
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
116CartePLA1.5.4.2PlatonOeuvres completes IV.2: Le Banquetda
117CartePLA1.5.8.2PlatonOeuvres completes VIII.2: Theaithetosda
118CartePLA1.4.2PlatonOeuvres completes, vol. 2da
119Articolx-min1.1 Minardi, StefanoOn Some Aspects of Platonic Divisionda
120Articolx-neu1.1Neumann, Harry On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausaniasda
121CartePLA1.26.1PlatonOpera integrală Ida
122CartePLA1.26.1#2PlatonOpera integrală Ida
123CartePLA1.26.2PlatonOpera integrala IIda
124CartePLA1.26.3PlatonOpera integrala III da
125CarteBER1.2Andrei BereschiOpera platoniciană între filosofie politică şi logică a mituluida
126CartePLA1.18.1PlatonOpere Ida
127CartePLA1.18.2PlatonOpere IIda
128CartePLA1.18.3PlatonOpere IIIda
129CartePLA1.18.4PlatonOpere IVda
130CartePLA1.18.5PlatonOpere Vda
131CarteREA1.1Reale, GiovanniPer una nuova interpretazione di Platoneda
133ArticolX-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
136CarteBAR6.2J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, Ii, Plato and Aristotle at Romeda
137CarteKEU1.1Keuls, Eva C.Plato And Greek Paintingda
138Articolx-ack1.1 Ackrill, J.L.Plato and the Copula: Sophist 251-259da
139Articolx-klo1.1 Klosko, GeorgePlato and the Morality of Fallacyda
140Articolx-ryl1.1 Ryle, Gilbert Plato's 'Parmenides'da
141Articolx-sha2.1Sharvy, Richard Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argumentda
142Articolx-rob1.2 Robinson, Richard Plato's Consciousness of Fallacyda
143CarteROB1.1Robinson, RichardPlato's Earlier Dialecticda
144CartePLA1.25PlatoPlato's Ioda
145Articolx-ker1.1Kerferd, G.B. Plato's Noble Art of Sophistryda
146Articolx-sco1.1Scoon, Robert Plato's Parmenidesda
147ArticolX-kli1.2Klibansky, RaymondPlato's Parmenides in the Middle Ages and the Renaissanceda
148Articolx-pec1.1Peck, A.L. Plato's Parmenides: Some Suggestions for Its Interpretationda
149Articolx-vla1.4Vlastos, Gregory Plato's Testimony concerning Zeno of Eleada
150CarteCOR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
151CarteBOB3.1Bobonich, ChristopherPlato's utopia recast : his later ethics and politics da
152Articolx-blo1.1Block, IrvingPlato, Parmenides, Ryle and Exemplificationda
153CarteVLA2.1Vlastos, GregoryPlato: a collection of critical essayda
154CarteTAY1.2Taylor, A. E,Plato: the man and his workda
155CarteTAY1.1 Taylor, A. E.Platonda
156CarteNIE3.1Nietzsche, Friedrich ; Merker, Anne (ed.)Platonda
157CarteSCH6.1Schuhl, Pierre-MaximePlaton et l'art de son temps (Arts plastiques)da
158CartePAT3.1Patocka, JanPlaton et L'Europeda
159CarteMAT3.1Mattéi, Jean-FrançoisPlaton et le miroir du mythe: de l'âge d'or à l'Atlantide da
160Articolx-laz1.1 Lazu, RobertPlaton și scriereada
161CarteSZL1.4Szlezak, Thomas A.Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotinsda
162CarteBRI4.3Brisson, LucPlaton, les mots et les mythesda
163CartePLA1.5.14.2Des Places, EdouardPlaton. Ouevres completes (tome XIV). Lexique (2e partie)da
164CarteSTE2.1Stenzel, JuliusPlatone educatorenu
165CarteANN2.1Julia AnnasPlatonic Ethics. Old and Newda