3391 | SIG1.6 | Siger de Brabant ; Malrasca, Antonio | Les quaestiones super Librum de causis de Siger de Brabant | da |
3392 | SIG1.7 | Brabant, Siger de; Delhaye, Philippe | Questions sur la Physique D'Aristote | da |
3393 | SIG1.8 | Siger de Brabant | Questio de creatione ex nihilo | da |
3394 | SIL1.1 | Silagi, Gabriel | Untersuchungen zur 'Deliberatio supra hymnum trium puerorum' des Gerhard von Csanad | da |
3395 | SIL2.1.1 | Silius Italicus | Punica, vol. 1 | da |
3396 | SIL2.1.2 | Silius Italicus | Punica, vol. 2 | da |
3397 | SIL3.1 | Silver, Daniel | Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180 - 1240 | nu |
3398 | SIM1.1 | Simon, Bennett | Mind And Madness In Ancient Greece. The Classical Roots of Modern Psychiatry | da |
3399 | SIM2.1.1 | Simplicius | Commentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. I) | da |
3400 | SIM2.1.2 | Simplicius | Commentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. II) | da |
3401 | SIM2.2.1 | Simplicius | Commentaire sur le traité Du ciel d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. I) | nu |
3402 | SIN1.1 | Singer, Samuel | Apolonius von Tyrus. Untersuchungen uber das Fortleben des antiken Romans in spartern zeiten | da |
3403 | SIN2.1 | Sinaiko, Herman L. | Love, Knowledge, and Discourse in Plato: Dialogue and Dialectic in Phaedrus, Republic, Parmenides | da |
3404 | SIR1.1 | Sirat, Colette | La philosophie juive médiévale en pays de chrétienté | da |
3405 | SIR1.2 | Sirat, Colette | La philosophie juive médiévale en terre d'Islam | da |
3406 | SIR1.3 | Sirat, Colette | A history of Jewish philosophy in the middle ages | da |
3407 | SIS1.1 | Siserman, Dan | Teologia istoriei la Gioacchino din Fiore | da |
3408 | SIS1.2 | Siserman, Dan; Tat, Alin (eds.) | Spicilegium Philosophicum – Studii de Filosofie | da |
3409 | SLE1.1 | Sleeman, J. H.; Pollet, Gilbert | Lexicon Plotinianum | da |
3410 | SLO1.1 | Slotemaker, J., Witt, J. | Robert Holcot | da |
3411 | SMA1.1 | Šmahel, František | Charles University in the Middle Ages. Selected studies | da |
3412 | SMA1.2 | Šmahel, František (ed.); Pavlicek, Ota (colab.) | A Companion to Jan Hus | da |
3413 | SME1.1 | Smet, Joachim (ed.) | Manuscripts in the Vatican Library relating to the Carmelite Order | da |
3414 | SMI1.1 | Smith, Lesley | The Glossa Ordinaria. The Making of a Medieval Bible Commentary | da |
3415 | SMI2.1.1 | Martinus Smiglecius | Commentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. I | da |
3416 | SMI2.1.2 | Martinus Smiglecius | Commentaria in Organum Aristotelis, vol. II | da |
3417 | SMI3.1 | Smith, Randall B. | Întruchipări ale înțelepciunii creștine | da |
3418 | SOE1.1 | Soetermeer, Frank | Utrumque jus in peciis | da |
3419 | SOL1.1 | Solère, Jean-Luc; Vasiliu, Anca; Galonnier, Alain (ed.) | Alain de Lille, le Docteur Universel. Philosophie, theologie, et litterature au XIIe siecle | da |
3420 | SOL1.2 | Solère, Jean-Luc; Kaluza, Z. (ed.) | La servante et la consolatrice | da |
3421 | SOL2.1 | Solmsen, F. (ed.) | Inscriptiones graecae ad inlustrandas dialectos selectae | da |
3422 | SOP1.1 | Sophocle | Tragoediae | da |
3423 | SOR1.1 | Sorabji, Richard | Philoponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Science | da |
3424 | SOR2.1 | Sorel, Reynal | Orfeu şi orfismul | da |
3425 | SOU1.1 | de Souza, José Antonio de C. R. (org.) | As Relaçoes de Poder: do Cisma do Ocidente a Nicolau de Cusa | da |
3426 | SOU1.2 | de Souza, José Antonio de C. R. (org.) | Edade média: Tempo do Mundo, tempo dos Homens, tempo de Deus | da |
3427 | SOU2.1 | Southern, R. W. | Saint Anselm. A Portrait in a Landscape | da |
3428 | SPA1.1 | Spade, Paul Vincent | The medieval liar: a catalogue of the insolubilia-literature | da |
3429 | SPA1.2 | Spade, Paul Vincent (ed.) | The Cambridge Companion to Ockham | da |
3430 | SPA1.3 | Spade, Paul Vincent | Five texts on the mediaeval problem of universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockham | da |
3431 | SPE1.1 | Șpet, Gustav | Conștiința și posesorul ei | da |
3432 | SPEC59.1 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3433 | SPEC59.2 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3434 | SPEC59.3 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3435 | SPEC59.4 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3436 | SPEC68.1 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3437 | SPEC68.2 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3438 | SPEC68.3 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3439 | SPEC68.4 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |
3440 | SPEC69.1 | *** | Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies | da |