Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
676HOL1.1Holmes, LeslieCorruption. A Very Short Introductionda
677BER4.3Bernardus SilvestrisCosmografiada
678BER4.1Bernardus SilvestrisCosmographia, edd. P. Dronkeda
679BER4.2Bernard SilvestreCosmographieda
680OME1.2O'Meara, Dominic J.Cosmology and politics in Plato's later worksda
681MAR16.27Maritain, JacquesCourt traite de l'existence et de l'existantda
682BON3.1Bonin, Therese Creation as Emanation, The origin of diversity in Albert the Great's On the causes and the Procession of the Universenu
683KAN1.2Kant, ImmanuelCritica raţiunii practiceda
684PLA1.16PlatonCriton ou Le devoir du citoyenda
685GRE2.1Grellard, ChristopheCroire et savoir les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d' Autrecourtda