2126 | GAN1.1.29 | Henricus de Gandavo; L. Hödl (ed.) | Opera Omnia XXIX. Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae) art. XLI-XLVI | da |
2127 | GAN1.1.17 | Henricus de Gandavo; L. Hödl, M. Haverals (ed.) | Opera Omnia XVII. Tractatus super facto praelatorum et fratrum (Quodlibet XII, quaestio 31) | da |
2128 | GAN1.1.30 | Henricus de Gandavo; Markus Führer (ed.) | Opera Omnia XXX. Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae) art. XLVII-LII | da |
2129 | GAN1.1.6 | Henricus de Gandavo; R. Wielockx (ed.) | Opera Omnia VI. Quodlibet II | da |
2130 | GAN1.1.14 | Henricus de Gandavo;R. Macken (ed.) | Opera Omnia XIV. Quodlibet X | da |
2131 | GAN1.1.27 | Henricus de Gandavo;R. Macken (ed.) | Opera Omnia XXVII. Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae) art. XXXI-XXXIV | da |
2132 | GAN1.1.36 | Henricus de Gandavo;R. Macken (ed.) | Opera Omnia XXXVI. Lectura Ordinaria Super Sacram Scripturarum Henrico de Gandavo adscripta | da |
2133 | GAN1.1.13 | Henricus de Gandavo;R. Macken (ed.) | Opera Omnia XIII. Quodlibet IX | da |
2134 | HEN5.1 | Henry, D. P. | Medieval Logic and Metaphysics. A Modern Introduction | da |
2135 | HEP1.1 | Hephaestion Thebanus | Apotelesmatica | da |
2136 | OVI1.5 | Herescu, Nicolae I. (ed.) | Ovidiana. Recherches sur Ovide | da |
2137 | HER3.1 | Hermagoras | Testimonia et fragmenta (ed. Matthes) | da |
2138 | ARI1.53.1 | Hermann Bonitz | Index Aristotelicus, vol I | da |
2139 | ARI1.53.2 | Hermann Bonitz | Index Aristotelicus, vol II | da |
2140 | HER4.1 | Herodian | Ab axcessu divi Marci (ed. Stavenhagen) | da |
2141 | HER2.2.1 | Herodot | Historiae vol.I (libros I-IV) | da |
2142 | HER2.1 | Herodot | Morceaux choisis | da |
2143 | HER2.3 | Herodot (despre) | Eine Auswahl aus der neurren Forschung (ed. W. Marg) | da |
2144 | HER5.1 | Herrero López, Montserrat; Aurell, Jaume ; Miceli Stout, Angela C. (eds.) | Political theology in medieval and early modern Europe: discourses, rites, and representations | da |
2145 | HER1.2#2 | Hervaeus Natalis; de Rijk, L. M. | De quattuor materiis sive determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo Vol. II | da |
2146 | HER1.1 | Hervaeus Natalis; de Rijk, L. M. | Hervaeus Natalis O.P. De quattutor materiis. Vol. I: De formis | da |
2147 | HER1.2#1 | Hervaeus Natalis; de Rijk, L. M. | De quattuor materiis sive determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo Vol. II | da |
2148 | HES1.1 | Hesiod | Carmina | da |
2149 | HES1.2.1 | Hesiod | Theogony, Works and Days, Testimonia | da |
2150 | HES1.2.2 | Hesiod | The Shield. Catalogue of Women. Other Fragments | da |
2151 | HEY1.1 | Heynacher, Max (edit.) | Goethes Philosophie aus seinen Werken | da |
2152 | HIE2.1 | Hierocles Byzantinus | Synecdemus | da |
2153 | HIE1.1 | Hieronymus | Ausgewahlte Historische Homiletische und Dogmatische Schriften | da |
2154 | HIL2.1 | Hildebertus | Carmina minora | da |
2155 | HIL3.2.1 | Hildegard din Bingen | Scivias (I-II) | da |
2156 | HIL3.1 | Hildegard von Bingen | Scivias | nu |
2157 | HIL1.1 | Hillel ben Samuel | Über die Vollendung der Seele | da |
2158 | HIM1.1 | Himerius | Declamationes et Orationes cum deperditarum fragmentis | da |
2159 | HIP1.1 | Hippolytus von Rom | Widerlegung aller haresien | da |
2160 | HIR1.1 | Hirsch, Walter | Platons Weg Zum Mythos | da |
2161 | HIS2.1 | Hisette, Roland | Enquête sur les 219 articles condamnés à Paris le 7 mars 1277 | da |
2162 | HOE1.2 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; de Libera, Alain | Albertus Magnus Und Der Albertismus | nu |
2163 | HOE1.1 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Nauta, Lodi | Boethius in the Middle Ages. Latin & Vernacular Traditions of the Consolatio philosophiae | da |
2164 | HOE1.3 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Schneider, J. H. Josef; Wieland, Georg | Philosophy and Learning. Universities in the Middle Ages | da |
2165 | HOE1.4 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.) | Past and future. Medieval studies today | da |
2166 | HOF5.1 | Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, Ruedi | Paradigmes de theologie philosophique | da |
2167 | HOF2.1 | Hoffe, Ottfried | Aristoteles | da |
2168 | HOF4.1 | Hoffmann, Philippe; Timotin, Andrei (eds.) | Théories et pratiques de la prière à la fin de l'antiquité | da |
2169 | HOF3.1 | Hoffmann, Tobias; Muller, Jorn; Perkams, Matthias (ed.) | Das problem der Willensshwache in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie/ The problem of Weekness of Will in Medieval Philosophy | da |
2170 | HOF1.1 | Hofmeister Pich, Roberto (ed.) | Ideas sin fronteras en los limites de las ideas | da |
2171 | HOF1.2 | Hofmeister-Pich, R., Culleton, A. S. (eds.) | Scolastica colonialis, Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16/18 Centuries | da |
2172 | HOL1.1 | Holmes, Leslie | Corruption. A Very Short Introduction | da |
2173 | HOM1.4.1 | Homer | Odyssey, 1-12 | da |
2174 | HOM1.4.2 | Homer | Odyssey, 13-14 | da |
2175 | HOM1.5 | Homer | Three Homeric Hymns (To Apollo, Hermes and Aphrodite) | da |
2176 | HOM1.7.22 | Homer | Iliad (book XXII) | da |
2177 | HOM1.7.6 | Homer | Iliad (book VI) | nu |
2178 | HOM1.7.24 | Homer | Iliad (book XXIV) | da |
2179 | HOM1.6.6 | Homer | Odyssey (Books 6-8) | da |
2180 | HOM1.6.13 | Homer | Odyssey (books 13-14) | da |
2181 | HOM1.6.17 | Homer | Odyssey (books 17-18) | da |
2182 | HOM1.2 | Homer | Carmina Et Cycli Epici Reliquiae | da |
2183 | HOM1.3 | Homer | Carmina et Cycli Epici Reliquiae | da |
2184 | HOM1.1 | Homer | Ilias, ed. G. Dindorf | da |
2185 | HON1.1 | Honorius Augustodunensis | Clavis Physicae | da |
2186 | HOO1.1 | Hood, Pamela M | Aristotle on the category of relation | da |
2187 | HOR1.3 | Horace | Oeuvres d'Horace | da |
2188 | HOS1.1 | Hose, Martin; Schenker, David (eds.) | A companion to Greek literature | da |
2189 | GET1.1 | Hosidivs Geta | Medea. Cento vergilianvs | da |
2190 | HOL2.1 | Hölscher, Ludger | The reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substance | da |
2191 | HOL2.1#2 | Hölscher, Ludger | The reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substance | da |
2192 | GAN1.2 | Hrotsvita din Gandersheim | Teatru | da |
2193 | HUB1.1 | Hubert, Bernard | Jacques Maritain en Europe | da |
2194 | HUG1.8 | Hugh of Saint Victor | On the sacraments of the christian faith (De Sacramentis) | da |
2195 | HUG1.3 | Hugo de Saint-Victor | L'art de lire. Didascalicon | da |
2196 | HUG1.1 | Hugo de Saint-Victor | Didascalicon | da |
2197 | HUG1.6.3 | Hugo de Saint-Victor | Super Ierarchiam Dionisii (Opera omnia tomus III) | da |
2198 | HUG1.2 | Hugo de Saint-Victor (Hugonis de Sancto Victore) | Didascalicon | da |
2199 | HUG1.7 | Hugo de Saint-Victor ; Berndt, Rainer (ed.) | De sacramentis Christianae fidei | da |
2200 | HUG1.4 | Hugo de Saint-Victor; Taylor, Jerome (transl.) | The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victor | da |
2201 | HUG1.5 | Hugo din Saint-Victor | Meditatii spirituale | da |
2202 | HUG1.6.2 | Hugo din Saint-Victor (Hugo de Saint Victor) | De tribus diebus (Opera, Tomus II) | da |
2203 | HUG2.1 | Hugonnard-Roche, Henri | La logique d'Aristote du grec au syriaque, etude sur la transmission des textes de l'Organon et leur interpretation philosophique | da |
2204 | HUI1.1 | Huian, Georgiana | Augustin : le coeur et la crise du sujet | da |
2205 | HUM1.1 | Humbertus de Prulliaco | Humbertus de Prulliaco, Sententia super librum Metaphisice Aristotelis, Liber I-V | da |
2206 | HUN1.1 | Huneke, Maike | Iurisprudentia romano-saxonica. Die Glosse zum Sachsenspiegel-Lehnrecht und die Anfänge deutscher Rechtswissenschaft | da |
2207 | HUD1.1 | Hurdy, Francoise | Liber XXIV Philosophorum. Instrumenta lexicologica latina | da |
2208 | HUS1.1 | Husik, Isaac | A history of Medieval philosophy | da |
2209 | HUT1.1 | Hutchinson, D. M. | Plotinus on consciousness | da |
2210 | HYG1.1 | Hyginus | De metatione castrorum | da |
2211 | HYM1.1 | Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.) | Philosophy in the Middle Ages | da |
2212 | HYP1.1 | Hyperidus (ed. f. Blass) | Orationes quattuor | da |
2213 | ALT1.2 | Iacobus de Altavilla | Lectura in libros Sententiarum (Tomus I): Principium, Questiones 1-6 | da |
2214 | ALT1.1 | Iacobus de Altavillia | In primum librum Sententiarum. Ms. Erfurt, Ampoloniana CA 2° 118 | da |
2215 | IAM1.1 | Iamblichos | Protreptique | da |
2216 | GAB1.2 | Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) | Fonte della vita | da |
2217 | GAB1.3 | Ibn Gabirol (Avicembron) | La source de vie. Livre III | da |
2218 | IBN1.1 | Ibn Hazm, Alī ibn Ahmad | Colierul porumbiţei : tratat despre dragoste şi îndrăgostiţi | da |
2219 | PAK1.1 | ibn Paḳudah, Baḥye ben Yosef | The book of directions to the duties of the heart | da |
2220 | TUF1.1 | Ibn Tufayl (Abentofal) | Hayy bin Yaqzan sau tainele intelepciunii rasaritene | da |
2221 | KAM1.1 | Ibn-Kammūna, Saʿd Ibn-Manṣūr | Examen de la critique des trois religions monothéistes | da |
2222 | IER1.1 | Ieronim | Comentariu la cartea Profetului Iona | da |
2223 | IJS1.1 | Ijsewijn, Jozef; Paquet, Jacques (ed.) | Les universités à la fin du Moyen âge/The Universities in the Late Middle Ages | da |
2224 | IMB1.3 | Imbach, Ruedi | Minima mediaevalia. Saggi di filosofia medievale | da |
2225 | IMB1.2 | Imbach, Ruedi | Dante, la philosophie et les laics | da |