116 | Articol | x-eme1.1 | Emery, Gilles | Le photinisme et ses precurseurs chez saint Thomas | da |
117 | Articol | x-eva1.1 | Evans, G. | Inopes verborum sunt latini, Technical Language and Technical terms in the Writings of St.Anselm and some Commentators of the Mid-twelft Century | da |
118 | Carte | EXU1.1 | Exsuperantius, Julius | Iulii Exuperantii Opusculum | da |
119 | Articol | X-fak1.1 | Fakhry, Majid | Al-Farabi on Plato and Aristotle | da |
120 | Carte | FAR1.1 | Farrington, Benjamin | The philosophy of Francis Bacon | da |
121 | Articol | x-fei1.1 | Feibleman, James K. | The Therapy of the Dialectic | da |
122 | Articol | x-fei1.2 | Feibleman, James K. | On the Topics and Definitions of the Categories | da |
123 | Carte | FER2.1 | Ferencz-Flatz, Christian; Paul Marinescu (ed.) | Timp, memorie si traditie | da |
124 | Articol | X-fer1.1 | Ferge, Gabor | Emendations to the Reinterpretation of Aristotle's Idea of To Ti Hn Einai | da |
125 | Carte | FES1.1 | FESTUGIERE, A. J. | LES TROIS "PROTREPTIQUES" DE PLATON. Euthydeme, Phedon, Epinomis | da |