Nr.CotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
1231SPA1.3Spade, Paul Vincent Five texts on the mediaeval problem of universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockhamda
1233FOU1.1de Fournival, RichardFiziologul latin. Bestiarul iubiriida
1234CAT2.1Catană-Spenchiu, Ana; Repciuc, Ioana Flores Philologiae, Omagiu profesorului E. Munteanu la împlinirea vârstei de 60 de anida
1235BEA3.1Vincent de Beauvais.; Fernández, Irene VillarroelFlores philosophorum et poetarum : tras la huella del Speculum doctrinale de Vicente de Beauvaisda
1236MEI1.1Meirinhos, José Francisco; Weijers, OlgaFlorilegium mediaevaleda
1237CAN1.1Cantin, AndréFoi et dialectique au XIe siècleda
1239GAB1.1Salomon ben Yehûdah ibn Gabirol (Avicebron)Fons vitaeda
1240GAB1.2Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron)Fonte della vitada
1241GRA5.1Grant, Jeanne E. For the Common Good. The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolutionda
1242PAN2.1Paniagua, David; Sanz, Adelaida Andres (eds.)Formaas de Acceso al Saber en la Antiguedad Tardia y la Alta Edad Media. La Transmision del Conocimiento dendro y fuera de la Escuela da
1243CES1.2Cesalli, L., Goubier, F., Libera, A. deFormal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval Logicda
1244SHA3.1Sharpe, Andrew N. Foucalt's Monsters and the Challenge of Lawda
1246CAP5.1C. Atei CapitonisFragmentada
1247DIO3.1Diogenes OenoandensisFragmentada
1248LET1.1M. Letronne (editor)Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum. Apollodori Bibliothecada
1249PIN2.8.2PindarFragmenta. Indices (pars II)da
1250ARN2.1Hans von Arnim (ed.)Fragmentele stoicilor vechida
1251NUM1.1NumeniusFragments, ed. Edouard des Placesda
1252MAL4.1Malherbe, Michel ; Pousseur, Jean-Marie (ed.) Francis Bacon: science et méthode da
1253FRI1.2Friedman, Russell L. ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.)Francis of Marchia. Theologian and Philosopher : a Franciscan at the University of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Centuryda
1254FS36***Franciscan Studiesda
1255FS37***Franciscan Studiesda
1256FS38***Franciscan Studiesda
1257FS39***Franciscan Studiesda
1258FS40***Franciscan Studiesda
1259FS12.3-4          Franciscan Studies volume 12, nos. 3 and 4da
1260FS13.1          Franciscan Studies volume 13, no.1da
1261WES1.1Westra, Haijo J. (ed.)From Athens to Chartres. Studies in Honour of Edouard Jauneauda
1262FUR2.1Furtado, Rodrigo; Moscone, Marcello (eds.)From Charters to Codex: studies on cartularies and archival memory in the middle agesda
1263MER4.1Merlan, Philip From platonism to neoplatonismda
1264APO3.1.1Aristides von Athen; Justinus des Märtiren; Tatians des Assyrers etc.Frühchristliche Apologeten und Märtirerakten (Band I)da
1265APO3.1.2Teophilus von Antiochien; Hermias des Philosophen; etc.Frühchristliche Apologeten und Märtirerakten (Band II)da
1266IRI1.1.1IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (I-III)da
1267IRI1.1.2IrenausFunf bucher gegen die haresien (IV-V)da
1268MAC7.1Makarius des AegyptersFunfzig Geistliche Homilienda
1269BLA5.1Blackwell, Richard J.; Foscarini, Paolo AntonioGalileo, Bellarmine, and the Bible : Including a Translation of Foscarini's Letter On the Motion of the Earthda
1270MAR5.1Marcus AureliusGanduri catre sineda
1271ATH1.2#1AthanasiusGegen die Heiden; Über die Menschwerdung; etc. (II Band)da
1272ATH1.2#2AthanasiusGegen die Heiden; Über die menschwerdung; etc. (II Band)da
1273BLE1.1Nikephoros BlemmydesGegen die Vorherbestimmung der Todesstundeda
1274DAM1.3Johannes von DamaskusGenaue Darlegung des Orthodoxen Glaubensda
1275BOU3.1Boulnois, Olivier (ed.)Généalogies du sujetnu
1276STO1.1 Stockerl, O.F.M. J. (ed.)General Register zu Band 1-61 der Bibliothek der Kirchenvater da
1277WOO2.1Woodhouse, Christopher M.George Gemistos Plethon : the last of the Hellenesda
1278GEO1.1.1Georgius AcropolitaGeorgii Acropolitae Opera. 1. Continens Historiam, Breviarium historiae, Theodori Scutariota e additamentada
1279GEO1.1.2Georgius AcropolitaGeorgii Acropolitae Opera. 2. Continens scripta minora praecedit dissertatio de vita scriptorisda
1280DUB2.3Duba, William ; Schabel, Christopher David (eds.)Gerald Odonis, Doctor Moralis and Franciscan Minister General. Studies in Honour of L. M. de Rijkda