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Nr.TipCotaAutor TitluDisponibil
31CarteHYM1.1Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.)Philosophy in the Middle Agesda
32CarteBUR4.4John BuridanJohn Buridan: Sophisms on meaning and truthda
33CarteSAL2.5John of Salisbury Policraticus. The Stateman's Bookda
34CarteJON1.1Jones, W.T. The medieval mindda
35CarteKNO2.1Knowles, DavidThe Evolution of Medieval Thoughtda
36CarteLIN1.1Lindberg, David C.Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450da
37CarteLOI1.1.Loiret, FrancoisVolonte et infini chez Duns Scotda
38CarteMAC9.1MacDonald, ScottBeing and goodness. The concept of the good in metaphysics and philosophical theologyda
39CarteMAN6.1Manekin, Charles H.The Logic of Gersonides. A Translation of Sefer ha-Heqqesh ha-Yashar (the Book of the correct syllogism) of Rabbi Levi ben Gershomda
40CarteMAU1.1Maurer, Armand A.Medieval Philosophy da
41CartePAL3.1.Palmén, Ritva Richard of St. Victor's theory of imaginationda
42CartePAP4.1Papadis, DimitrisDie Seelenlehre bei Alexander von Aphrodisiasda
43CartePAS1.2Pasnau, RobertThe Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Textsda
44CartePAU4.2.2.8Paul of VeniceLogica Magna (II.8)da
45CartePAU4.2.2.3Paul of VeniceLogica Magna (II.3)da
46CartePAU4.2.1.8Paul of VeniceLogica Magna (I.8)da
47CartePAU4.2.2.4Paul of VeniceLogica Magna (II.4)da
48CartePAU4.1Paulus VenetusLogica parvada
49CarteHIS1.3Peter of SpainTractatus Syncategorematum and Selected Anonymous Treatisesda
50CartePET7.1Peters, F.E.Aristotle and the Arabs: The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam da
51CartePET8.1Petrof, Elizabeth AlvildaBody and Soul. Essays on Medieval Women and Mysticism da
52CartePIE1.3Pieper, JosefScholasticism: Personalities and Problems of Medieval Philosophyda
53CarteREI1.1Reist, Thomas, Saint BonaventureSaint Bonaventure as a Biblical Commentator. A translation and Analysis of his Commentary on Luke, XVIII, 34-XIX, 42da
54CarteSZI1.1Szittya, Penn R.The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literatureda
55CarteTHO1.34.1Thomas AquinasThe basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 1da
56CarteTHO1.34.2Thomas AquinasThe basic writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Vol. 2da
57CarteTHO1.35Thomas AquinasOn kingship. To the king of Cyprusda
58CarteSTE3.5Van Steenberghen, FernardThomas Aquinas and Radical Aristotelianism da
59CarteVOL1.1Vollert, Cyril O.The Doctrine of Hervaeus Natalis on primitive justice and original sin, as developed in the controversy on original sin during the early decades of the 14th centurynu
60CarteWAD1.1Waddell, HelenThe Wandering Scholarsda
61CarteWEI1.12.9Weijers, Olga; Calma B., MonicaLe travail intellectuel à la Faculté des arts de Paris: Répertoire des noms commençant par S-Zda
62CarteWOL1.1Wolter, Allan B.The transcedentals and their function in the metaphysics of Duns Scotusda