Project Results

PN - III - ID - PCE- 2016 - 4 - 0186
Contract 130/12.07.2017

All activities for the year 2019 have been carried out according to the established plan.


The team members have carried out research activities in libraries and museums inside the country, as well as abroad, all in order to achieve the objective establisehd for the year 2019, meaning the elaboration of monographical studies for the different fields which illustrate the presence of the Dacians inside the Roman province of Dacia, as well as the Roman Empire. To achieve this, various artifacts have been carefully studied and analyzed from collections pertaining to the National History Museum of Transylvania, The History Museum Turda, Museum of Ethnography and Border Regiment Caransebeș, Museum Of The Highland Banat, Reșița. Partial studies undergone and finalized throughout the year have been presented at various international and national scientific sessions, and will be published in the planned volumes to illustrate the results of the project.

One of the objectives of the year 2019 consists of the organization of a workshop as a part of the international project F.E.R.C.AN (Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum ANtiquarum), with the main purpose of discussing the issue of religious integration of the Celtic populations, with some of the most important foreign researchers and specialists on this subject. The workshop was organised in collaboration with the Center of Roman Studies (project PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0255) in the period 5th-7th July 2019, alongside the participation of collegues from the Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj (Romania), as well as the Graz University (Austria) (

Therefore, through this scientific manifestation organised in Cluj-Napoca, the objective established for the year 2019, of disseminating the results of each team members research, has successfully been reached.

Another scientific manifestation has been organised in collaboration with The History Museum Turda, in the form of the national archaeological colloquium whose central theme was Writing, reading and education in Dacia, held in the period 8th-9th November 2019. Collegues from archaeological institutions from all over the country attended this colloquium. With this occasion, the temporary exhibition Writing, reading and education in Dacia was held (the curator being one of the team members of the project), which will be open in the period 8th November 2019 – 31st March 2020. All the team members of the project have actively participated and presented communicatios during this scientific colloquium. (

Besides these scientific manifestations organised as a part of the project, the dissemination of our research results was materialized through a series of publications in scientific journals and volumes, as well as scientific communications and presentations at various national and international conferences and colloquiums. As a result, two scientific manifestations were organised, followed by the editing of two volumes of studies, the publishing of two books, 10 articles in international volumes of studies, 6 articles in international journals, and 4 articles in national journals. The members of the team have participated and actively presented communications at four national colloquiums and one international scientific manifestation (10 scientific communications in total).

Organised scientific manifestations

  • Co-organizarea celui de-al XVI-lea Workshop F.E.R.C.AN (Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum ANtiquarum), Cluj-Napoca, 5-7 iulie 2019.
  • Co-organizarea celui de-al VII-lea Colocviu Național de Arheologie al Muzeului de Istorie de la Turda, Scris, citit și știință de carte în Dacia, Turda, 8-9 noiembrie 2019.

Edited Volumes

  • S. Nemeti, E Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, D. Dana (editori), The Roman Provinces – Mechanisms of Integration, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2019.


  • S. Nemeti, Mitografii. Inventar parțial al ezoterismelor românești, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2019.
  • S. Nemeti, Le syncrétisme religieux en Dacie romaine, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2019.
  • S. Nemeti, D. Dana, I. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, L. Nedelea, T. Varga, The Dacians in the Roman Empire. Provincial Constructions, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Mega, 2019.

Articles in international volumes of study

  • S. Nemeti, I. Nemeti, Votive Practices and Self-Representation in Potaissa (Dacia), în B. Porod, P. Scherrer (ed.), Akten des 15. Internationalen Kolloquiums zum Provinzial römischen Kunstschaffen Der Stifter und sein Monument. Gesellschaft – Ikonographie – Chronologie, 14. bis 20. Juni 2017 Graz / Austria, Graz, 2019, p. 284-296.
  • D. Dana, Onomastic Interactions. Greek and Thracian Names, în R. Parker (ed.), Changing Names: Tradition and Innovation in Ancient Greek Onomastics, Oxford, 2019 (Proceedings of the British Academy 222), p. 167-194.
  • D. Dana, N. Badoud, L’onomastique des fabricants d’amphores rhodiennes, în N. Badoud, A. Marangou (ed.), Analyse et exploitation des timbres amphoriques grecs, Rennes, 2019, p. 173-193.
  • D. Dana, Témoignages épigraphiques récents sur l’onomastique et le recrutement des Daces, în S. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, D. Dana (ed.), The Roman Provinces – Mechanisms of Integration, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, p. 143-166.
  • D. Dana, Les noms d’assonance thrace: des miroirs culturels, în C. Ruiz Darasse (éd.), Comment s’écrit l’autre, Bordeaux, 2019 (forthcoming).
  • S. Nemeti, Dis deabusque Daciarum. The Dacian Religious Universe from a Roman Perspective, în S. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, D. Dana (ed.), The Roman Provinces – Mechanisms of Integration, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, p. 259-271.
  • Eugenia Beu-Dachin, Sorin Nemeti, A Fragmentary Bronze Inscription from Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa, în S. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, D. Dana (ed.), The Roman Provinces – Mechanisms of Integration, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, p. 167-178.
  • I. Nemeti, Riders in the Funerary Iconography in Dacia, în S. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, D. Dana (ed.), The Roman Provinces – Mechanisms of Integration, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, p. 291-314.
  • Luciana Nedelea, Fact or Hype? A Critical Analysis of Publications that Discuss the Issues Concerning the Continuity of Dacian Ceramic Traditions in the 2nd-3rd Centuries A.D. of Rural Roman Dacia, în S. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, D. Dana (ed.), The Roman Provinces – Mechanisms of Integration, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, p. 179-220.
  • Timea Varga, The Cult of Dominus and Domina: The Great Gods of the «Regional Pantheon» of Illyricum, în S. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, D. Dana (ed.), The Roman Provinces – Mechanisms of Integration, Cluj-Napoca, 2019, p. 233-258.

Articles in international journals

  • D. Dana, Notices épigraphiques et onomastiques IV, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 210, 2019, p. 159-179.
  • D. Dana, Trois diplômes militaires inédits, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 211, 2019, p. 227-236.
  • D. Dana, D. Deac, I. Bajusz, E. Pripon, Nouvelle constitution de Marc Aurèle et Lucius Verus pour les cohortes prétoriennes et urbaines (début 162), Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 212, 2019, p. 261-264.
  • D. Dana, D. Moreau, S. Kirov, I. Valeriev, A New Greek Dedication from the Sanctuary of Telerig among the spolia at Zaldapa, Archaeologia Bulgarica, 23 (2), 2019, p. 71-78.
  • D. Dana, S. Nemeti, Maudire les nomina. Réédition de la deuxième defixio d’Apulum (Ap-2), Epigraphica. Periodico Internazionale di Epigrafia, 82, 2020 (forthcoming).
  • Eugenia Beu-Dachin, Peculiarities in the Latin Inscriptions from Potaissa (Dacia), Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis, 56, 2020 (forthcoming).

Articles in national journals

  • D. Dana, M. Dana, Notules sur quelques graffites grecs de Thasos, Thrace, Tyras et Phanagoria, Pontica, 52, 2019 (forthcoming).
  • Eugenia Beu-Dachin, Adriana Isac, The Votive Inscription of Publius Aelius Caerialis from Samum (Cășeiu), Acta Musei Napocensis 56, 1, 2019 (forthcoming).
  • Eugenia Beu-Dachin, Adriana Isac, A Fragmentary Ceramic Pot with Graffito from Gilău, Acta Musei Napocensis 56, 1, 2019 (forthcoming).
  • Luciana Nedelea, Horațiu Cociș, Dan Băcueț-Crișan, The pottery kilns from Porolissum-Sărata and the problem of the settlement's inner defensive line, Acta Musei Porolissensis, 32/1, 2019 (forthcoming).
  • Dan-Augustin Deac, Dan Dana, Liber Pater Frugifer: un graffite votif du camp auxiliaire de Romita (Dacia Porolissensis), Acta Musei Porolissensis, 32/1, 2019 (forthcoming).
  • Dan Dana, Deux diplômes militaires fragmentaires du territoire de Drobeta, Banatica, sub tipar.

Presentations at international conferences

  • Eugenia Beu-Dachin, Peculiarities in the Latin Inscriptions from Potaissa, Fourth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology, 28-29 martie 2019, Budapesta.

Presentations at national conferences

  • D. Dana, Abordări recente despre religia dacilor: metode, moşteniri, perspective, conferință la Departamentul de Istorie Antică şi Arheologie (UBB), Cluj, 7 martie 2019.
  • S. Nemeti, L. Nedelea, Așezări indigene în Dacia romană, Colocviul național Rural Dacia. Mediul rural în Dacia Romană și Moesia Inferior, 12 aprilie 2019, Cluj-Napoca.
  • S. Nemeti, Canabae legionis V Macedonicae. Cercetări arheologice, 2017-2019, Simpozionul naţional De pe situl arheologic în birou – descoperiri arheologice recente și metode moderne de cercetare în România și Republica Moldova, Iași, 23-25 octombrie 2019.
  • S. Nemeti, E. Beu-Dachin, S. Cociș, Despre scrierea afișată. Inscripții de bronz de la Napoca, Al VII-lea Colocviu Național de Arheologie, Scris, citit și știință de carte în Dacia, Turda, 8-9 noiembrie 2019.
  • E. Beu-Dachin, Particularități lingvistice în inscripțiile latine de la Potaissa, Al VII-lea Colocviu Național de Arheologie, Scris, citit și știință de carte în Dacia, Turda, 8-9 noiembrie 2019.
  • T. Varga, P. Chiorean, Ars scribendi. Instrumente de scris descoperite în castrul de la Potaissa, Al VII-lea Colocviu Național de Arheologie, Scris, citit și știință de carte în Dacia, Turda, 8-9 noiembrie 2019.
  • I. Nemeti, Capsule de sigilii de la Potaissa, Al VII-lea Colocviu Național de Arheologie, Scris, citit și știință de carte în Dacia, Turda, 8-9 noiembrie 2019.
  • D. Dana, P. Dinulescu, Graffiti ceramici de la Gârla Mare (jud. Mehedinţi), Al VII-lea Colocviu Național de Arheologie, Scris, citit și știință de carte în Dacia, Turda, 8-9 noiembrie 2019.
  • L. Nedelea, Graffiti și tituli picti din castrul legionar de la Potaissa, Al VII-lea Colocviu Național de Arheologie, Scris, citit și știință de carte în Dacia, Turda, 8-9 noiembrie 2019.

Research internship

  • Stagiu de cercetare - Timea Varga, la Muzeul Național al Ungariei, Budapesta, 17-23 iunie 2019.

© 2017, Bogdan Cupcea