Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3651TNSQ8.1          The New Scholasticism. Vol. VIII No. 1da
3652TNSQ8.4          The New Scholasticism. Vol. VIII No. 4da
3653TNSQ9.1          The New Scholasticism. Vol. IX No. 1da
3654TOM1.1Tomuleţ, Dan Plotin, Despre frumosda
3655TOM1.2Tomulet, Dan Plotin, Despre nemurirea sufletuluida
3656TOR1.1Torell, Jean-Pierre O.P.Initiation a Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Sa personne et son oeuvreda
3657TOR2.1Torsello, Davide Potere, legitimazione e corruzione. Introduzione all'antropologia politicada
3658TOR3.1De La Torre, Bartholomew R., (O.P.)Thomas Buckingham and the contingency of futuresda
3659TOU1.1Tourraix, AlexandreL`Orient, Mirage Grecda
3660TOU2.1Toussaint, S.; Trottmann, C. (eds.)Le Pseudo-Denys a la Renaissance. Actes du colloque Tours, 27-29 mai 2010da