Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3496STE3.4Van Steenberghen, FernandAristote en Occidentda
3497STE3.5Van Steenberghen, FernardThomas Aquinas and Radical Aristotelianism da
3498STE4.1Steneck, H. NicholasScience and creation in the Middle Ages: Henry of Langenstein (d. 1397) on genesisda
3499STE5.1Stern, Josef Problems and parables of law da
3500STE6.1Stepanos TaronetsiDes Stephanos von Taron armenische Geschichteda
3501STE7.1Stefani, Matteo (ed.)Marsilio Ficino lettore di Apuleio filosofo e dell'Asclepius: le note autografe nei codici Ambrosiano S 14 Sup. e Riccardiano 709da
3502STO1.1 Stockerl, O.F.M. J. (ed.)General Register zu Band 1-61 der Bibliothek der Kirchenvater da
3503STO2.1Storf, Remigius (tr.)Griechischen Liturgienda
3504StPh.S/2016          Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Philosophia. Special Issue/2016da
3505STR1.1Strack, Hermann L.Einleitung in Talmud und Midraschda