Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
596BLO3.1David BlochJohn of Salisbury on Aristotelian Scienceda
597BLO4.1Bloch, ErnstAvicenne et la gauche aristotélicienneda
598BLU1.1Blund, JohnTractatus de animada
599BLU2.1Blumenberg, Hans The Genesis of the Copernican Worldda
600BLU3.1Blumenthal, H. J. Aristotle and Neoplatonism in Late Antiquity. Interpretations of the De animada
601BOB1.1-Epigrammata Bobiensiada
602BOB2.1Bobzien, SusanDeterminism and freedom in stoic philosophyda
603BOB3.1Bobonich, ChristopherPlato's utopia recast : his later ethics and politics da
604BOD1.1Bodel, John; Olyan, M. Saul (eds.)Household and family religion in antiquityda
605BOE1.1BoethiusConsolation de la Philosophieda
606BOE1.2BoethiusDe topicis differentiisda
607BOE1.3BoethiusLa consolazione della Philosophiada
608BOE1.4BoethiusTratate teologiceda
609BOE1.5BoethiusConsolarea filosofieinu
610BOE1.6Boethius; Gilbertus Porretanus; Avicenna; Averroes; Siger din Brabant; Dietrich din Freiberg; Ockham, WilliamCe este un lucru?da
611BOE2.1Boethius DacusDe mundi aeternitate (ed. Sajo 1954 si 1964)da
612BOE2.2Boetius din DaciaDespre viata filosofuluida
613BOE2.3Boethius DacusTopica-Opuscula vol. VI, pars IIda
614BOE3.1Boehner, Philotheus (ed.)The Tractatus de Succesivisda
615BOE3.2Boehner, PhilotheusCollected articles on Ockhamda
616BOE4.1Boegehold, Alan L.; Scafuro, C. Adele (eds.)Athenian identity and civic ideologyda
617BOE5.1Boer, Jan-Hendryk de; Füssel, Marian; Schuh, Maximilian (eds.)Universitäre Gelehrtenkultur vom 13.–16. Jahrhundert. Ein interdisziplinäres Quellen- und Methodenhandbuchda
618BOE6.1Boethius, Langston, Douglas C.The Consolation of Philosophyda
619BOG1.1Bogoiu, FilotheiaProbleme filosofice şi filologice în Etica Eudemicăda
620BOI1.1#1T. Boiadjiev, G. Kapriev, A. Speer (eds.)Die Dionysius-Rezeption im Mittelalterda