Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
3491SPI2.1SpinozaDie Ethikda
3492SPI3.1Spijker, Ienje van 'tThe multiple meaning of scripture: the role of exegesis in early-Christian and medieval culturenu
3493SPR1.1Spruyt, JokeLogica Morellida
3494STA1.1Stark, Rudolf; Allan, Donald J.; Aubenque, Pierre (eds.)La Politique d'Aristote. Sept exposes et discussions...da
3495STA2.1.1Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 1da
3496STA2.1.2Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 2.1da
3497STA2.1.3Stadtmueller, Hugo (ed.)Anthologia graeca vol 3.1da
3498STA3.1Stadter, Philip A. Plutarch's Historical Methods. An Analysis of the Muilierum Virtutesda
3499STA4.1Stanislaus de ScarbimiriaSermones de sapientia selectida
3500STE1.1Steno, NicolausAnatomical Observations of the glands of the eye and their new vessels thereby revealing the true source of tearsda