
Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
1611CarteCOD2.1Coda, Elisa (ed.)Insegnare e disputare : la vita intellettuale e universitaria nel Medioevonu
1612CarteCOH1.1Cohen, DavidLaw, sexuality, and society: the enforcement of morals in classical Athensda
1613CarteCOH2.1Cohen-Hanegbi, Naama; Nagy, Piroska (eds.)Pleasure in the Middle Agesnu
1614CarteCOJ1.1Cojocaru, V; Rubel, A; Mobility in reasearch on the Black Sea Region da
1616CarteHEB1.1Colloque international sur la paléographie hébraïque médiévale Paris 1972.La paléographie hébraïque médiévale. Paris, 11-13 septembre 1972 : [actes du Colloque Internationaux Du Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique]da
1617CarteCOL1.1Colombo, GiuseppeInvito al pensiero di Sant'Anselmoda
1618CarteCOM4.1Coman, DanielAnselm din Canterbury. Influențe și receptări în logica și teologia medievală cu un studiu de caz pe comentariile sentențiare din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-leada
1619CarteCOM3.1.1Combes, AndréEssai sur la critique de Ruysbroeck par Gerson. Tome 1 Introduction critique et dossier documentaireda
1620CarteCON2.1Connelly, Joan BretonPortrait of a priestess : women and ritual in ancient Greeceda
1621CarteCEL2.1Conradus celtis Opusculada
1622CarteMIH1.1Constantin-Ionut MihaiDiscurs protreptic şi mod de viaţă în filosofia anticăda
1623CarteBIB3.1Coogan, Michael David; Brettler, Marc Zvi ; Newsom, Carol Ann (eds.)The new Oxford annotated Bibleda
1624CarteCOP2.1Copleston, FrederickA History of Philosophy. Vol. I: Greece and Romeda
1625CarteCOP2.2Copleston, FrederickA History of Philosophy. Vol. II: Augustine to Scotusda
1626CarteCOP2.3Copleston, FrederickA History of Philosophy. Vol. III: Ockham to Suárezda
1627CarteCOP2.4Copleston, FrederickMedieval Philosophyda
1628CarteBIBL1.49Corbellini, Sabrina; Murano, Giovanna; Signore, Giacomo (ed.)Collecting, organizing and transmitting knowledge [Texte imprimé] : Miscellanies in late medieval Europenu
1629Articolx-cor5.1Corbett, S.M. Zeno's 'Achilles": A Reply to John McKieda
1630CarteCOR1.3Corbin MichelLa doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité da
1631CarteCOR5.1Corbin, HenryL'homme et son angeda
1632CarteCOR1.1Corbin, MichelSaint Anselmeda
1633CarteCOR1.2Corbin, MichelLe chemin de la theologie chez Thomas d'Aquinda
1634Articolx-cor4.2Corcoran, JohnConceptual Structure of Classical Logicda
1635Articolx-cor4.1Corcoran, JohnCompleteness of am Ancient Logicda
1636ArticolX-cor1.1Cornea, A."If There Were an Eye on the back of The Heaven..."da
1637CarteCOR4.1Cornea, AndreiScriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platonda
1638CarteEPI1.2Cornea, Andrei (ed.)Epicur şi Epicureismul
1639CarteNEP1.1Cornelius NeposLiber de excellentibus ducibus exterarum gentiumda
1640CarteCOR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
1641ArticolX-cor3.1Corrigan, Kevin "Solitary" Mysticism in Plotinus, Proclus, Gregory of Nyssa, and Pseudo-Dionysiusda
1642CarteCOR2.1Corte, Marcel deLa doctrine de l'intelligence chez Aristoteda
1643CarteMAC3.1Costa Macedo, J. M.Anselmo e a astucia de razaoda
1644CarteCOS2.1#1Costa, IacopoAnonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelisda
1645CarteCOS2.1#2Costa, IacopoAnonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelisda
1646CarteCOS2.2Costa, Iacopo (ed.)Le 'questiones' di Radulfo Brito sull’ « Etica Nicomachea »da
1647CarteCOU1.1Couloubaritsis, Lambros La Phisique d'Aristoteda
1648CarteCOU1.2Couloubaritsis, LambrosHistoire de la philosophie ancienne et medievale : figures illustresda
1649CarteCOU3.1Coulter, M. DalePer visibilia ad invisibilia. Theological method in Richard of St. Victorda
1650CarteCOU2.1.1Courcelle, PierreConnais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol Inu
1651CarteCOU2.1.2Courcelle, PierreConnais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol IInu
1652CarteCOU2.1.3Courcelle, PierreConnais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol IIInu
1653CarteCOU2.5Courcelle, Pierre Recherches sur les Confessions de Saint Augustinda
1654CarteCOU2.2Courcelle, PierreLes Confessions. De Saint Augustin dans la tradition litteraireda
1655CarteCOU2.3.2Courcelle, Pierre Lecteurs paiens et lecteurs chretiens de l`eneide vol 2da
1656CarteCOU2.3.1Courcelle, PierreLecteurs paiens et lecteurs chretiens de l`eneide vol Ida
1657CarteCOU2.4Courcelle, PierreLa consolation de philosophie dans la tradition littéraire : antécédent et postérité de Boèce da
1658CarteCOU5.1Courtenay, WilliamSchools and Scholars in fourteenth century Englandnu
1659CarteCOU5.2Courtenay, William J.Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portraitda
1660ArticolX-cou4.1Courtenay, William J. John of Mirecourt and Gregory of Rimini on whether God can undo the past da