Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
916CHI1.1Chiaradonna, RiccardoSostanza, movimento, analogia. Plotino critico di Aristoteleda
917CHI2.1Chindea, GabrielParadoxul transcendenţei la Aristotel şi Plotinda
918CHI3.1Chiron, Pierre; Sans, Benoît (eds.)Les "Progymnasmata" en pratique, de l'Antiquité à nos joursda
919CHR1.1ChrysippeOeuvre philosophique (I)da
920CHR1.2ChrysippeOeuvre philosophique (II)da
921CHR2.1Blumenfeld-Kosinski, RenateThe selected writings of Christine de Pizanda
922CHR2.2Christine de PizanThe book of the city ladiesda
923CHR2.3Christine de PizanCartea Cetăţii Doamnelorda
924CHR3.1Petrus ChrysologusAusgewählte Predigtenda
925CHR4.1Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.)On Christ and the Church. Essays in memory of Chandler McCuskey Brooks for the American Cusanus Societyda