1796 | PER5.1 | Perini-Santos, E. | La theory Ockhamienne de la connaisance evidente | da |
1797 | SAL6.1 | Salama-Carr, Myriam | La traduction à l'époque abbasside : l'école de Ḥunayn Ibn Isḥāq et son importance pour la traduction | da |
1798 | BAD1.1 | 'Abdurrahman Badawi | La transmission de la philosophie grecque au monde arabe | da |
1799 | AUG1.42 | Agostino | La Trinità | da |
1800 | BRO2.3 | Brown, Peter | La vie de Saint Augustin | da |
1801 | BRO2.2 | Peter Brown | La vie de Saint Augustin | da |
1802 | TRO1.4 | Trottmann, Christian | La vision Beatifique. Des disputes scolastiques a sa definition par Benoit XII | nu |
1803 | GRI2.1 | Grijac, Lavinia-Alexandra | Lac, non escam. Semnificații distincte ale pasajului I Corinteni 3:2 în filosofia patristică și medievală | da |
1804 | CIC1.3 | Cicero | Laelius sive De amicitia | da |
1805 | CIC1.2 | Cicero | Laelius sive De amicitia | da |
1806 | LIB1.3 | Libera, Alain de ; Elamrani-Jamal, A ; Galonnier, Alain | Langages et philosophie | da |
1807 | DEN5.1 | Denyer, Nicholas | Language, thought, and falsehood in ancient Greek philosophy | da |
1808 | NUC1.2 | Nuchelmans, Gabriel | Late-Scholastic and Humanist Theories of Proposition | nu |
1809 | MGH/LHL | *** | Lateinisches Hexameter-Lexikon | da |
1810 | LOH1.1.1.1 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.1 Medieval Authors A-L | da |
1811 | LOH1.1.1.2 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.2 Medieval Authors M-Z | da |
1812 | LOH1.1.2 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. II. Renaissance Authors | da |
1813 | LOH1.1.3 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. III. Index Initiorum - Index finium | da |
1814 | LOH1.1.5 | Lohr, Charles H. | Latin Aristotle Commentaries. V. Bibliography of Secondary Litterature | da |
1815 | PER8.1 | Perret, Jacques | Latin et Culture | da |
1816 | KRI1.1 | Kristeller, Paul Oskar | Latin Manuscript Books before 1600 | da |
1817 | EGY1.2 | Egyed, Péter | Látlelet | da |
1818 | MEE1.1 | Meerseman, G. | Laurentii Pignon Catalogi et Chronica accedunt Catalogi Stamnensis et Upsalensis Scriptorum | da |
1819 | WOO1.1 | Woozley, A. D. | LAW AND OBEDIENCE. The arguments of Plato`s Crito | da |
1820 | KIR4.1 | Kirby, Gerald J. | Law in the Writings of John of Salisbury and St. Thomas Aquinas | da |