2281 | ARI1.21.2 | Aristotel | Nicomachean Ethics, VIII-IX | da |
2282 | ~E. | Schmidt, Rudiger, Spreckelsen, Cord | Nietzsche fur Anfanger | da |
2283 | FLA1.1 | Flasch, Kurt | Nikolaus von Kues. Geschichte einer Entwicklung | da |
2284 | DRO1.1 | Dronke, Peter | Nine medieval Latin plays | da |
2285 | GEL1.1.1 | A. Gellius | Noctes Atticae I | da |
2286 | GEL1.1.2 | A. Gellius | Noctes Atticae II | da |
2287 | VAU1.1 | de Vaux, Roland | Notes et textes sur l'avicennisme latin | da |
2288 | MAR17.4 | Maritain, Raissa | Notes sur le pater | da |
2289 | SZL1.3.2 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | Noul Platon vol. 2 | da |
2290 | SZL1.3.1 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | Noul Platon vol.1 | da |
2291 | CUL2.1 | Cullmann, Oscar | Noul Testament | da |
2292 | IUS1.1.1 | Iustinianus | Novellae Vol.1 (ed. Zachariae) | da |
2293 | IUS1.1.2 | Iustinianus | Novellae Vol.2 (ed. Zachariae) | da |
2294 | CAN2.2 | Cantemir, Dimitrie | O cercetare naturală a monarhiilor | da |
2295 | CUS1.2 | Nicolaus Cusanus | O nao-outro / De non aliud | da |
2296 | ANT1.1 | Antonesei, Liviu | O prostie a lui Platon : intelectualii şi politica | da |
2297 | LIE1.1 | Beatus Liebanensis | Obras completas y complementarias I (Comentario al Apocalipsis, Himno "O Dei Verbum", Apologético ) | da |
2298 | FEL1.1 | Felix, M. Minucius | Octavius | da |
2299 | HOM1.6.13 | Homer | Odyssey (books 13-14) | da |
2300 | HOM1.6.17 | Homer | Odyssey (books 17-18) | da |
2301 | HOM1.6.6 | Homer | Odyssey (Books 6-8) | da |
2302 | HOM1.4.1 | Homer | Odyssey, 1-12 | da |
2303 | HOM1.4.2 | Homer | Odyssey, 13-14 | da |
2304 | CRO2.2 | Croiset, M. | Oedip Roi de Sophocle | da |
2305 | CHR1.1 | Chrysippe | Oeuvre philosophique (I) | da |
2306 | CHR1.2 | Chrysippe | Oeuvre philosophique (II) | da |
2307 | TIT1.5.2 | Tite-Live | Oeuvres - Histoire Romaine, vol. 2 | da |
2308 | MAR16.38 | Maritain, Jacques | Oeuvres 1940-1963 | da |
2309 | DIE2.3 | Dietrich de Freiberg | Oeuvres Choisies I. Substances, quidites et accidents | da |
2310 | DIO1.2 | Ps.-Denys L'Areopagite | Oeuvres completes | da |
2311 | ARI1.20 | Aristotel | Oeuvres Completes | da |
2312 | LUC4.1 | Lucain | Oeuvres completes | da |
2313 | MAC4.3 | Macrobe, Varron, Pomponius Mela | OEUVRES COMPLETES | da |
2314 | IUV1.2 | Iuvenal et Persius | Oeuvres Completes - De Turnus et De Suplicia | da |
2315 | IUV1.1 | Iuvenal et Persius | Oeuvres completes - De Turnus et De Suplicia | da |
2316 | ISO1.2.1 | Isocrate | Oeuvres Completes I | da |
2317 | ISO1.2.2 | Isocrate | Oeuvres Completes II | da |
2318 | ISO1.2.3 | Isocrate | Oeuvres Completes III | da |
2319 | PLA1.5.4.2 | Platon | Oeuvres completes IV.2: Le Banquet | da |
2320 | PLA1.5.8.2 | Platon | Oeuvres completes VIII.2: Theaithetos | da |
2321 | PLA1.4.2 | Platon | Oeuvres completes, vol. 2 | da |
2322 | HOR1.3 | Horace | Oeuvres d'Horace | da |
2323 | MAR12.1.3 | Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux | Oevres diverses; tome III | da |
2324 | SCO1.11 | John Duns Scotus | On being and cognition: Ordinatio 1.3 | da |
2325 | CHR4.1 | Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.) | On Christ and the Church. Essays in memory of Chandler McCuskey Brooks for the American Cusanus Society | da |
2326 | LEE2.4 | Pieter de Leemans (ed.) | On Good Authority. Tradition, Compilation and the Construction of Authority in Literature from Antiquity to the Renaissance | da |
2327 | THO1.35 | Thomas Aquinas | On kingship. To the king of Cyprus | da |
2328 | CIC1.27 | Cicero | On Life and Death (trad. J. Davie) | nu |
2329 | BOS1.1 | E. P. Bos, P. A. Meijer | On Proclus and his influence in medieval philosophy | da |
2330 | ARI1.5 | Aristotel | On the Heavens | da |