Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3526SZL1.1Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderLa Republica di Platone. I Libri centralida
3527SZL1.2Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderCome leggere Platoneda
3528SZL1.3.1Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderNoul Platon vol.1da
3529SZL1.3.2Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderNoul Platon vol. 2da
3530SZL1.4Szlezak, Thomas A.Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotinsda
3531SZP1.1Ryan SzpiechMedieval Exegesis and Religious Difference. Commentary, Conflict and Community in the Premodern Mediterraneanda
3532TAB1.1Tabaki, AnnaDespre Iluminismul Neoelenda
3533TAC1.1TacitusOpera minorada
3534TAC1.2 Tacitus, CorneliusHistoriarum librida
3535TAC1.3TacitusLa Germanieda