1841 | FIS2.1 | Fish, J.; Sanders, K.R. (ed.) | Epicurus and the Epicureant tradition | da |
1842 | FIS1.1 | Fishacre, Richard | In Tertium Librum Sententiarum Teil 2: Dist. 23-40 | da |
1843 | FIT1.1 | Fitzgerald, Allan D. (ed.) | Augustine through the ages: an encyclopedia | nu |
1844 | FLA1.2#2 | Flasch, Kurt | Dietrich von Freiberg: Philosophie, Theologie, Naturforschung um 1300 | da |
1845 | FLA1.1 | Flasch, Kurt | Nikolaus von Kues. Geschichte einer Entwicklung | da |
1846 | FLA1.2#1 | Flasch, Kurt | Dietrich von Freiberg: Philosophie, Theologie, Naturforschung um 1300 | da |
1847 | FLA1.4 | Flasch, Kurt | Introduction a la philosophie medievale | da |
1848 | FLA1.3 | Flasch, Kurt (ed.) | Das Buch der 24 Philosophen | da |
1849 | PHI6.1 | Flavius Philostratus | Heroicus | da |
1850 | FLO1.1 | Florus | Epitomae | da |
1851 | FON1.1 | Fontaine, Jacques | Naissance de la poésie dans l'occident chrétien: esquisse d'une histoire de la poésie latine chrétienne du IIIe au VIe siècle | da |
1852 | FOR1.1 | Forthomme, Bernard | La pensée franciscaine : un seuil de la modernité | da |
1853 | FOS1.1 | Foscati, Alessandra; Dopfel, Constanza Gilson; Parmeggiani, Antonella (eds.) | Nascere. Il parto dalla tarda antichita all'eta moderna | da |
1854 | FOU2.1 | Fournier, Paul | Études sur Joachim de Fiore et ses doctrines | da |
1855 | ALF2.1 | Francesco Alfieri | Problema individualităţii. Prezenţa lui Duns Scotus în gândirea lui Edith Stein | da |
1856 | MAZ1.1 | Francesco Mazzoni (ed.) | Il Boccaccio nelle culture e letterature nazionali | da |
1857 | PET2.4 | Francesco Petrarca | De ignorantia. Della mia ignoranza e di quella di moltri altri | da |
1858 | PET2.5 | Francesco Petrarca | Către mai vestiţii înaintaşi / Antiquis illustrioribus | nu |
1859 | FRA1.1 | Francis of Assisi | Ecrits | da |
1860 | RUE1.1 | Francis Ruello/Luca Bianchi | Les "noms divins" et leurs "raisons" selon Albert le Grand commentateur du "De divinis nominibus"/L'errore di Aristotele - la polemica contro l'eternita del mondo nel XIII secolo | da |
1861 | VIA3.1 | Francis Vian. Elie Battegay | Lexique de quintus de smyrne | da |
1862 | SUA1.1 | Francisco Suarez | Disputazioni metaphisiche,I-III | da |
1863 | MAY1.1 | Franciscus de Mayronis | Kommentar zum Ersten Buch der Sentenzen | da |
1864 | FRA5.1 | Frank, Daniel H. ; Leaman, Oliver ; Manekin, Charles Harry (eds.) | The Jewish philosophy reader | da |
1865 | FRA2.1 | Frankel, Hermann | Einleitung zur kritischen ausgabe der Argonautika des Apollonios | da |
1866 | BLA3.1 | Franz Blatt | Precis de Syntaxe Latine | da |
1867 | FRA4.1 | Frații Purității | Epistolele despre logică | da |
1868 | FRE2.1 | Fredegisus | Despre substanta nimicului si a intunericului | da |
1869 | FRE3.1 | Fredouille, Jean-Claude | Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique | da |
1870 | FRE3.2 | Fredouille, Jean-Claude | Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique | da |
1871 | FRE1.2 | Frenkian, Aram M. | La methode hippocratique dans le Phedre de Platon | da |
1872 | FRE1.1 | Frenkian, Aram M. | Le monde homerique. Essai de protophilosophie grecque | da |
1873 | FRE5.1 | Freudenthal, Gad | Science in the medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditions | da |
1874 | FRE4.1 | Freyburger, Gerard | Fides. Etude semantique et religieuse depuis les origines jusqu`a l`epoque augusteenne | da |
1875 | FRI2.1.1 | Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.) | Corpus Iuris Canonici. Pars prior | da |
1876 | KIR2.1.6 | Friedhelm Winkelmann | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/06 | da |
1877 | FRI1.1.1 | Friedman, Russell L. | Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 1 | da |
1878 | FRI1.1.2 | Friedman, Russell L. | Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 2 | da |
1879 | FRI1.2 | Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.) | Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher : a Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century | da |
1880 | TWNT5 | Friedrich, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 5 | da |
1881 | TWNT6 | Friedrich, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 6 | da |
1882 | TWNT7 | Friedrich, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 7 | da |
1883 | TWNT8 | Friedrich, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 8 | da |
1884 | TWNT9 | Friedrich, Gerhard | Thelogisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament 9 | da |
1885 | FRO1.1 | Fronterotta, F; Leszl, W. (ed.) | Eidos - Idea | da |
1886 | FUC1.1 | Fuchs, Franz | Venedig und der oberdeutsche Buchmarkt um 1500 | da |
1887 | FUM1.1 | Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Parodi, Massimo | Storia della filosofia medievale: da Boezio a Wyclif | da |
1888 | FUM1.2 | Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Simonetta, Stefano (eds.) | John Wyclif: logica, politica, teologia | da |
1889 | FUN1.2 | Funkenstein, Amos | Theology and the scientific imagination from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth century | da |
1890 | FUN1.1 | Funkenstein, Amos | Maïmonide | da |
1891 | FUR1.1 | Furley, David J. | Two studies in the greek atomists | da |
1892 | FUR2.1 | Furtado, Rodrigo; Moscone, Marcello (eds.) | From Charters to Codex: studies on cartularies and archival memory in the middle ages | da |
1893 | HOM1.8.1 | G. S. Kirk | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. I (Books 1-4) | da |
1894 | HOM1.8.2 | G. S. Kirk | The Iliad: A Commentary, vol. II (Books 5-8) | nu |
1895 | GAD1.2 | Gadamer, Hans-Georg | L'idée du bien comme enjeu platonico-aristotélicien: suivi de Le savoir pratique | da |
1896 | GAD1.1 | Gadamer, Hans-Georg | La nuova interpretazione di Platone | da |
1897 | ALG1.1 | Gadi Algazi, Valentin Groebner, Bernhard Jussen (eds.) | Negotiation the Gift. Premodern Figuration of Exchange | da |
1898 | GAG2.1 | Gagarin, Michael | Early Greek law | da |
1899 | GAG2.2 | Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.) | The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law | da |
1900 | GAL1.1 | Galileo Galilei | Sidereus nuncius | da |
1901 | GAR1.1.1 | Gardeil, Henri-Dominique | Initiation à la philosophie de saint Thomas d'Aquin (I) | da |
1902 | GAR1.1.2 | Gardeil, Henri-Dominique | Initiation à la philosophie de saint Thomas d'Aquin (II) | da |
1903 | GAR2.1 | Gardiner, Michael | Hildegard von Bingen's Ordo virtutum : a musical and metaphysical analysis | da |
1904 | GAS1.2 | Gasiorowski, A., Jurek, T., Dkierska, I. (eds.) | Metryka czyli album Uniwersitetu Krkowskiego z lat 1509-1551 | da |
1905 | GAS1.3 | Gasiorowski, A., Jurek, T., Dkierska, I. (eds.) | Najstarsza ksiega primocji Wydzialu Sztuk Universytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1402-1541 | da |
1906 | GAS1.1.1 | Gasiorowski, Antoni; Jurek, Tomasz; Skierska, Izabela (eds.) | Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Tom I | da |
1907 | GAS1.1.2 | Gasiorowski, Antoni; Jurek, Tomasz; Skierska, Izabela (eds.) | Metryka Uniwersytetu Krakowskiego z lat 1400-1508. Tom II | da |
1908 | GAT1.1 | Gatti, Roberto | Storie dell'anima: le Confessioni di Agostino e Rousseau | da |
1909 | GAU2.1 | Gaudefroy-Demombynes, M; Blachere, R. | Grammaire de l'Arabe Classique | nu |
1910 | GAU3.1 | Gauthier, Nancy; Galinie, Henry (eds.) | Gregoire de Tours et l'espace gaulois | da |
1911 | GAU4.1 | Gauvard, Cl.; de Libera, A. ; Zink, M. (eds.) | Dictionnaire du Moyen Age | nu |
1912 | GEH1.1 | Géhin, Paul (dir.) | Lire le manuscrit médiéval | nu |
1913 | GEI1.1 | Geiger, Louis-Bertrand | Penser avec Thomas d'Aquin | da |
1914 | GEM1.1 | Gemelli Marciano, M. Laura | Democrito e l'Accademia | da |
1915 | PLE1.1 | Georges Gémiste Pléthon | Oracles Chaldaiques | da |
1916 | PLE1.2 | Georges Gémiste Pléthon | Traité des vertus | da |
1917 | DGR1.1 | Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, Theodor | Dictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. I, Α) | da |
1918 | DGR1.2 | Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, Theodor | Dictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. II, Β-Γ) | da |
1919 | DGR1.4 | Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, Theodor | Dictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. IV, Ε) | da |
1920 | DGR1.5 | Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, Theodor | Dictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. V, Ζ-Η-Θ-Ι) | da |
1921 | DGR1.6 | Georgescu, Constantin; Georgescu, Simona; Georgescu, Theodor | Dictionar grec-roman (DGR: Vol. VI, Κ) | da |
1922 | PLE1.6 | Georgios Gemistos Plethon | În ce privințe se deosebește Aristotel de Platon | da |
1923 | GEO1.1.1 | Georgius Acropolita | Georgii Acropolitae Opera. 1. Continens Historiam, Breviarium historiae, Theodori Scutariota e additamenta | da |
1924 | GEO1.1.2 | Georgius Acropolita | Georgii Acropolitae Opera. 2. Continens scripta minora praecedit dissertatio de vita scriptoris | da |
1925 | PLE1.4 | Georgius Gemistus Plethon | Contra scholarii pro Aristotele obiectiones | da |
1926 | PLE1.5 | Georgius Gemistus Plethon | Opuscula de historia graeca (ed. Maltese) | da |
1927 | GER2.4 | Gerard de Cenad | Deliberare asupra imnului celor trei tineri | da |
1928 | GER2.3 | Gerardus, Moresenae Episcopus | Deliberatio supra Hymnum trium puerorum | da |
1929 | GER2.2 | Gerardus, Moresenae Episcopus | Elmelkedes a harom Fiu Himnuszarol / Deliberatio supra Hymnum trium puerorum, ed. et transtulerunt Bela Karocsonyi et Laszlo Szegfu | da |
1930 | GER2.1 | Gerardus, Moresenae Episcopus | Deliberatio supra Hymnum trium puerorum | da |
1931 | GER4.1 | Gereby, Gyorgy | Isten es birodalom. Politikai teologia | da |
1932 | GER5.1 | Gershom, Levi ben | Milhamot ha-Shem | da |
1933 | GER1.2 | Gerson, Jean | Jean Gerson, commentateur dionysien: les "Notulae super quaedam verba Dionysii de Caelesti Hierarchia" | da |
1934 | GER1.1 | Gerson, Jean | Sur la theologie mystique | da |
1935 | GER3.1 | Gerson, Lloyd P. (ed.) | The Cambridge Companion to Plotinus | da |
1936 | KIR2.1.5 | Gert Haendler | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/05 | da |
1937 | KIR2.1.3 | Gert Haendler | Kirchengeschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, Band I/03 | da |
1938 | GHO1.1 | Ghosh, Kantik; Soukup, Pavel (eds.) | Wycliffism and Hussitism : methods of thinking, writing, and persuasion, c.1360-c.1460 | da |
1939 | GIE2.1 | Giele, Maurice; Steenberghen, Fernand van; Bazan, Bernard (eds.) | Trois commentaires anonymes sur le traite De l'ame d'Aristote | da |
1940 | GIE1.1 | Gierens, M. (ed.) | Controversia de aeternitate mundi | da |