienne da
1621CarteGIR1.1Girgenti, GiuseppeIl pensiero forte di Porfirio. Mediazione fra henologia platonica e ontologia aristotelicada
1622CarteDAM3.2.1Damascius Commentaire du Parmenide de Platon, , tome I (ed. Westerink)da
1623CarteHEN3.1Paul Henry, S. J. Plotin et l'Occident. Firmicus Maternus, Marius Victorinus, Saint Augustin et Macrobe da
1624CarteGER3.1Gerson, Lloyd P. (ed.)The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus da
1625CartePRO1.3.2#1Proclos (Proclus); A. J . Festugiere (trad.)Commentaire sur le Timee. Livre II da
1626CartePRO1.3.3Proclos (Proclus); A. J . Festugiere (trad.)Commentaire sur le Timee. Livre IIIda
1627CartePRO1.4Proclos (Proclus); E. R. Dodds (trad.)The Elements of theology da
1628CarteTRO2.2Trouillard, Jean L'Un et l`ame selon Proclos da
1629CarteLAU1.1 Laurent, Jerome Les fondements de la nature dans la pensee de Plotin. Procession et participarion da
1630CarteAFR1.2Alexandru din Afrodisia; Themistius; Frederic M. Schroeder, Robert B. Todd (eds.)Two greek aristotelian commentators on The intellect. The De Intellectu attributed to Alexander of Aphrodisias and Themistius` Paraphrase of Aristotle De anima 3.4-8da