

  • contextul social și politic din De civitate Dei

II. 43, 1. Interea Roma Gothorum irruptione agentium sub rege Alarico atque impetu magnae cladis eversa est, cuius eversionem deorum falsorum multorumque cultores, quos usitato nomine paganos vocamus, in Christianam religionem referre conantes solito acerbius et amarius Deum verum blasphemare coeperunt. Unde ego exardescens zelo domus Dei adversus eorum blasphemias vel errores libros De civitate Dei scribere institui.

69.1. Meanwhile, Rome was destroyed as a result of an invasion of the Goths under the leadership of King Alaric, and of the violence of this great disaster. The worshipers of many false gods, whom we call by the customary name pagans, attempting to attribute its destruction to the Christian religion, began to blaspheme the true God more sharply and bitterly than usual. And so, “burning with zeal for the house of God,”! I decided to write the books, On the City of God, in opposition to their blasphemies and errors.

Sursă text latin: S. Aurelii Augustini OPERA OMNIA – editio latina > PL 32 > Retractationum libri duo:

Sursă text englez: St. Augustin, The retractations, translated by Sr. Mary Inez Bogan R.S.M., The Catholic University of America Press, 1999.