521 | x-she2.1 | Sherry, David M. | Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisited | da |
522 | X-sho1.1 | Shogimen, Takashi | The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Tought in the Early Fourteenth Century | da |
523 | X-BRA1.1 | Siger de Brabant | Écrits de logique de morale et de physique | da |
524 | x-sig1.2 | Siger de Brebant | Questiones in Methaphysicam | da |
525 | x-sig1.1 | Siger de Brebant | Quaestio utrum haec sit vera: Homo est animal, nullo homme existente | da |
526 | x-sim1.1 | Simonson, Solomon | A Definitive Note on the Enthymeme | da |
527 | x-sol1.1#2 | Solere, Jean-Luc | Neoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis" | da |
528 | x-sol1.1#1 | Solere, Jean-Luc | Neoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis" | da |
529 | x-sol2.1 | Solon, T.P.M. | The Logic of Aquinas' Tertia Via | da |
530 | X-sor1.1 | Sorabji, Richard | Infinite power impressed: the transformation of Aristotle's physics and theology | da |
531 | x-spa1.1 | Spalding, K.T. | On the Sphere and Limit of the Aristotelian Logic | da |
532 | x-sta1.1 | Stannard, Jerry | Parmenidian Logic | da |
533 | x-sta2.1 | Stanton, G.R. | Sophists and Philosophers: Problems of Classification | da |
534 | x-ste1.2 | Steel Carlos | Medieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the "Averroistic" Ideal of Happiness | da |
535 | x-ste1.1 | Steel Carlos | Siger of Brabant versus Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of Knowing the Separate Substances | da |
536 | x-ste1.3 | Steel, Carlos ; Guy Guldentops | An unknown tratise of Averoes against the Avicennians on the first cause | da |
537 | X-ste2.1 | Steenberghen, Fernand van | Prolegomenes a la <<quarta via>> | da |
538 | x-sto2.1 | Stone, Martin W F. | Moral Psychology afer 1277: Did the Parisian Condemnation Make a Difference to Philosophical Discussions of Human Agency? | da |
539 | X-str1.1 | Strauss Leo | How to Study Medieval Philosophy | da |
540 | X-str2.1 | Street, Tony | Avicenna and Tusi on the Contradiciton and Conversion of the Absolute | da |
541 | x-swe1.1 | Swenson, David F. | The Logical Significance of the Paradoxes of Zeno | da |
542 | X-tar1.1 | Tartler Margareta | Utopia insingurarii in Evul Mediu arab | da |
543 | X-tat1.1 | Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan | Coloratio Anselmi. Trei lecturi franciscane ale "argumentului ontologic" | da |
544 | X-tat1.2 | Tătaru-Cazaban, Bogdan | Individualitate și infinit la Nicolaus Cusanus | da |
545 | x-tat2.1 | Tate, J. | Socrates an the Myths | da |