Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
3881HDK1Baus, KarlVon der Urgemeinde zur fruhchristlichen Grosskircheda
3882AUG1.34.1AugustinVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (1-23)da
3883AUG1.34.2AugustinusVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (24-54)da
3884AUG1.34.3AugustinVorträge über das Evangelium des Hl. Johannes (55-124)da
3885SAA1.1Saarinen, RistoWeakness of the will in medieval thoughtnu
3886MAI1.1Moses MaimonidesWegweiser für die Verwirrtenda
3887SCH9.1Schlette, Heinz RobertWeltseele, Geschichte und Hermeneutikda
3888AER1.1Aertsen, Jan (Ed.)What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?da
3889MOR5.1Morris, IanWhy the West rules - for now: the patterns of history and what they reveal about the futureda
3890HIP1.1Hippolytus von RomWiderlegung aller haresienda
3891ADA1.1.1Marilyn McCord AdamsWilliam Ockham (vol. I)da
3892ADA1.1.2Marilyn McCord AdamsWilliam Ockham (vol. II)da
3893LEF3.1Lefkowitz, Mary R. Women in Greek mythda
3894BRU6.1Brulé, PierreWomen of Ancient Greeceda
3895GRE5.2Green, Monica H.Women's Healthcare in the Medieval Westda
3896HAN1.1Hand, Joni M.Women, Manuscripts and Identity in Northern Europe, 1350 - 1550da
3897DAS2.1Daston, Lorraine; Park, Katharine Wonders and the Order of Natureda
3898GHO1.1Ghosh, Kantik; Soukup, Pavel (eds.)Wycliffism and Hussitism : methods of thinking, writing, and persuasion, c.1360-c.1460da
3899PAP1.3Adrian PapahagiWyrd. Ideea destinului în literatura engleză veche da
3900ELI2.1Eliade, Mircea Yoga. Eseu asupra originilor misticii indiene (1936)da
3901SCH10.1Scheepsma, Wybren Zwei Mittelniederländische Texte Des "Geistbuchs"da
3902THE4.1Theognis et alii[Carmina]da
3903ELL1.1K. Elliger; W. Rudolph (eds.) et al.[Torah, Neviʾim u-Khetuvim]. Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensianu
3904BRUO2.1Bruno, GiordanoŒuvres complètes. Documents I. Le Procèsda