2261 | Articol | x-bru1.2 | Brunn, Emilie Zum | Maitre Eckhart et le nom inconnu de l'ame | da |
2262 | Articol | x-pas1.2 | Pasqua, Herve | Maitre Eckhart: l'oubli de l'etre et l'avenement de l'intellect | da |
2263 | Carte | RIC3.1 | Riche, Pierre; Verger, Jacques | Maitres et eleves au Moyen Age | da |
2264 | Carte | GRE5.1 | Green, Monica H. | Making Women's Medicine Masculine. The Rise of Male Authority in Pe-Modern Gynaecology. | da |
2265 | Carte | MAR20.1 | Martial, Stace | Manilius, Lucilius Junior, Rutilius, Gratius Faliscus, Nemesianus et Calpurnius (Oeuvres Completes) | da |
2266 | Carte | NOR1.1 | Norberg, Dag | Manuale di latino medievale | da |
2267 | Carte | CRO2.1 | Croiset, Alfred et Maurice | Manuel d'histoire de litterature grecque | da |
2268 | Carte | PAR1.1 | Parisse, Michel | Manuel de paléographie médiévale | nu |
2269 | Carte | SME1.1 | Smet, Joachim (ed.) | Manuscripts in the Vatican Library relating to the Carmelite Order | da |
2270 | Carte | PAP1.4 | Papahagi, Adrian (coord.) | Manuscrisele medievale occidentale din România: Census | da |
2271 | Carte | GRE4.2 | Greenhalgh, Michael | Marble past, monumental present. Building with antiquities in the mediaeval Mediterranean | da |
2272 | Carte | CAR6.1 | Carmassi, Patrizia | Marginalien in Bild und Text : Essays zu mittelalterlichen Handschriften | da |
2273 | Carte | FIE1.1 | Field, Sean L.; Lerner, R. E.; Piron, S (ed.) | Marguerite Porete et le miroir des simples âmes. Perspective Historiques, Philosophiques et litteraires | da |
2274 | Carte | REH1.1 | Rehm, Rush | Marriage to Death, The Conflation of Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Greek Tragedy | da |
2275 | Carte | CUL1.1 | Culianu, Ioan Petru | Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) si problemele platonismului in Renastere | da |
2276 | Carte | STE7.1 | Stefani, Matteo (ed.) | Marsilio Ficino lettore di Apuleio filosofo e dell'Asclepius: le note autografe nei codici Ambrosiano S 14 Sup. e Riccardiano 709 | da |
2277 | Articol | X-kal1.1 | Kaluza, Zenon | Materialy do katalogu dziel Heimeryka de Campo | da |
2278 | Carte | MAI2.1 | Maillard, Jean Francois; Monok, Istvan; Nebbiai, Donatella (eds.) | Matthias Corvin, Les Bibliotheques Princieres Et La Genese De L'Etat Moderne | da |
2279 | Carte | LTHK7 | Buchberger, Michael | Mauretanien bis Patrologie | da |
2280 | Carte | CAD1.1 | Cadden, Joan | Meanings of Sex Difference in the Middle Ages. Medicine, Science and Culture. | da |
2281 | Carte | GET1.1 | Hosidivs Geta | Medea. Cento vergilianvs | da |
2282 | Carte | EUR1.5 | Euripide | Medee | da |
2283 | Carte | ROS1.3.2 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard Vol II | da |
2284 | Carte | ROS1.3.3 | Philipp W. Rosemann | Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard: Volume 3 | da |
2285 | Carte | MS2.1#1 | *** | Mediaeval Studies.: general index | da |
2286 | Carte | MS2.1#2 | *** | Mediaeval Studies.: general index | da |
2287 | Carte | MS2.2 | *** | Mediaeval Studies.: general index | da |
2288 | Carte | MS2.3 | *** | Mediaeval Studies.: general index | da |
2289 | Carte | MUD1.1 | Mudry, Philippe | Medicina, soror philosophiae | da |
2290 | Carte | BAK1.1 | Patricia A. Baker, Han Nijdam, Karine van `t Land | Medicine and Space. Body, Surroundings and Borders in Antiquity and the Middle Ages | da |
2291 | Carte | TUR2.1 | Turner, Wendy J.; Butler,Sara M.; | Medicine and the Law in the Middle Ages | da |
2292 | Carte | DUH1.2 | Duhem, Pierre; Arrew, Roger (ed.) | Medieval Cosmology. Theories of infinity, place, time, void, and the plurality of worlds | da |
2293 | Carte | DAL1.1 | Dales, Richard C. | Medieval discussions of the eternity of the world | da |
2294 | Carte | MedEn24 | | Medieval Encounters | da |
2295 | Carte | SZP1.1 | Ryan Szpiech | Medieval Exegesis and Religious Difference. Commentary, Conflict and Community in the Premodern Mediterranean | da |
2296 | Carte | HEN5.1 | Henry, D. P. | Medieval Logic and Metaphysics. A Modern Introduction | da |
2297 | Carte | BAL4.1 | Băltuță, Elena (ed.) | Medieval Perceptual Puzzles. Theories of Sense Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries | da |
2298 | Carte | MAU1.1 | Maurer, Armand A. | Medieval Philosophy | da |
2299 | Carte | COP2.4 | Copleston, Frederick | Medieval Philosophy | da |
2300 | Carte | AER1.5 | Aertsen, Jan | Medieval Philosophy and the transcendentals. The case of Thomas Aquinas | da |
2301 | Carte | AER1.4 | Aertsen, Jan. A. | Medieval Philosophy as Transcendental Thought, from Philip the Cancellor (ca.1225) to Francisco Suarez | da |
2302 | Articol | x-ste1.2 | Steel Carlos | Medieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the "Averroistic" Ideal of Happiness | da |
2303 | Carte | KON1.4 | König-Pralong, Catherine | Médiévisme philosophique et raison moderne. De Pierre Bayle à Ernest Renan | da |
2304 | Carte | BRI1.1 | Briguglia, Gianluca (ed) | Medioevo in discussione. Temi, problemi, interpretazioni del pensiero medievale | da |
2305 | Carte | HUG1.5 | Hugo din Saint-Victor | Meditatii spirituale | da |
2306 | Carte | CLA5.1 | Classen, Albrecht (ed.) | Meeting the Foreign in the Middle Ages | da |
2307 | Carte | ECK3.1 | Meister Eckhart | Meister Eckhart: a modern translation | da |
2308 | Carte | ~A.XV/57 | *** | Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Joseph | da |
2309 | Carte | MEL2.1 | | Melanges de Philosophie, de Literature et d'Histoire Ancienne Offerts a Pierre Boyance | da |
2310 | Carte | XEN1.2 | Xenophon | Memorabilia | da |
2311 | Articol | X-war1.2 | Warren, Edward W. | Memory in Plotinus | da |
2312 | Carte | MCC1.1 | Mcclive, Cathy | Menstruation and Procreation in Early Modern France | da |
2313 | Carte | MEI1.2 | Meirinhos, José Francisco | Metafisica do Homem | da |
2314 | Carte | SAL2.3 | Ioannes Saresberiensis | Metalogicon | da |
2315 | Carte | SAL2.2 | Ioan din Salisbury; Hugo de Saint-Victor | Metalogicon, de septem septenis; Didascalicon | da |
2316 | Carte | APU1.1 | Apuleius | Metamorphoseis | da |
2317 | Carte | APU1.2 | Lucius Apuleius | Metamorphoseon | da |
2318 | Carte | OVI1.2 | Publius Ovidius Naso | Metamorphoses | da |
2319 | Articol | X-mce1.1 | McEvoy, James | Metaphors of Light and Metaphysics of Light in Eriugena | da |
2320 | Carte | ARI1.44 | Aristotel | Metaphysica | da |
2321 | Carte | ARI1.1 | Aristotel | Metaphysica | da |
2322 | Carte | ARI1.57 | Aristotel | Metaphysica (ed. W. Christ) | da |
2323 | Carte | AL25.1.1 | Aristotel | Metaphysica Lib. I-IV. 4 (Aristoteles) | da |
2324 | Carte | AL25.2 | Aristotel | Metaphysica Lib. I-X, XII-XIV (Aristoteles) | da |
2325 | Articol | X-ari1.1 | Aristotel | Metaphysica, Cartea XIII | da |
2326 | Carte | AL25.3.1 | Aristotel | Metaphysica, Lib. I-XIV (Aristoteles) | da |
2327 | Carte | AL25.3.2 | Aristotel | Metaphysica, Lib. I-XIV (Aristoteles) | da |
2328 | Carte | ARI1.6 | Aristotel | Metaphysics (I-IX) | da |
2329 | Carte | ARI1.7 | Aristotel | Metaphysics (X-XIV), Oeconomica, Magna Moralia | da |
2330 | Carte | FIC1.1 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Métaphysique de la lumière | da |
2331 | Carte | AL10.1 | Aristotel | Meteorologica (Aristoteles) | da |
2332 | Carte | AL10.2.1 | Aristotel | Meteorologica (Aristoteles) | da |
2333 | Carte | AL10.2.2 | Aristotel | Meteorologica (Aristoteles) | da |
2334 | Articol | X-poi1.9 | Poirel, Dominique | Metephysique de la lumiére dans la tradition dionysienne latine | da |
2335 | Carte | GAS1.2 | Gasiorowski, A., Jurek, T., Dkierska, I. (eds.) | Metryka czyli album Uniwersitetu Krkowskiego z lat 1509-1551 | da |
2336 | Carte | GAS1.1.1 | Gasiorowski, Antoni; Jurek, Tomasz; Skierska, Izabela (eds.) | Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Tom I | da |
2337 | Carte | GAS1.1.2 | Gasiorowski, Antoni; Jurek, Tomasz; Skierska, Izabela (eds.) | Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Tom II | da |
2338 | Carte | PAS2.1 | Pasalodos Requejo, Sergio | Michele Savonarola y el primer tratado panitaliano de balneis | da |
2339 | Carte | CRI1.2 | Crisciani, Chiara; Zuccolin, Gabriella (eds.) | Michele Savonarola. Medicina e cultura de corte | da |
2340 | Carte | GER5.1 | Gershom, Levi ben | Milhamot ha-Shem | da |
2341 | Carte | SIM1.1 | Simon, Bennett | Mind And Madness In Ancient Greece. The Classical Roots of Modern Psychiatry | da |
2342 | Carte | IMB1.3 | Imbach, Ruedi | Minima mediaevalia. Saggi di filosofia medievale | da |
2343 | Carte | BAL5.1 | Balard, Michel (ed.) | Miracles, prodiges et merveilles au Moyen Age : XXVe Congrès de la S.H.M.E.S. (Orléans, juin 1994) | da |
2344 | Carte | GRE2.3 | Grellard, Christophe (ed.) | Miroir de l'amitié: mélanges offerts à Joël Biard à l'occasion de ses 65 ans | da |
2345 | Carte | PAT3.2 | Patocka, Jan | Mișcare, lume, tehnică. Studii fenomenologice | da |
2346 | Carte | PSE1.1 | Anonymous; Psellos, Michael | Miscellanea Philosophica. A Miscellany in the Tradition of Michael Psellos | da |
2347 | Carte | PAT1.1.1 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: I. Liber de Causis | da |
2348 | Carte | PAT1.1.2 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: II. Metafysische thema's en notities | da |
2349 | Carte | PAT1.1.3 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: III. Belangrijke figuren uit het Middleeuwse geestesleven | da |
2350 | Carte | PAT1.1.4 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: IV. Denkers uit Vlaamse gewesten | da |
2351 | Carte | PAT1.1.5 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: V. Sint-Thomas en Aristoteles. Codicologie en filosofische terminologie | da |
2352 | Carte | COJ1.1 | Cojocaru, V; Rubel, A; | Mobility in reasearch on the Black Sea Region | da |
2353 | Carte | ABR1.1 | Abram, M; Dlabacova, A; Falque, I; Signore, G; | Mobilty of ideas and transmisson of texts | da |
2354 | Carte | DES1.1 | Desremaux, Alain; Schmidt, Francis(ed.) | Moïse géographe. Recherches sur les représentations juives et chrétiennes de l'espace | da |
2355 | Carte | SUC1.1 | Suciu, Alin | Monahul și scribul. Creștinismul egiptean între idealul monahal și cultura scrisă | da |
2356 | Carte | TEO2.1.1 | Theodoret von Cyrus | Monchsgeschichte | da |
2357 | Carte | PAR3.1 | Parry, J.; Bloch, M. | Money and the Morality of Exchange | da |
2358 | Carte | ANS1.5 | Anselm de Canterbury | Monologion | da |
2359 | Carte | ANS1.1 | Anselm din Canterbury | Monologion despre esenta divinitatii | da |
2360 | Carte | OSW1.1 | Oswald, Dana M. | Monster, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval English Literature | da |