2241 | PAT1.1.5 | Pattin, Adriaan | Miscellanea: V. Sint-Thomas en Aristoteles. Codicologie en filosofische terminologie | da |
2242 | COJ1.1 | Cojocaru, V; Rubel, A; | Mobility in reasearch on the Black Sea Region | da |
2243 | ABR1.1 | Abram, M; Dlabacova, A; Falque, I; Signore, G; | Mobilty of ideas and transmisson of texts | da |
2244 | DES1.1 | Desremaux, Alain; Schmidt, Francis(ed.) | Moïse géographe. Recherches sur les représentations juives et chrétiennes de l'espace | da |
2245 | SUC1.1 | Suciu, Alin | Monahul și scribul. Creștinismul egiptean între idealul monahal și cultura scrisă | da |
2246 | TEO2.1.1 | Theodoret von Cyrus | Monchsgeschichte | da |
2247 | PAR3.1 | Parry, J.; Bloch, M. | Money and the Morality of Exchange | da |
2248 | ANS1.5 | Anselm de Canterbury | Monologion | da |
2249 | ANS1.1 | Anselm din Canterbury | Monologion despre esenta divinitatii | da |
2250 | OSW1.1 | Oswald, Dana M. | Monster, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval English Literature | da |
2251 | BOV1.1 | Alixe Bovey | Monsters and Grotesques in Medieval Manuscripts | da |
2252 | MGH | *** | Monumenta Germaniae Historica | da |
2253 | PLU1.5 | Plutarh | Moralia (vol.VI,fasc.3) | da |
2254 | HER2.1 | Herodot | Morceaux choisis | da |
2255 | VAN2.1 | Vant Stef, Felicia | Morfologia istorica greaca | da |
2257 | VER2.2 | Vernant, Jean-Pierre | Mortals and immortals | da |
2258 | SHA2.1 | Shapiro, Herman | Motion, Time and Place according to William Ockham | da |
2259 | ATU1.1 | Atucha, Iñigo; Calma, Dragos; König-Pralong, Catherine; Zavattero, Irene (eds.) | Mots médiévaux offerts à Ruedi Imbach | da |
2260 | JOL1.7 | Jolivet, Jean (ed.) | Multiple Averroes | da |
2261 | MOU1.4 | Moutsopoulos, Evanghelos | Muzica în opera lui Platon | da |
2262 | MCE1.2 | McEvoy, James | Mystical Theology: The Glosses by Thomas Gallus and the Commentary of Robert Grosseteste on De Mystica Theologia | da |
2263 | DIE1.1 | Dierkens, Alain; de Ryke, Benoît Beyer (eds.) | Mystique. La passion de l'Un, de l'Antiquité à nos jours | da |
2264 | PEP1.3 | Pépin, Jean | Mythe et allégorie: allégorie, les origines grecques et les contestations judéo-chrétiennes | da |
2265 | FON1.1 | Fontaine, Jacques | Naissance de la poésie dans l'occident chrétien: esquisse d'une histoire de la poésie latine chrétienne du IIIe au VIe siècle | da |
2266 | GAS1.3 | Gasiorowski, A., Jurek, T., Dkierska, I. (eds.) | Najstarsza ksiega primocji Wydzialu Sztuk Universytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1402-1541 | da |
2267 | FOS1.1 | Foscati, Alessandra; Dopfel, Constanza Gilson; Parmeggiani, Antonella (eds.) | Nascere. Il parto dalla tarda antichita all'eta moderna | da |
2268 | ALB2.11 | Loconsole, Mario; Miteva, Evelina; Panarelli, Marilena (eds.) | Natural Philosophy in Albert the Great : a dialogue of disciplines | da |
2269 | PLI1.4.1 | Plinius | Naturalis Historia I | da |
2270 | PLI1.4.2 | Plinius | Naturalis Historia II | da |
2271 | PLI1.4.5 | Plinius | Naturalis Historia V | da |
2272 | HAS2.1 | Hastings, Robert | Nature and reason in the Decameron | da |
2273 | BAU2.1 | Bausi, Francesco | Nec rhetor neque philosophus. Fonti, lingua e stile nelle prime opere latine di Giovanni Pico della mirandola (1484-87) | da |
2274 | ALG1.1 | Gadi Algazi, Valentin Groebner, Bernhard Jussen (eds.) | Negotiation the Gift. Premodern Figuration of Exchange | da |
2275 | BRI4.2 | Luc Brisson, Seamus O'Neill, Andrei Timotin (eds.) | Neoplatonic Demons and Angels | da |
2276 | CAL2.3.2 | Calma, Dragos(ed.) | Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages II. New Commentaries on Liber de causis and Elementatio Theologica | da |
2277 | CAL2.3.1 | Calma, Dragos (ed.) | Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages. I. New Commentaries on Liber de causis | da |
2278 | MUR2.1 | Muralt, Andre de | Neoplatonisme et aristotelisme dans la metaphysique medievale | da |
2279 | WHI3.1 | Whittaker Thomas | Neoplatonismul : un studiu asupra istoriei elenismului | da |
2280 | MAR15.1 | Margolin, Jean-Claude | Neuf années de bibliographie érasmienne, 1962-1970 | da |
2281 | MAR16.22 | Maritain, Jacques | Neuf lecons sur les notions premieres de la philosophie morale | da |
2282 | FAG1.1 | Fagan, Garrett G. | New perspectives on ancient warfare | da |
2283 | CHR4.2 | Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.) | Nicholas of Cusa in search of God and wisdom. Essays in honor of Morimichi Watanabe by the American Cusanus Society | da |
2284 | CAR1.1 | Caroti, Stefano | Nicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des arts de Paris, 1317-1340 | da |
2285 | KAL1.4 | Kaluza, Zenon | Nicolas d'Autrecourt, ami de la verite | nu |
2286 | BRI2.1 | Monica Brînzei (ed.) | Nicolas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at VIenna in the Early Fifteenth Century | da |
2287 | WAT1.1 | Pauline Moffitt Watts | Nicolaus Cusanus. A fifteenth-century vision of man | da |
2288 | ORE1.1 | Celeyrett, Jean; Grellard, Christophe | Nicole Oresme Philosophe. Philosophie de la nature et philosophie de la connaissance a Paris au XIV siecle | da |
2289 | ARI1.21.1 | Aristotel | Nicomachean Ethics, II-IV | da |
2290 | ARI1.21.2 | Aristotel | Nicomachean Ethics, VIII-IX | da |
2291 | ~E. | Schmidt, Rudiger, Spreckelsen, Cord | Nietzsche fur Anfanger | da |
2292 | FLA1.1 | Flasch, Kurt | Nikolaus von Kues. Geschichte einer Entwicklung | da |
2293 | DRO1.1 | Dronke, Peter | Nine medieval Latin plays | da |
2294 | GEL1.1.1 | A. Gellius | Noctes Atticae I | da |
2295 | GEL1.1.2 | A. Gellius | Noctes Atticae II | da |
2296 | VAU1.1 | de Vaux, Roland | Notes et textes sur l'avicennisme latin | da |
2297 | MAR17.4 | Maritain, Raissa | Notes sur le pater | da |
2298 | SZL1.3.2 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | Noul Platon vol. 2 | da |
2299 | SZL1.3.1 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | Noul Platon vol.1 | da |
2300 | CUL2.1 | Cullmann, Oscar | Noul Testament | da |
2301 | IUS1.1.1 | Iustinianus | Novellae Vol.1 (ed. Zachariae) | da |
2302 | IUS1.1.2 | Iustinianus | Novellae Vol.2 (ed. Zachariae) | da |
2303 | CAN2.2 | Cantemir, Dimitrie | O cercetare naturală a monarhiilor | da |
2304 | CUS1.2 | Nicolaus Cusanus | O nao-outro / De non aliud | da |
2305 | ANT1.1 | Antonesei, Liviu | O prostie a lui Platon : intelectualii şi politica | da |
2306 | LIE1.1 | Beatus Liebanensis | Obras completas y complementarias I (Comentario al Apocalipsis, Himno "O Dei Verbum", Apologético ) | da |
2307 | FEL1.1 | Felix, M. Minucius | Octavius | da |
2308 | HOM1.6.13 | Homer | Odyssey (books 13-14) | da |
2309 | HOM1.6.17 | Homer | Odyssey (books 17-18) | da |
2310 | HOM1.6.6 | Homer | Odyssey (Books 6-8) | da |
2311 | HOM1.4.1 | Homer | Odyssey, 1-12 | da |
2312 | HOM1.4.2 | Homer | Odyssey, 13-14 | da |
2313 | CRO2.2 | Croiset, M. | Oedip Roi de Sophocle | da |
2314 | CHR1.1 | Chrysippe | Oeuvre philosophique (I) | da |
2315 | CHR1.2 | Chrysippe | Oeuvre philosophique (II) | da |
2316 | TIT1.5.2 | Tite-Live | Oeuvres - Histoire Romaine, vol. 2 | da |
2317 | MAR16.38 | Maritain, Jacques | Oeuvres 1940-1963 | da |
2318 | DIE2.3 | Dietrich de Freiberg | Oeuvres Choisies I. Substances, quidites et accidents | da |
2319 | DIO1.2 | Ps.-Denys L'Areopagite | Oeuvres completes | da |
2320 | ARI1.20 | Aristotel | Oeuvres Completes | da |
2321 | LUC4.1 | Lucain | Oeuvres completes | da |
2322 | MAC4.3 | Macrobe, Varron, Pomponius Mela | OEUVRES COMPLETES | da |
2323 | IUV1.2 | Iuvenal et Persius | Oeuvres Completes - De Turnus et De Suplicia | da |
2324 | IUV1.1 | Iuvenal et Persius | Oeuvres completes - De Turnus et De Suplicia | da |
2325 | ISO1.2.1 | Isocrate | Oeuvres Completes I | da |
2326 | ISO1.2.2 | Isocrate | Oeuvres Completes II | da |
2327 | ISO1.2.3 | Isocrate | Oeuvres Completes III | da |
2328 | PLA1.5.4.2 | Platon | Oeuvres completes IV.2: Le Banquet | da |
2329 | PLA1.5.8.2 | Platon | Oeuvres completes VIII.2: Theaithetos | da |
2330 | PLA1.4.2 | Platon | Oeuvres completes, vol. 2 | da |
2331 | HOR1.3 | Horace | Oeuvres d'Horace | da |
2332 | MAR12.1.3 | Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux | Oevres diverses; tome III | da |
2333 | SCO1.11 | John Duns Scotus | On being and cognition: Ordinatio 1.3 | nu |
2334 | CHR4.1 | Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.) | On Christ and the Church. Essays in memory of Chandler McCuskey Brooks for the American Cusanus Society | da |
2335 | LEE2.4 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | On Good Authority. Tradition, Compilation and the Construction of Authority in Literature from Antiquity to the Renaissance | da |
2336 | THO1.35 | Thomas Aquinas | On kingship. To the king of Cyprus | da |
2337 | CIC1.27 | Cicero | On Life and Death (trad. J. Davie) | nu |
2338 | BOS1.1 | E. P. Bos, P. A. Meijer | On Proclus and his influence in medieval philosophy | da |
2339 | ARI1.5 | Aristotel | On the Heavens | da |
2340 | HUG1.8 | Hugh of Saint Victor | On the sacraments of the christian faith (De Sacramentis) | da |