3006 | PAT1.1.1 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: I. Liber de Causis | da |
3007 | PAT1.1.2 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: II. Metafysische thema's en notities | da |
3008 | HEN3.1 | Paul Henry, S. J. | Plotin et l'Occident. Firmicus Maternus, Marius Victorinus, Saint Augustin et Macrobe | da |
3009 | PAU4.2.1.8 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (I.8) | da |
3010 | PAU4.2.2.3 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.3) | da |
3011 | PAU4.2.2.4 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.4) | da |
3012 | PAU4.2.2.8 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.8) | da |
3014 | WAT1.1 | Pauline Moffitt Watts | Nicolaus Cusanus. A fifteenth-century vision of man | da |
3015 | PAU2.1 | Paulus Alexandrinus | Eisagogica | da |
3016 | PAU3.1 | Paulus de Worczyn | Glossa in Politicam | da |
3017 | DIA1.2 | Paulus Diaconus | Istoria longobarzilor | da |
3018 | DIA1.3 | Paulus Diaconus | Histoire des Lombards | da |
3019 | ORO1.1 | Paulus Orosius | Historiarum Adversus Paganos | da |
3020 | RUB1.1 | Paulus Rubigalis | Carmina | da |
3021 | PAU4.1 | Paulus Venetus | Logica parva | da |
3022 | PAU1.1.3 | Pausanias | Graeciae Descriptio, vol. III, lib. IX-X | da |
3023 | PAU1.2.2 | Pausanias | Graeciae Descriptio, vol. II, lib. V-VIII | da |
3024 | PAU1.1.2 | Pausanias | Graeciae Descriptio, vol. II, lib. V-VIII | da |
3025 | PAU1.1.1 | Pausanias | Graeciae Descriptio, vol. I, lib. I-IV | da |
3026 | PAV1.1 | Pavlićěk, Ota (ed.) | Studying the arts in late Medieval Bohemia : production, reception, and transmission of knowledge | da |
3027 | PEA1.1 | Peacock, John | The Look of Van Dyck : the Self-Portrait with a Sunflower and the Vision of the Painter | da |
3028 | PED1.1 | Pedech, Paul | La methode historique de Polybe | da |
3029 | PET6.1.1 | Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre Petitmengin | Pelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende I | da |
3030 | PET6.1.2 | Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre Petitmengin | Pelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende II | da |
3031 | PEL2.1 | Pelagonius | Ars veterinaria | da |
3032 | PEL4.1 | Pelbart din Timișoara | Rozariul de aur al teologiei. Prolog | da |
3033 | PEL3.1 | Pellegrin, Pierre | L'Excellence menacée - Sur la philosophie politique d'Aristote | da |
3034 | PEL1.1 | Pelzer, Auguste | Etudes d'histoire littéraires sur la scholastique médiévale | da |
3035 | PEL1.2 | Pelzer, Auguste (ed.) | Repertoires d'incipit pour la litterature latine philosophique et theologique du moyen age | da |
3036 | PEN1.1 | Pennington, Basil (ed.) | Saint Bernard of Claivaux. Studies commemorating the Eighth Centenary of his canonization | da |
3037 | PEP1.2 | Pepin, Jean | Saint Augustin et la Dialectique | da |
3038 | PEP1.1 | Pepin, Jean | Theologie cosmique et theologie chrettienne (Ambroise, Exam. I, 1-4) | da |
3039 | PER5.1 | Perini-Santos, E. | La theory Ockhamienne de la connaisance evidente | da |
3040 | PER4.1 | Perkams, Matthias; Piccione, Rosa Maria | Proklos. Metode, Seelenlehre, Metaphysik | da |
3041 | PER1.1 | Perl, Eric D. | Teophany | da |
3042 | PER2.1 | Perler, Dominik | Théories de l'intentionalité au moyen âge | nu |
3043 | PER9.1 | Perler, Othmar | Les voyages de Saint Augustin | da |
3044 | PER7.2 | Pernot, Hubert | Etudes sur la langue des Evangiles | da |
3045 | PER7.1 | Pernot, Hubert | D'Homere a nos Jours. Histoire, ecriture, prononciation du grec | da |
3046 | PER8.1 | Perret, Jacques | Latin et Culture | da |
3047 | PER3.1 | Perrot, Arnaud (ed.) | Les chrétiens et l'Hellénisme | da |
3048 | HTKNT2.2 | Pesch, Rudolf | Das Markusevangelium | da |
3049 | HTKNT2.1 | Pesch, Rudolf | Das Markusevangelium | da |
3050 | FLS1.9 | Petagine, Antonio | Il fondamento positivo del mondo. Indagini francescane sulla materia all'inizio del XIV secolo (1300-1330 ca.) | da |
3051 | BRO2.2 | Peter Brown | La vie de Saint Augustin | da |
3052 | LOM1.4.1 | Peter Lombard | The Sentences, book 1: The mystery of the Trinity | da |
3053 | HIS1.3 | Peter of Spain | Tractatus Syncategorematum and Selected Anonymous Treatises | da |
3054 | PET4.1.2 | Peter, Hermannus (ed.) | Historiae Augustae vol.2 | da |
3055 | PET4.1.1 | Peter, Hermannus (ed.) | Historiae Augustae vol 1 | da |