3471 | RIP1.4 | Iohannes de Ripa | Lectura super primum sententiarum. Distinctio secunda | nu |
3472 | LAS2.1.1 | Laszlo, Alexandru | Lectura lui Dante. Infernul | da |
3473 | LAS2.1.2 | Laszlo, Alexandru | Lectura lui Dante. Purgatoriul | da |
3474 | LAS2.1.3 | Laszlo, Alexandru | Lectura lui Dante. Paradisul | da |
3475 | NOI1.1 | Noica, Constantin | Interpretări la Platon | da |
3476 | SEN1.8 | Seneca | Scrisori către Luciliu | da |
3477 | PLA1.26.1 | Platon | Opera integrală I | da |
3478 | MEI3.1 | Meiroșu, Anca | Magia în literatura latină din epoca imperială timpurie (sec. I-II d. Hr.) | da |
3479 | PLE1.6 | Georgios Gemistos Plethon | În ce privințe se deosebește Aristotel de Platon | da |
3480 | BRA5.1#2 | Brann, Noel L. | The debate over the origin of genius during the Italian renaissance | nu |
3481 | AUG1.39.1 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. I, Books 1-3) | nu |
3482 | AUG1.39.2 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. II, Books 4-7) | nu |
3483 | AUG1.39.3 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. III, Books 8-11) | nu |
3484 | AUG1.39.4 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. IV, Books 12-15) | nu |
3485 | AUG1.39.5 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. V, Books 16-18.35) | nu |
3486 | AUG1.39.6 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. VI, Books 18.36-20) | nu |
3487 | AUG1.39.7 | Augustine | City of God (Vol. VII, Books 21-22, General Index) | nu |
3488 | ARI1.69.1 | Aristotle | Problems (Vol. I, Books 1-19) | nu |
3489 | AL19 | Aristotel | Physiognomonica | da |
3490 | LON6.1 | Longère, Jean (ed.) | L' abbaye parisienne de Saint-Victor au Moyen Age : communications présentées au XIIIe Colloque d' Humanisme Médiéval de Paris (1986-1988) | nu |
3491 | EME2.1 | Emerson, Jan Swango; Feiss, Hugh (eds.) | Imagining heaven in the Middle Ages : a book of essays | nu |
3492 | RIC4.1.1 | Richardus de Sancto Victore | L'œuvre de Richard de Saint-Victor : 1 De contemplatione : (Beniamin maior) | nu |
3493 | SPI3.1 | Spijker, Ienje van 't | The multiple meaning of scripture: the role of exegesis in early-Christian and medieval culture | nu |
3494 | HEN5.1 | Henry, D. P. | Medieval Logic and Metaphysics. A Modern Introduction | da |
3495 | HIS1.2 | Petrus Hispanus | Peter of spain, Questiones super libro 'De animalibus' aristotelis | da |