2351 | MUS1.1 | Musca, Vasile; Baumgarten, Alexander (coordonatori) | Filosofia politica a lui Aristotel | da |
2352 | MUS1.2 | Musca, Vasile | Permanenta idealismului | da |
2353 | MUS1.3 | Musca, Vasile | Filosofia ca istoria filosofiei | da |
2354 | MUS1.4 | Musca, Vasile | Incercare asupra gandirii romanesti | da |
2355 | MUS1.5 | Musca, Vasile | Discurs despre filosofie | da |
2356 | MUS1.6 | Musca, Vasile; Baumgarten, Alexander (coordonatori) | Filosofia politica a lui Platon | da |
2357 | MUS2.1 | Musurillo, H, | Acta Alexandrinorum | da |
2358 | MUS3.1 | Musaeus | Hero et Leander (ed. Henricus Livrea) | da |
2359 | MUS4.1 | Musonius Rufus | Reliquiae (ed. O. Hense) | da |
2360 | MUS5.1 | Mussatus, Albertinus | De gestis italicorum post Henricum VII Cesarem (libri I-VII) | da |
2361 | NAE1.1 | Naevius, Gnaeus | Cn. Naevii Belli Punici carminis quae supersunt | da |
2362 | NAN1.1 | Nancy, Claire | Euripide et Le parti des femmes | da |
2363 | NAR1.1 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc; Reckermann, Alfons (ed.) | Pensees de l'"Un" dans l'histoire de la philosophie | da |
2364 | NAR1.2 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc | Levinas et l'heritage grec | da |
2365 | NAR1.3 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc | La métaphisique de Plotin | da |
2366 | NAR1.4 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc | Hénologie, ontologie et Ereignis (Plotin, Proclus, Heidegger) | da |
2367 | NAR2.1 | Nardi, Bruno | Saggi sull'aristotelismo padovano dal secolo XIV al XVI | da |
2368 | NAZ1.1 | Gregor von Nazianz | Reden 1-20 | da |
2369 | NAZ1.2 | Gregorius Nazianzenus | Christus patiens | da |
2370 | NEB1.1 | Nebbiai-Dalla Guarda, Donatella | Du copiste au collectionneur. Bibliologia 18 | nu |
2371 | NEM1.1 | Nemesius din Emesa | Despre natura omului | da |
2372 | NEM1.2 | Nemesius din Emesa | De natura hominis | da |
2373 | NEP1.1 | Cornelius Nepos | Liber de excellentibus ducibus exterarum gentium | da |
2374 | NES1.1 | Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke | Callimachus II | da |
2375 | NEV1.1 | Nevett, Lisa C. | House and society in the ancient Greek world | da |
2376 | NIC1.1#1 | Autrécourt, Nicolas d' | Correspondance, articles condamnés [1335-1336] | da |
2377 | NIC1.1#2 | Autrécourt, Nicolas d' | Correspondance, articles condamnés [1335-1336] | da |
2378 | NIC2.1 | Nikephoros Gregoras | Discours contre les iconoclastes | da |
2379 | NIC3.1 | Nicholas of Methone | Refutation of Proclus' Elements of Theology | da |
2380 | NIE1.1 | Niederbacher, Bruno; Leibold, Gerhard (Hg.) | Theologie als Wissenschaft in Mittelalter | da |
2382 | NIE3.1 | Nietzsche, Friedrich ; Merker, Anne (ed.) | Platon | da |
2383 | NIS1.1 | Nisard, M. | Collection des auteurs latins | da |
2384 | NOI1.1 | Noica, Constantin | Interpretări la Platon | da |
2385 | NOR1.1 | Norberg, Dag | Manuale di latino medievale | da |
2386 | NOU1.1 | Nouhaud, Michel | L`utilisation | da |
2387 | NUC1.1 | Nuchelmans, Gabriel | Theories of the Proposition. Ancient and medieval conceptions of the bearers of truth and falsity | da |
2388 | NUC1.2 | Nuchelmans, Gabriel | Late-Scholastic and Humanist Theories of Proposition | nu |
2389 | NUM1.1 | Numenius | Fragments, ed. Edouard des Places | da |
2390 | NUS1.1 | Martha C. Nussbaum, Amelie Oksenberg Rorty (eds.) | Essays on Aristotle's De anima | da |
2391 | NUY1.1 | Nuyens, Francois | L'evolution de la psychologie d'Aristote | da |
2392 | NYS1.1 | Sfantul Grigore de Nyssa | Viata sfintei Macrina | da |
2393 | NYS1.2 | Gregor von Nyssa | Schriften | da |
2394 | NYS1.3 | Dörrie, H.; Altenburger,M.; Schramm, U. (ed.) | Gregor von Nyssa und die Philosophie | da |
2395 | OAK1.1 | John H. Oakley andd Rebecca H. Sinos | The Wedding in Ancient Athens | nu |
2396 | OAN1.1 | Oancea, Maria Luiza | Limba greacă veche. Sintaxa cazurilor. O nouă teoretizare | da |
2397 | OAN1.2 | Oancea, Maria Luiza (ed.) | Capita selecta iuvenum | da |
2398 | OBE1.1 | Obermeier, Anita | The history and anatomy of auctorial self-criticism in the European Middle Ages | nu |
2399 | OBR1.1 | O`BRIEN, D. | Pour interpreter Empedocle | da |
2400 | OCK1.1.1 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Politica I | da |