Nr.Cota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1701HOB1.1Thomas Raynalde, Elaine Hobby (ed.)The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, The Womens's Book ......da
1702HOE1.1Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Nauta, LodiBoethius in the Middle Ages. Latin & Vernacular Traditions of the Consolatio philosophiaeda
1703HOE1.2Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; de Libera, AlainAlbertus Magnus Und Der Albertismusnu
1704HOE1.3Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Schneider, J. H. Josef; Wieland, GeorgPhilosophy and Learning. Universities in the Middle Agesda
1705HOE1.4Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.)Past and future. Medieval studies todayda
1706HOF1.1Hofmeister Pich, Roberto (ed.)Ideas sin fronteras en los limites de las ideasda
1707HOF1.2Hofmeister-Pich, R., Culleton, A. S. (eds.) Scolastica colonialis, Reception and Development of Baroque Scholasticism in Latin America, 16/18 Centuriesda
1708HOF2.1Hoffe, OttfriedAristotelesda
1709HOF3.1Hoffmann, Tobias; Muller, Jorn; Perkams, Matthias (ed.)Das problem der Willensshwache in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie/ The problem of Weekness of Will in Medieval Philosophyda
1710HOF4.1Hoffmann, Philippe; Timotin, Andrei (eds.)Théories et pratiques de la prière à la fin de l'antiquitéda
1711HOF5.1Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, RuediParadigmes de theologie philosophiqueda
1712HOL1.1Holmes, LeslieCorruption. A Very Short Introductionda
1713HOL2.1Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
1714HOL2.1#2Hölscher, LudgerThe reality of the mind : Augustine's philosophical arguments for the human soul as a spiritual substanceda
1715HOM1.1HomerIlias, ed. G. Dindorfda
1716HOM1.2HomerCarmina Et Cycli Epici Reliquiaeda
1717HOM1.3HomerCarmina et Cycli Epici Reliquiaeda
1718HOM1.4.1HomerOdyssey, 1-12da
1719HOM1.4.2HomerOdyssey, 13-14da
1720HOM1.5HomerThree Homeric Hymns (To Apollo, Hermes and Aphrodite)da
1721HOM1.6.6HomerOdyssey (Books 6-8)da
1722HOM1.6.13HomerOdyssey (books 13-14)da
1723HOM1.6.17HomerOdyssey (books 17-18)da
1724HOM1.7.6HomerIliad (book VI)nu
1725HOM1.7.22HomerIliad (book XXII)da
1726HOM1.7.24HomerIliad (book XXIV)da
1727HOM1.8.1G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. I (Books 1-4)da
1728HOM1.8.2G. S. KirkThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. II (Books 5-8)nu
1729HOM1.8.3B. HainsworthThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. III (Books 9-12)da
1730HOM1.8.4R. JankoThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. IV (Books 13-16)da
1731HOM1.8.5M. W. EdwardsThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. V (Books 17-20)da
1732HOM1.8.6N. RichardsonThe Iliad: A Commentary, vol. VI (Books 21-24)da
1733HOM1.9.1A. Heubeck, S. West, J.B. HainsworthA Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. Ida
1734HOM1.9.2A. Heubeck, A.HoekstraA Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. IIda
1735HOM1.9.3A. Heubeck, M. Fernandez-Galiano, J. RussoA Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. IIInu
1736HON1.1Honorius AugustodunensisClavis Physicaeda
1737HOO1.1Hood, Pamela MAristotle on the category of relationda
1738HOR1.1Quintus Horatius FlaccusOperada
1739HOR1.2Quintus Horatius FlaccusOperada
1740HOR1.3HoraceOeuvres d'Horaceda
1741HOR2.1P. W. Van Der HorstAelius Aristides And The New Testamentda
1742HOS1.1Hose, Martin; Schenker, David (eds.)A companion to Greek literatureda
1743HTKNT1.1Gnilka, JoachimDas Matthausevangelium da
1744HTKNT1.2Gnilka, JoachimDas Matthausevangeliumda
1745HTKNT2.1Pesch, RudolfDas Markusevangeliumda
1746HTKNT2.2Pesch, RudolfDas Markusevangeliumda
1747HTKNT3.1Schurmann, HeinzDas Lukasevangeliumda
1748HTKNT3.2.1Schurmann, HeinzDas Lukasevangeliumda
1749HTKNT4.1Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangeliumda
1750HTKNT4.2Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangeliumda
1751HTKNT4.3Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangelium da
1752HTKNT4.4Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangelium da
1753HTKNT5.1Schneider, GerhardDie Apostelgeschichte.Teil1da
1754HTKNT5.2Schneider, GerhardDie Apostelgeschichte.Teil2da
1755HTKNT6Schlier, HeinrichDer Römerbriefda
1756HTKNT9Mussner, FranzDer Galaterbriefda
1757HTKNT10.1Gnilka, JoachimDer Kolosserbriefda
1758HTKNT10.2Gnilka, JoachimDer Epheserbriefda
1759HTKNT10.3Gnilka, JoachimDer Philipperbriefda
1760HTKNT10.4Gnilka, JoachimDer Philemonbriefda
1761HTKNT11.2.1Oberlinner, LorenzDie Pastoralbriefe. Erster Timotheusbriefda
1762HTKNT11.2.2Oberlinner, LorenzDie Pastoralbriefe. Zweiter Timotheusbriefda
1763HTKNT11.2.3Oberlinner, LorenzDie Pastoralbriefe. Titusbriefeda
1764HTKNT13.1Mussner, FranzDer Jakobusbriefda
1765HTKNT13.2Karl Herman SchelkleDie Petrusbriefe der Judasbriefda
1766HTKNT13.3Schnackenburg, RudolfDie Johannesbriefeda
1767HUB1.1Hubert, BernardJacques Maritain en Europeda
1768HUCP55.1          Historia Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis 55/1da
1769HUD1.1Hurdy, FrancoiseLiber XXIV Philosophorum. Instrumenta lexicologica latinada
1770HUG1.1Hugo de Saint-VictorDidascaliconda
1771HUG1.2Hugo de Saint-Victor (Hugonis de Sancto Victore)Didascaliconda
1772HUG1.3Hugo de Saint-VictorL'art de lire. Didascaliconda
1773HUG1.4Hugo de Saint-Victor; Taylor, Jerome (transl.)The Didascalicon of Hugh of St. Victorda
1774HUG1.5Hugo din Saint-VictorMeditatii spiritualeda
1775HUG1.6.2Hugo din Saint-Victor (Hugo de Saint Victor)De tribus diebus (Opera, Tomus II)da
1776HUG1.6.3Hugo de Saint-Victor Super Ierarchiam Dionisii (Opera omnia tomus III)da
1777HUG1.7Hugo de Saint-Victor ; Berndt, Rainer (ed.)De sacramentis Christianae fideida
1778HUG1.8Hugh of Saint VictorOn the sacraments of the christian faith (De Sacramentis)da
1779HUG2.1Hugonnard-Roche, HenriLa logique d'Aristote du grec au syriaque, etude sur la transmission des textes de l'Organon et leur interpretation philosophiqueda
1780HUI1.1Huian, Georgiana Augustin : le coeur et la crise du sujetda
1781HUM1.1Humbertus de PrulliacoHumbertus de Prulliaco, Sententia super librum Metaphisice Aristotelis, Liber I-Vda
1782HUN1.1Huneke, MaikeIurisprudentia romano-saxonica. Die Glosse zum Sachsenspiegel-Lehnrecht und die Anfänge deutscher Rechtswissenschaftda
1783HUS1.1Husik, IsaacA history of Medieval philosophyda
1784HUS1.2Jan HusQuodlibetda
1785HUT1.1Hutchinson, D. M.Plotinus on consciousnessda
1786HYB1.1Nils Hybel; Bjorn PoulsenThe Danish Resources C. 1000-1550. Growth and Recessionda
1787HYG1.1HyginusDe metatione castrorumda
1788HYM1.1Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.)Philosophy in the Middle Agesda
1789HYP1.1Hyperidus (ed. f. Blass)Orationes quattuorda
1791IBN1.1Ibn Hazm, Alī ibn AhmadColierul porumbiţei : tratat despre dragoste şi îndrăgostiţida
1792IER1.1IeronimComentariu la cartea Profetului Ionada
1793IER1.2.1 Jerome, Saint (Hieronymus, Santo) Commentaires de Jérôme sur le prophète Isaïe (livres I-IV)da
1794IER1.2.2Jerome, Saint (Hieronymus, Santo)Commentaire de Jerome sur le prophete Isaie (livres V-VII)da
1795IER1.2.3Jerome, Saint (Hieronymus, Santo)Commentaire de Jerome sur le prophete Isaie (livres VIII-XI)da
1796IER1.2.4Jerome, Saint (Hieronymus, Santo)Commentaire de Jerome sur le prophete Isaie (livres XII-XV)da
1797IER1.2.5Jerome, Saint (Hieronymus, Santo)Commentaire de Jerome sur le prophete Isaie (livres XVI-XVIII)da
1798IER2.1Katerina Ierodiakonou (ed.)Topics in Stoic Philosophyda
1799IHIW6          Intellectual History of the Islamicate Worldda
1800IJS1.1Ijsewijn, Jozef; Paquet, Jacques (ed.)Les universités à la fin du Moyen âge/The Universities in the Late Middle Agesda