Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3656TIT1.2.4Titus LiviusAb urbe condita, XXIV-XXVIda
3657TIT1.2.5Titus LiviusAb urbe condita, XXVII-XXXda
3658TIT1.2.7Titus LiviusAb urbe condita, XXXVI-XXXVIIIda
3659TIT1.3.1TITE-LIVEHistoire Romaine, vol. Ida
3660TIT1.3.2Tite-LiveHistoire Romaine, vol. IIda
3661TIT1.4.1#1Tite-LiveHistoire Romaine Ida
3662TIT1.4.1#2Tite-LiveHistoire Romaine Ida
3663TIT1.5.2Tite-LiveOeuvres - Histoire Romaine, vol. 2da
3664TKA1.1Tkacz, Catherine Brown The key to the Brescia casket. Typology and the Early Christian imaginationda
3665TNSQ8.1          The New Scholasticism. Vol. VIII No. 1da