3776 | HYM1.1 | Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.) | Philosophy in the Middle Ages | da |
3777 | PAU4.2.2.4 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.4) | da |
3778 | GUA1.1 | Guillelmus de Guarra; Iohannes Duns Scotus; Petrus Aureolus | Quaestiones disputatae de Immaculata Conceptione Beatae Mariae Virginis | da |
3779 | PAU4.2.2.8 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.8) | da |
3780 | HOF5.1 | Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, Ruedi | Paradigmes de theologie philosophique | da |
3781 | EBB2.1.3 | Ebbesen, Sten | Greek-Latin philosophical interaction | da |
3782 | VOL1.1 | Vollert, Cyril O. | The Doctrine of Hervaeus Natalis on primitive justice and original sin, as developed in the controversy on original sin during the early decades of the 14th century | nu |
3783 | REI1.1 | Reist, Thomas, Saint Bonaventure | Saint Bonaventure as a Biblical Commentator. A translation and Analysis of his Commentary on Luke, XVIII, 34-XIX, 42 | da |
3784 | STE3.5 | Van Steenberghen, Fernard | Thomas Aquinas and Radical Aristotelianism | da |
3785 | BOE2.3 | Boethius Dacus | Topica-Opuscula vol. VI, pars II | da |