2601 | MAC9.1 | MacDonald, Scott | Being and goodness. The concept of the good in metaphysics and philosophical theology | da |
2602 | MAC6.1 | Macdonell, Arthur Aanthony | A VEDIC READER FOR STUDENTS | da |
2603 | MAC2.1 | Maci, Daniela (coord.) | Receptari ale filosofiei lui Platon si Aristotel in spatiul cultural romanesc | da |
2604 | MAC1.1.1 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent I | da |
2605 | MAC1.1.2 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent II | da |
2606 | MAC1.1.3 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent III | da |
2607 | MAC1.1.4 | Macken, Raymond, Dr. Phil | Essays on Henry of Ghent IV | da |
2608 | MAC4.2.1 | Macrobe (Macrobius) | Commentaire au songe de Scipion. Livre I | da |
2609 | MAC4.3 | Macrobe, Varron, Pomponius Mela | OEUVRES COMPLETES | da |
2610 | MAC4.4.2 | Macrobius | Les Saturnales vol.2 | da |
2611 | MAC4.1 | Macrobius | Commento al Sogno di Scipione | da |
2612 | MAC4.4.1 | Macrobius | Les Saturnales, vol.1 | da |
2613 | AXI1.2 | Madeea Axinciuc | Profetul şi oglinda fermecată | da |
2614 | AXI1.1 | Madeea Axinciuc | Despre ierarhiile divine. Fascinaţia Unului şi lumile noi - temeiurile pentru pacea religiilor | da |
2615 | MAG1.1 | Maga, Mihai | Filosofia politica a lui Marsilio din Padova | da |
2616 | MAG1.2 | Maga, Mihai (ed) | Studii tomiste III | da |
2617 | LOM1.2.1 | Magistri Petri Lombardi, parisiensis episcopi | Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, Tomus I, Prolegomena, Lib. I-II | da |
2618 | LOM1.2.2 | Magistri Petri Lombardi, parisiensis episcopi | Sententiae in IV libris distinctae, Tomus II, Lib. III-IV | da |
2619 | MAG4.1 | Magnano, Fiorella | Boethius on Topical Differences | da |
2620 | MAG4.1#2 | Magnano, Fiorella | Boethius on Topical Differences | da |
2621 | MAG2.1 | Magnard, Pierre; Boulnois, Olivier; Pinchard, Bruno; Solère, Jean-Luc | La demeure de l'être | da |
2622 | MAG3.1 | Magrath, John Richard | Selections from the Organon of Aristotle | da |
2623 | MAI3.1 | Maier, Friedrich; Zeller, Alfred | Organon: Grammatik II. Sazlehre | da |
2624 | MAI2.2 | Maillard J.-F.; Kecskemeti, J.; Portalier, M. (ed.) | L'Europe des humanistes (XIVe-XVIIe siecles) | da |
2625 | MAI2.1 | Maillard, Jean Francois; Monok, Istvan; Nebbiai, Donatella (eds.) | Matthias Corvin, Les Bibliotheques Princieres Et La Genese De L'Etat Moderne | da |