911 | Carte | CON2.1 | Connelly, Joan Breton | Portrait of a priestess : women and ritual in ancient Greece | da |
912 | Carte | COP1.1 | Nicolaus Copernic | La struttura del cosmo | da |
913 | Carte | COP2.1 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. I: Greece and Rome | da |
914 | Carte | COP2.2 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. II: Augustine to Scotus | da |
915 | Carte | COP2.3 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. III: Ockham to Suárez | da |
916 | Carte | COP2.4 | Copleston, Frederick | Medieval Philosophy | da |
917 | Carte | COR1.1 | Corbin, Michel | Saint Anselme | da |
918 | Carte | COR1.2 | Corbin, Michel | Le chemin de la theologie chez Thomas d'Aquin | da |
919 | Carte | COR1.3 | Corbin Michel | La doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité | da |
920 | Carte | COR2.1 | Corte, Marcel de | La doctrine de l'intelligence chez Aristote | da |
921 | Carte | COR3.1 | Cornford, Francis M. | Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist) | da |
922 | Carte | COR4.1 | Cornea, Andrei | Scriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platon | da |
923 | Carte | COR5.1 | Corbin, Henry | L'homme et son ange | da |
924 | Carte | COR6.1 | Theophile Corydalee | Commentaire a la Metaphysique | da |
925 | Carte | COR6.2 | Theophile Corydalee | Introduction a la logique | da |
926 | Carte | COR6.3 | Teofil Coridaleu | Comentariu la tratatul Despre suflet al lui Aristotel (Cartea I) | da |
927 | Carte | COS1.1 | Pseudo-Aristotel | Liber de causis | da |
928 | Carte | COS2.1#1 | Costa, Iacopo | Anonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelis | da |
929 | Carte | COS2.1#2 | Costa, Iacopo | Anonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelis | da |
930 | Carte | COS2.2 | Costa, Iacopo (ed.) | Le 'questiones' di Radulfo Brito sull’ « Etica Nicomachea » | da |
931 | Carte | COU1.1 | Couloubaritsis, Lambros | La Phisique d'Aristote | da |
932 | Carte | COU1.2 | Couloubaritsis, Lambros | Histoire de la philosophie ancienne et medievale : figures illustres | da |
933 | Carte | COU2.1.1 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol I | nu |
934 | Carte | COU2.1.2 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol II | nu |
935 | Carte | COU2.1.3 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol III | nu |
936 | Carte | COU2.2 | Courcelle, Pierre | Les Confessions. De Saint Augustin dans la tradition litteraire | da |
937 | Carte | COU2.3.1 | Courcelle, Pierre | Lecteurs paiens et lecteurs chretiens de l`eneide vol I | da |
938 | Carte | COU2.3.2 | Courcelle, Pierre | Lecteurs paiens et lecteurs chretiens de l`eneide vol 2 | da |
939 | Carte | COU2.4 | Courcelle, Pierre | La consolation de philosophie dans la tradition littéraire : antécédent et postérité de Boèce | da |
940 | Carte | COU2.5 | Courcelle, Pierre | Recherches sur les Confessions de Saint Augustin | da |
941 | Carte | COU3.1 | Coulter, M. Dale | Per visibilia ad invisibilia. Theological method in Richard of St. Victor | da |
942 | Carte | COU5.1 | Courtenay, William | Schools and Scholars in fourteenth century England | nu |
943 | Carte | COU5.2 | Courtenay, William J. | Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portrait | da |
944 | Carte | COU5.3 | Duba, W. O.; Friedman, R. L.; Schabel, C. (eds.) | Studies in Later Medieval Intellectual History in Honor of William J. Courtenay | da |
945 | Carte | COU5.4 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part two | da |
946 | Carte | COU5.4.1 | Courtenay, William J. (ed.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume I: 1316-1349 | da |
947 | Carte | COU5.4.2 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume II: 1352-1378 | da |
948 | Carte | COU5.4.3.1 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part one | da |
949 | Carte | COU6.1 | Courtine, Jean-François | Suarez et le système de la métaphysique | da |
950 | Carte | COV1.1 | Cova, Luciano | Peccato originale. Agostino e il Medioevo | da |
951 | Carte | COW1.1 | Cowling, David; Bruun, Mette B. (eds.) | Commonplace culture in western Europe in the early modern period, 1: Reformation, Counter-Reformation and revolt | nu |
952 | Carte | COX1.1 | Cox, Cheryl Anne | Household interests : property, marriage strategies, and family dynamics in ancient Athens | da |
953 | Carte | CRA1.1 | Craemer-Ruegenberg, Ingrid | Albertus Magnus | da |
954 | Carte | CRE1.1 | Crescas, Hasdai | Light of the Lord | da |
955 | Carte | CRE1.2 | Crescas, Hasda | Sefer or adonai | da |
956 | Carte | CRI1.1 | Crisciani, Chiara | Vita longa | da |
957 | Carte | CRI1.2 | Crisciani, Chiara; Zuccolin, Gabriella (eds.) | Michele Savonarola. Medicina e cultura de corte | da |
958 | Carte | CRI2.1 | Gilbert Crispin (Abbot of Westminster) | Disputatio iudaei et christiani ; Disputatio christiani cum gentili de fide Christi | da |
959 | Carte | CRI3.1 | Crîşmăreanu, Florin | Analogie şi hristologie. Studii dionisiene şi maximiene | da |
960 | Carte | CRI3.2 | Crîșmăreanu, Florin | Quae videntur omnia cruce egent | da |