1381 | FRA2.1 | Frankel, Hermann | Einleitung zur kritischen ausgabe der Argonautika des Apollonios | da |
1382 | FRA3.1 | Marie Louse von Franz | L`ane d`Or. Interpretation d`un Conte | da |
1383 | FRA4.1 | Frații Purității | Epistolele despre logică | da |
1384 | FRA5.1 | Frank, Daniel H. ; Leaman, Oliver ; Manekin, Charles Harry (eds.) | The Jewish philosophy reader | da |
1385 | FRE1.1 | Frenkian, Aram M. | Le monde homerique. Essai de protophilosophie grecque | da |
1386 | FRE1.2 | Frenkian, Aram M. | La methode hippocratique dans le Phedre de Platon | da |
1387 | FRE2.1 | Fredegisus | Despre substanta nimicului si a intunericului | da |
1388 | FRE3.1 | Fredouille, Jean-Claude | Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique | da |
1389 | FRE3.2 | Fredouille, Jean-Claude | Tertullien et la conversion de la culture antique | da |
1390 | FRE4.1 | Freyburger, Gerard | Fides. Etude semantique et religieuse depuis les origines jusqu`a l`epoque augusteenne | da |
1391 | FRE5.1 | Freudenthal, Gad | Science in the medieval Hebrew and Arabic traditions | da |
1392 | FRI1.1.1 | Friedman, Russell L. | Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 1 | da |
1393 | FRI1.1.2 | Friedman, Russell L. | Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 2 | da |
1394 | FRI1.2 | Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.) | Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher : a Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century | da |
1395 | FRI2.1.1 | Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.) | Corpus Iuris Canonici. Pars prior | da |
1396 | FRO1.1 | Fronterotta, F; Leszl, W. (ed.) | Eidos - Idea | da |
1397 | FRO2.1 | Sex. Iulius Frontinus | De Aquaeductu Urbis Romane | da |
1398 | FS12.3-4 | | Franciscan Studies volume 12, nos. 3 and 4 | da |
1399 | FS13.1 | | Franciscan Studies volume 13, no.1 | da |
1400 | FS36 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1401 | FS37 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1402 | FS38 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1403 | FS39 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1404 | FS40 | *** | Franciscan Studies | da |
1405 | FUC1.1 | Fuchs, Franz | Venedig und der oberdeutsche Buchmarkt um 1500 | da |
1406 | FUM1.1 | Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Parodi, Massimo | Storia della filosofia medievale: da Boezio a Wyclif | da |
1407 | FUM1.2 | Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Simonetta, Stefano (eds.) | John Wyclif: logica, politica, teologia | da |
1408 | FUN1.1 | Funkenstein, Amos | Maïmonide | da |
1409 | FUN1.2 | Funkenstein, Amos | Theology and the scientific imagination from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth century | da |
1410 | FUR1.1 | Furley, David J. | Two studies in the greek atomists | da |
1411 | FUR2.1 | Furtado, Rodrigo; Moscone, Marcello (eds.) | From Charters to Codex: studies on cartularies and archival memory in the middle ages | da |
1412 | GAB1.1 | Salomon ben Yehûdah ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) | Fons vitae | da |
1413 | GAB1.2 | Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) | Fonte della vita | da |
1414 | GAB1.3 | Ibn Gabirol (Avicembron) | La source de vie. Livre III | da |
1415 | GAD1.1 | Gadamer, Hans-Georg | La nuova interpretazione di Platone | da |
1416 | GAD1.2 | Gadamer, Hans-Georg | L'idée du bien comme enjeu platonico-aristotélicien: suivi de Le savoir pratique | da |
1417 | GAG1.1 | Gage, Jean | "Basileia". Les Cesars, les Rois d'Orient et les Mages | da |
1418 | GAG2.1 | Gagarin, Michael | Early Greek law | da |
1419 | GAG2.2 | Gagarin, Michael; Cohen, David (eds.) | The Cambridge companion to ancient Greek law | da |
1420 | GAL1.1 | Galileo Galilei | Sidereus nuncius | da |
1421 | GAN1.1.6 | Henricus de Gandavo; R. Wielockx (ed.) | Opera Omnia VI. Quodlibet II | da |
1422 | GAN1.1.8 | Henricus de Gandavo; G. A. Wilson, Girard J. Etzkorn (ed.) | Opera Omnia VIII. Quodlibet IV | da |
1423 | GAN1.1.10 | Henricus de Gandavo; G. A. Wilson (ed.) | Opera Omnia X. Quodlibet VI | da |
1424 | GAN1.1.11 | Henricus de Gandavo; G. A. Wilson (ed.) | Opera Omnia XI. Quodlibet VII | da |
1425 | GAN1.1.13 | Henricus de Gandavo;R. Macken (ed.) | Opera Omnia XIII. Quodlibet IX | da |
1426 | GAN1.1.14 | Henricus de Gandavo;R. Macken (ed.) | Opera Omnia XIV. Quodlibet X | da |
1427 | GAN1.1.16 | Henricus de Gandavo; J. Decorte (ed.) | Opera Omnia XVI. Quodlibet XII | da |
1428 | GAN1.1.17 | Henricus de Gandavo; L. Hödl, M. Haverals (ed.) | Opera Omnia XVII. Tractatus super facto praelatorum et fratrum (Quodlibet XII, quaestio 31) | da |
1429 | GAN1.1.18 | Henricus de Gandavo; J. Decorte (ed.) | Opera Omnia XVIII. Quodlibet XIII | nu |
1430 | GAN1.1.20 | Henricus de Gandavo; G. A. Wilson, Girard J. Etzkorn (ed.) | Opera Omnia XX. Quodlibet XV | da |