2951 | Articol | X-mca1.1 | McAleer, Graham | Giles of Rome on political authority | da |
2952 | Carte | MCE1.2 | McEvoy, James | Mystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on De Mystica Theologia | da |
2953 | Carte | MCG2.1 | McGrade, Arthur S. ; Killcullen, John ; Kempshall, Matthew (ed.) | The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts, Volume Two: Ethics and Political Philosophy | da |
2954 | Carte | MCG1.1 | McGrath, S. J. | The Early Heidegger and Medieval Philosophy | da |
2955 | Carte | MCI1.1 | McInerney, Maud Burnett (ed.) | Hildegard of Bingen: a Book of Essays | da |
2956 | Articol | x-keo1.2 | McKeon, Richard | Dialogue and Controversy in Philosophy | da |
2957 | Articol | x-mck1.1 | McKie, John R. | The Persusasiveness of Zeno's Paradoxes | da |
2958 | Articol | x-kin2.1 | McKinney, Ronald H. | The Origins of Modern DIalectics | da |
2959 | Carte | MCT1.1 | Mctavish, Lianne | Childbirth and the Display of Authority in Early Modern France | da |
2960 | Carte | MCW1.1 | McWebb, Christine | Debating the roman de la rose | da |
2961 | Carte | MEE2.1.1 | Meer, Frits van der | Saint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 1 | da |
2962 | Carte | MEE2.1.2 | Meer, Frits van der | Saint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 2 | da |
2963 | Carte | MEE1.1 | Meerseman, G. | Laurentii Pignon Catalogi et Chronica accedunt Catalogi Stamnensis et Upsalensis Scriptorum | da |
2964 | Carte | MEI2.1 | Meier, Christel; Wagner-Egelhaaf, Martina (eds.) | Prophetie und Autorschaft : Charisma, Heilsversprechen und Gefährdung | da |
2965 | Carte | MEI1.8#2 | Meirinhos, Jose ; Lopez, Celia ; Rebalde, Alcade ; Rebalde, Joao (eds.) | Secrets and Discovery in the Middle Ages | da |
2966 | Carte | MEI1.3 | Meirinhos, José Francisco | Estudios de Filosofia Medieval | da |
2967 | Carte | MEI1.2 | Meirinhos, José Francisco | Metafisica do Homem | da |
2968 | Carte | MEI1.4 | Meirinhos, José Francisco (ed.) | Itinéraires de la raison | da |
2969 | Carte | MEI1.5 | Meirinhos, José; Lázaro Pulido, Manuel (org.) | Pensar a naturaleza | da |
2970 | Carte | MEI1.6 | Meirinhos, José; Oliveira e Silva, Paula (org.) | As Disputaçoes Metafisicas de Francisco Suárez | da |
2971 | Carte | MEI1.1 | Meirinhos, José Francisco; Weijers, Olga | Florilegium mediaevale | da |
2972 | Carte | MEI3.1 | Meiroșu, Anca | Magia în literatura latină din epoca imperială timpurie (sec. I-II d. Hr.) | da |
2973 | Carte | ECKL1.3.1.2 | Meister Eckhart | Die lateinischen Werke I, 2 (Prologi in Opus tripartitum, Expositio libri Genesis, Liber parabolarum Genesis, Quaestiones parisienses, Collatio in libros sententiarum) | da |
2974 | Carte | ECKL1.1 | Meister Eckhart | Die lateinischen Werke I, 1 (Prologi expositio libri genesis, liber parabolarum genesis) | da |
2975 | Carte | ECKL3 | Meister Eckhart | Die lateinischen Werke III (Expositio sancti Evangelii secundum Iohannem) | da |
2976 | Carte | ECKL4 | Meister Eckhart | Die lateinischen Werke IV (Sermones) | da |
2977 | Carte | ECKL5 | Meister Eckhart | Die lateinischen Werke V (Traktate) | da |
2978 | Carte | ECKL2 | Meister Eckhart | Die lateinischen Werke II (Expositio Libri Exodi, Sermones et Lectiones super Ecclesiastici cap. 24, Expositio Libri Sapientiae, Expositio Cant. Canticorum cap. 1,6) | da |
2979 | Carte | ECK3.1 | Meister Eckhart | Meister Eckhart: a modern translation | da |
2980 | Carte | MEL3.1 | Melamed, Avraham | The Philosopher-King in Medieval and Renaissance Jewish Thought | da |
2981 | Articol | X-mel1.1 | Meliado M. și Negri S. | Neues Zum Pariser Albertismus des Fruhen 15. Jahrhunderts. | da |
2982 | Carte | MEN1.1.1 | Menander | Quae supersunt, pars prior (ed. Koerte) | da |
2983 | Carte | MEN1.2 | Menander | Sententiae | da |
2984 | Carte | MER3.1 | Merino, José Antonio | Storia della filosofia francescana | da |
2985 | Carte | MER4.1 | Merlan, Philip | From platonism to neoplatonism | da |
2986 | Carte | MES2.1 | Mesaroş, Claudiu (ed.) | Viaţa şi opera Sfântului Gerard din Cenad | da |
2987 | Carte | MES1.1 | Meslin, Michel | Le christianisme dans l'Empire Romain | da |
2988 | Carte | PSE1.3.1 | Michael Psellos | Chronographie ou histoire d'un siècle de Byzance : (976 - 1077). Tome 1 | da |
2989 | Carte | PSE1.3.2 | Michael Psellos | Chronographie ou histoire d'un siècle de Byzance : (976 - 1077). Tome 2 | da |
2990 | Carte | PSE1.2.1 | Michael Psellus | Theologica vol.1 (ed. Gautier) | da |
2991 | Carte | MIC2.1 | Michalski, Konstanty | Histoire de la philosophie | da |
2992 | Articol | X-mic3.1 | Michaud-Quantin, Pierre | La conscience d'etre membre d'une universitas | da |
2993 | Carte | MIC3.1 | Michaud-Quatin, Pierre | La psychologie de l'activite chez Albert le Grand | nu |
2994 | Carte | MON8.1 | Michel de Montaigne | Eseurile despre relații, sexualitate și experiență | da |
2995 | Carte | MIC1.1 | Michel, Alain | La parole et la beaute. Rhetorique et esthetique dans la tradition occidentale | da |
2996 | Articol | X-mic1.1 | Michot, Jean | Avicenne, La Definition de l'ame, Section I de l'Epitre des etats de l'ame: traduction critique et lexique | da |
2997 | Articol | X-mic2.1 | Michou, Cyrille | Asymetries: Thomas d'Aquin et Guillaume d'Occam precurseurs de Frege | da |
2998 | Carte | MIH2.1 | Mihailov, Emilian; Constantinescu, Mihaela; Flonta, Mircea (eds.) | Acțiune și rațiune | da |
2999 | Carte | AVs2 | Mikołaj, Olszewski | Dominican Theology at the Crossroads. A Critical Edition and Study of the Prologues to the Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard’s by James of Metz and Hervaeus Natalis | da |
3000 | Carte | MIL2.1 | Miller, Stephen G. ; Stampulēs, Chrēstos ; Miller, Stephen G. | Archaios ellēnikos athlētismos | da |