3011 | Carte | REA2.1 | Jean de Reading | Scriptum in primum librum sententiarum. Distinctio 1, Quaestiones 1-6 | da |
3012 | Carte | THO1.18 | Toma din Aquino | La Royauté | da |
3013 | Carte | ALBC27.2 | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia (De Homine ) | da |
3014 | Carte | ALBC1.1a | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia (Super Porphyrium de v universalibus) | da |
3015 | Carte | ALBC1.1b | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia (De praedicamentis) | da |
3016 | Carte | ALBC1.2 | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia (De sex principiis, Liber divisionum) | da |
3017 | Carte | ALBC6.1 | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia (Meteora) | da |
3018 | Carte | ALBC7.2a | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia (De nutrimento et nutrito, De sensu et sensato cuius secundus liber est De memoria et reminiscentia ) | da |
3019 | Carte | ALBC29.1 | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia ( Super I Librum Sententiarum : Distinctiones 1-3) | da |
3020 | Carte | ALBC39 | Albert cel Mare | Opera omnia (Super Euclidem ) | da |
3021 | Carte | ALBC-sup1.1 | Albert cel Mare | Die Werke des Albertus Magnus in ihrer handschriftlichen Überlieferung | da |
3022 | Carte | ADA1.1.1 | Marilyn McCord Adams | William Ockham (vol. I) | da |
3023 | Carte | ADA1.1.2 | Marilyn McCord Adams | William Ockham (vol. II) | da |
3024 | Carte | COU5.4 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part two | da |
3025 | Carte | BPhM48 | | Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 48 | da |
3026 | Carte | BPhM47 | | Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 47 | da |
3027 | Carte | RTPMB9 | Andreas Speer; Fiorella Retucci; Thomas Jeschke; Guy Guldentops (eds.) | Recherches de théologie et philosophie médiévales. Bibliotheca vol. 9 (Durand of Saint-Pourçain and his "Sentences" commentary) | da |
3028 | Carte | RTPM78.2 | | Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales. Vol. 78, issue 2 | da |
3029 | Carte | RTPM81.1 | | Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, Vol. 81, issue 1 | da |
3030 | Carte | MCG3.1 | McGinn, Bernard | Apocalyptic Spirituality: Treatises and Letters of Lactantius, Adso of Montier-en-Der, Joachim of Fiore, the Franciscan Spirituals, Savonarola | da |
3031 | Carte | WAN1.1 | Wannenmacher, Julia Eva (ed.) | Joachim of Fiore and the Influence of Inspiration: Essays in Memory of Marjorie E. Reeves (1905-2003) | da |
3032 | Carte | RUS1.1 | Rusconi, Roberto | Profezia e profeti alla fine del Medioevo | da |
3033 | Carte | LOM1.4.1 | Peter Lombard | The Sentences, book 1: The mystery of the Trinity | da |
3034 | Carte | ABE1.6 | Pierre Abelard | Abaelard: Der Briefwechsel mit Heloisa | da |
3035 | Carte | MCG4.1 | McGinnis, Jon; Reisman, David C. (transl.) | Classical Arabic Philosophy: an Anthology of Sources | da |
3036 | Carte | ALF1.1.1 | Alfarabi | The Political Writings: "Selected Aphorisms" and Other Texts (vol. 1) | da |
3037 | Carte | WIT1.1 | Witt, Ronald G. | The Two Latin Cultures and the Foundation of Renaissance Humanism in Medieval Italy | nu |
3038 | Carte | SIM2.1.1 | Simplicius | Commentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. I) | da |
3039 | Carte | SIM2.1.2 | Simplicius | Commentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. II) | da |
3040 | Carte | AND3.1 | Pseudo-Andronicus din Rhodos | 'Peri pathon' | da |
3041 | Carte | NEM1.2 | Nemesius din Emesa | De natura hominis | da |
3042 | Carte | LEV2.1 | Levet, Jean-Pierre | Le vrai et le faux dans la pensée grecque archaïque : D'Hesiode à la fin du Ve siècle | da |
3043 | Carte | NAR1.4 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc | Hénologie, ontologie et Ereignis (Plotin, Proclus, Heidegger) | da |
3044 | Carte | EBB1.1 | Ebbott, Mary | Imagining illegitimacy in classical Greek literature | da |
3045 | Carte | AUL2.1 | Bradley A. Ault, Lisa C. Nevett (ed.) | Ancient Greek houses and households : chronological, regional, and social diversity | da |
3046 | Carte | CON2.1 | Connelly, Joan Breton | Portrait of a priestess : women and ritual in ancient Greece | da |
3047 | Carte | BIB2.2 | Weber-Gryson (ed.) | Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionem | da |
3048 | Carte | CAN4.1 | Luciano Canfora | Storia della letteratura greca | da |
3049 | Carte | LEF3.1 | Lefkowitz, Mary R. | Women in Greek myth | da |
3050 | Carte | LOV1.1 | Larsson Lovén, Lena ; Strömberg, Agneta (ed.) | Ancient marriage in myth and reality | da |
3051 | Carte | GIL3.1 | Gill, Christopher; Postlethwaite, Norman; Seaford, Richard (eds.) | Reciprocity in ancient Greece | da |
3052 | Carte | ECKL1.3.1.2 | Meister Eckhart | Die lateinischen Werke I, 2 (Prologi in Opus tripartitum, Expositio libri Genesis, Liber parabolarum Genesis, Quaestiones parisienses, Collatio in libros sententiarum) | da |
3053 | Carte | ADO1.1.3 | Adorno, Francesco | La filosofia antica: Pensiero, culture e concezioni religiose. II secolo a.C.-II secolo d.C. (vol. III) | da |
3054 | Carte | ADO1.1.4 | Adorno, Francesco | La filosofia antica: Cultura, filosofia, politica e religiosita. II-VI secolo d.C (vol. IV) | da |
3055 | Carte | RTPM85.1 | | Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, Vol. 85, issue 1 | da |
3056 | Carte | RTPM78.1 | | Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, vol. 78, issue 1 | da |
3057 | Carte | STE4.1 | Steneck, H. Nicholas | Science and creation in the Middle Ages: Henry of Langenstein (d. 1397) on genesis | da |
3058 | Carte | COU5.4.3.1 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part one | da |
3059 | Carte | AVs2 | Mikołaj, Olszewski | Dominican Theology at the Crossroads. A Critical Edition and Study of the Prologues to the Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard’s by James of Metz and Hervaeus Natalis | da |
3060 | Carte | ALF1.1.2 | Alfarabi | The Political Writings: "Political Regime" and "Summary of Plato`s Laws" (vol. 2) | da |