Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3661TIT1.4.1#1Tite-LiveHistoire Romaine Ida
3662TIT1.4.1#2Tite-LiveHistoire Romaine Ida
3663TIT1.5.2Tite-LiveOeuvres - Histoire Romaine, vol. 2da
3664TKA1.1Tkacz, Catherine Brown The key to the Brescia casket. Typology and the Early Christian imaginationda
3665TNSQ8.1          The New Scholasticism. Vol. VIII No. 1da
3666TNSQ8.4          The New Scholasticism. Vol. VIII No. 4da
3667TNSQ9.1          The New Scholasticism. Vol. IX No. 1da
3668TOM1.1Tomuleţ, Dan Plotin, Despre frumosda
3669TOM1.2Tomulet, Dan Plotin, Despre nemurirea sufletuluida
3670TOR1.1Torell, Jean-Pierre O.P.Initiation a Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Sa personne et son oeuvreda