Project Results
PN - III - ID - PCE- 2016 - 4 - 0186
Contract 130/12.07.2017
All the activities planned for 2018 have been conducted according to the established plan. In order to achieve the main objective proposed for 2018, the team members have carried out their research activities in national libraries and museums, as well as abroad. This consisted in elaborating monographic studies in different fields which attest the presence of Dacians in the province of Dacia, as well as the entirety of the Roman Empire. For this purpose, the investigations included various archaeological materials, pertaining to collections of the National History Museum of Transylvania, the History Museum Turda and the County Museum of Art and History Zalău. Partial studies conducted throughout the year were presented at different international and national communication sessions and will soon be published in volumes that are expected to illustrate the final results of the project.
In order to disseminate the results of the team members’ research in
a wider international context, the main objective for 2018 consisted in
organizing the international conference entitled The Roman Provinces.
Mechanisms of integration. The conference was organized between the
4th and 7th of October 2018, at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.
The participants consisted of researchers from universities and research
institutes, as well as various European museums.
During a workshop entitled The Rider Monuments from the Balkan-Danubian
Provinces of the Roman Empire, the colloquium addressed the problems
of local religions and beliefs in the Balkan area. In order to disseminate
the results within the Romanian academic circles, a national colloquium
with a similar theme was organized, in collaboration with the Museum of
History Turda. The conference, entitled Populații indigene și impactul
cuceririi romane în provinciile danubiene. Colonizare, romanizare, creolizare
(Indigenous populations and the impact of the Roman conquest in the Danubian
provinces. Colonization, romanization, creolization), took place at
the Museum of History, Turda,2nd-3rd November 2018.
The objective of disseminating the research results established for the year 2018was in this way successfully achieved by the members of the project, thanks to these two scientific manifestations organized at Cluj-Napoca and Turda.
Apart from these two scientific activities organized within the project, the dissemination of the research results has also materialized through a series of publications in journals and specialized volumes, as well as through communications at national and international scientific conferences. Two colloquiums have been organized, one member of the team participated in the organization of an international colloquium, one member participated in the editing of a volume, seven chapters were published in books, six articles in international research volumes, two articles in national research volumes, three articles in international periodicals and eight articles in national periodicals. The team members participated and gave presentations at twelve international scientific conferences and eight national colloquiums.
Organization of colloquiums
- International colloquium «The Roman Provinces. Mechanisms of integration»; Workshop «The Rider Monuments from the Balkan-Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire», Cluj-Napoca, 5th-6th October 2018.
- National colloquium «Populații indigene și impactul cuceririi romane în provinciile danubiene.Colonizare, romanizare, creolizare», Turda 2nd-3rd November 2018.
- L. Nedelea, Team member/Local Organizing Committee (exhibition and exhibition catalogue): 31st International Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,23rd-30th September 2018, «Marketing of Roman pottery: economic relationships between local and imported products»
- L. Nedelea, The supply of ceramic goods in Dacia and Lower Moesia: imports and local production, Eds. Viorica Rusu-Bolindet, Florin Ovidiu Botis, in collaboration with Cristian-Aurel Roman, Iulia-Al. Iliescu, Ioana Potra, Bianca El. Grigoras, Luciana Nedelea.
- Dan Dana, s.v. «Zalmoxis» (Z 3). In: R. Goulet (éd.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques,Paris, VII (d’Ulpien à Zoticus), Paris, 2018, p. 317-322.
- Dan Dana, s.v. «Zeuta» (Z 28). In: R. Goulet (éd.), Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques,Paris, VII (d’Ulpien à Zoticus), Paris, 2018, p. 418-419.
- Irina Nemeti, Cap. II. 5. Ustensile și accesorii (in colaboration), II. VI. Accesorii vestimentare și Podoabe. In: Mihai Bărbulescu (ed.), Termele din castrul legionar de la Potaissa, Cluj-Napoca,2018.
- Sorin Nemeti, Cap. V. Probleme de cronologie. Ștampilele tegulare, Cap. VIII Sfârșitul termelor. In: Mihai Bărbulescu (ed.), Termele din castrul legionar de la Potaissa, Cluj-Napoca, 2018.
- Luciana Nedelea, Ceramica. In: Mihai Bărbulescu (ed.), Termele din castrul legionar de la Potaissa.
- Sorin Nemeti, Attila et l’épée de Mars. Le nomade violent d’Hérodote à Jordanès. In: E. Nemeth(ed.), Violence in Prehistory and Antiquity / Die Gewalt in der Vorgeschichte und im Altertum,Parthenon Verlag, Kaiserslautern & Mehlingen, 2018, p. 403-409.
- Sorin Nemeti, Danubian Riders Monuments in Dacia. An addenda to CMRED. In: D. Boteva (ed.), The Rider Monuments from the Balkan-Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire, I, Sofia.
- Dan Dana, Onomastic Interactions: Greek and Thracian Names », In: R. Parker (ed.), Changing Names. Tradition and Innovation in Greek Onomastics, Oxford, 2018 (Proceedings of the British Academy 222), p. 166-194.
- Dan Dana, "Tué par la police": de nouveau sur l’épitaphe IMS III.2 108 d’un interfectus a stationariis (Mésie Supérieure). In: E. Nemeth (ed.), Violence in Prehistory and Antiquity/ Die Gewalt in der Vorgeschichte und in Altertum, Kaiserslautern-Mehlingen, 2018 (Antiquitas 6), p.285-300.
- Dan Dana, Retour sur les catalogues de Kalindoia :échantillons onomastiques des Thraces de Macédoine ». In: M. Kalaitzi, P. Paschidis, C. Antonetti, A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets (éds.), Βορειοελλαδικά. Tales from the Land of the ethne. Essays in the Honor of Miltiades B. Hatzopoulos. Histoires du monde des ethnè. Études en l’honneur de Miltiade B. Hatzopoulos, Athènes, 2018 (MELETHMATA 78), p. 53-67.
- Dan Dana, Les diplômes militaires. In: L. Tholbecq, G. Traina, J.-P. Vallat, R. Villaescusa(éds.), Les mondes romains : questions d’archéologie et d’histoire, Paris, 2019.
- Dan Dana, Le nom de Cumidava et la cohors VI nova Cumidavensis, In : P. Pavel, O. Savu (eds.), Studia in honorem Florea Costea la a 80-a aniversare, Braşov, 2017, p. 111-116.
- L. Nedelea, Mariana Andone-Rotaru, The Pottery Workshops at Potaissa, In: Viorica Rusu-Bolindeț, Cristian-Aurel Roman et al. (eds), The Atlas of Roman Pottery Workshops From The Provinces Dacia And Lower Moesia/Scythia Minor (1st-7th centuries AD) (I), Cluj-Napoca, 2018.
- Dan Dana, Le bassin de recrutement pannonien d’après les diplômes militaires, Revue Internationale d’Histoire Militaire Ancienne (HiMA), 6, 2017, p. 115-142.
- Dan Dana, D. Deac, Un diplôme militaire fragmentaire du règne d’Hadrien découvert à Romita (Dacie Porolissensis) et relecture du diplôme RMD I 40 (Porolissum), Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 208, 2018, p. 273-278.
- L. Nedelea, Local pottery production at the legionary fortress of Potaissa, In: Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum Acta XLVI, Archaeopress.
- Sorin Nemeti, Dan Dana, Malva, la colonie perdue de la DacieInférieure, ActaMN, 54, 2017, p.207-230.
- Dan Dana, I. Tuţulescu, Trois graffites sur céramique du site romain d’Ocniţa (Dacie Inférieure), ActaMN, 54, 2017, p. 197-206.
- Dan Dana, De nouveau sur le miroir d’Ilişua avec l’inscription ‘Bonjour, madame!’: une autre pièce issue du même atelier, Revista Bistriţei, 30-31, 2016-2017, p. 52-55.
- Irina Nemeti, Small finds from Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa, ActaMN, 55/I, 2018, sub tipar.
- E. Beu-Dachin, D. Bindea, L. Săsăran, A Roman cenotaph from Napoca, ActaMN, 55, I, 2018,sub tipar.
- L. Nedelea, Foculi (fire pots) discovered at the legionary fortress of Potaissa. Case study: centuriae from praetentura sinistra, Acta Musei Napocensis, 55/I, sub tipar.
- T. Varga, The Pantheon of Marcus Herennius Faustus, Legatus Legionis XIII Geminae, ActaMN, 54/I, 2017, p. 231–242.
- T. Varga, Medicine, Religion and Society in Dacia Porolissensis, ActaMN, 55, 2018, sub tipar.
- S. Nemeti, Indigenous population in Roman Dacia. Archaeological sources, Colocviul internaţional « The Roman Provinces. Mechanisms of Integration », Cluj-Napoca, 5-6th October 2018.
- S. Nemeti, Dacian Diaspora in the Roman Empire. The Civilians Colocviul Internațional The History and Archaeology International Symposium «The flux of ideas (on Danube, on seas,on land) from Antiquity to Modern Times», Băile Herculane, 27thFebruary – 2nd March 2018.
- Dan Dana, L’onomastique thrace :méthodes et enjeux, Lyon, 25th January 2018.
- Dan Dana, Les noms d’assonance thrace : des miroirs culturels, Bordeaux, 26th April 2018.
- Dan Dana, Les Daces dans la documentation épigraphique de la province et de l’Empire,Colocviul internaţional « The Roman Provinces. Mechanisms of Integration », Cluj-Napoca, 5-6th October 2018.
- Dan Dana, Les corps de garde dans les diplômes militaires, VIIe Congrès International de Lyon sur l’armée romaine « Corps du chef et gardes du corps dans l’armée romaine », 25-27th October 2018.
- Irina Nemeti, The Rider on the funerary monuments from Dacia, Colocviul internațional «The Roman Provinces. Mechanisms of integration», Workshop The Rider Monuments from the Balkan-Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire, Cluj-Napoca, 5-6th October 2018.
- Eugenia Beu-Dachin, Electronic editing of epigraphic texts from Dacia, «Third International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology», 28-29th March 2018, Budapesta.
- E. Beu-Dachin, S. Nemeti, Lex coloniae. About a fragmentary inscription from Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa, Colocviul internațional «The Roman Provinces. Mechanisms of Integration», 5-6th October 2018.
- L. Nedelea, Opening lecture: Roman pottery from Potaissa. The impact of fine ware on local production at the end of the 2nd century and the first half of the 3rd century AD at castra legionis V Macedonicae, 31st International Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 23rd-30th September 2018, «Marketing of Roman pottery: economic relationships between local and imported products»./li>
- L. Nedelea, Fact or Hype? A critical review and analysis of publications that discuss the problem of the continuation of Dacian ceramic traditions in Roman Dacia, Colocviul internațional «The Roman Provinces. Mechanisms of Integration»; Cluj-Napoca, 5-6th October 2018.
- T. Varga, The Cult of Dominus and Domina: the Great Gods of the «Regional Pantheon» of Illyricum, Colocviul internațional «The Roman Provinces. Mechanisms of Integration», Cluj-Napoca, 5-6th October 2018.
- S. Nemeti, Dii deaeque Daciarum. Universul religios indigen din perspectivă romană, Colocviul Național «Populații indigene și impactul cuceririi romane în provinciile danubiene. Colonizare, romanizare, creolizare», Turda 2nd – 3rd November 2018.
- Dan Dana, Receptarea istoriografiei româneşti despre antichitate în Franţa, Al Doilea Congres al Istoricilor Români, Iaşi (29th August -1st September 2018).
- Irina Nemeti, Aspecte de viață cotidiană într-un oraș provincial. Artefacte inedite din Colonia Dacica Sarmizegetusa, Colocviul Național, «Populații indigene și impactul cuceririi romane în provinciile danubiene. Colonizare, romanizare, creolizare», Turda 2nd – 3rd November 2018.
- E. Beu-Dachin, I. Nemeti, A digital corpus of Roman monuments from Dacia, «Digital Ancient History and Archaeology Workshop», 14th June 2018, Cluj-Napoca.
- E. Beu-Dachin, Practici funerare marginale în necropola estică a orașului Napoca, Colocviul Național «Populațiile indigene și impactul cuceririi romane în provinciile danubiene. Colonizare, romanizare, creolizare», Turda, 2nd – 3rd November 2018.
- L. Nedelea, Foculi (fire pots) discovered at the legionary fort of Potaissa. Case study: Centuriae from praetentura sinistra and area “B/North” from praetentura dextra, Colocviul Național «Comunități, statute și ideologie în Dacia și Moesia» 19th – 20th November 2018, Cluj-Napoca.
- T. Varga, Fenomene de aculturație religioasă în Dacia romană. Cultul zeiței africane Tanit în epigrafia provinciei, Colocviul Național «Populații indigene și impactul cuceririi romane în provinciile danubiene. Colonizare, romanizare, creolizare», Muzeul de IstorieTurda, 2nd – 3rd November 2018.
- T. Varga, Fenomene de aculturație religioasă în Dacia romană. Cultele africane la Apulum, Sesiunea ştiinţifică anuală dedicată zilei naţionale a României «Unitate, continuitate şi independenţă în istoria poporului român», 26th– 28th November 2018, Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia.