1641 | PTO1.1.2 | Ptolemeus | Syntaxis mathematica, vol. II | da |
1642 | PTO1.3 | Ptolemeus | Opera astronomica minora | da |
1643 | PTO1.4 | Ptolemeus | Peri kritikou kai hegemonikou | da |
1644 | PTO1.2 | Ptolemeus | Apotelesmatika | da |
1645 | PAM1.1 | Pamprepius | Carmina | da |
1646 | PHI5.1.1 | Philodemus | Volumina Rhetorica I | da |
1647 | PHI1.8 | Iohannes Philoponus | De aeternitate mundi contra Proclum | da |
1648 | CH12.1 | | Chora, revue d'etudes anciennes et medievales | da |
1649 | VIE2.1 | Vielliard, Jeanne (ed.) | Le registre de pret de la bibliotheque du college de Sorbonne (1402-1536) | da |
1650 | LEO1.2 | Leonardi, Claudio | Gregorio Magno e le Origini dell'Europa | da |
1651 | CAS2.2 | Cassiodor | De anima | da |
1652 | SMI1.1 | Smith, Lesley | The Glossa Ordinaria. The Making of a Medieval Bible Commentary | da |
1653 | AUN1.1 | Aune, David E. | Prophecy in Early Christianity and the Ancient Mediteranean World | da |
1654 | DIG1.1 | Dignas, B.; Trampedach, Kai (ed.) | Practitioners of the Divine. Greek Priests and Religious Officials from Homer to Heliodorus | da |
1655 | HYP1.1 | Hyperidus (ed. f. Blass) | Orationes quattuor | da |
1656 | MAR5.3 | Marcus Aurelius | De imperatoris | da |
1657 | ISO1.1.2 | Isocrates | Orationes Vol.2 (ed. Blass) | da |
1658 | ISO1.1.1 | Isocrates | Orationes Vol.1 (ed. Blass) | da |
1659 | IUS1.1.2 | Iustinianus | Novellae Vol.2 (ed. Zachariae) | da |
1660 | IUS1.1.1 | Iustinianus | Novellae Vol.1 (ed. Zachariae) | da |
1661 | LYC1.1 | Lycophronus | Alexandra (ed. Mascialino) | da |
1662 | LYD1.1 | Ioannes Lydus | De magistribus populi romani (ed. Wvemsch) | da |
1663 | MAR5.4 | Marcus Aurelius | Ad se ipsum libri XII (ed. Dalfen) | da |
1664 | MEN1.1.1 | Menander | Quae supersunt, pars prior (ed. Koerte) | da |
1665 | PHI5.1.3 | Philodemus | Volumina rhetorica-supplementum (ed. Sudhaus) | da |
1666 | PHI5.1.2 | Philodemus | Volumina Rhetorica II | da |
1667 | PLE1.4 | Georgius Gemistus Plethon | Contra scholarii pro Aristotele obiectiones | da |
1668 | PLE1.5 | Georgius Gemistus Plethon | Opuscula de historia graeca (ed. Maltese) | da |
1669 | PSE1.2.1 | Michael Psellus | Theologica vol.1 (ed. Gautier) | da |
1670 | POL1.1.4 | Polybius | Historia vol. IV (ed. Dindorfius) | da |
1671 | POL1.1.3 | Polybius | Historia vol. III (ed. Dindorfius) | da |
1672 | POL1.1.1 | Polybius | Historia vol. I (ed. Dindorfius) | da |
1673 | POL1.1.2 | Polybius | Historia vol. II (ed. Dindorfius) | da |
1674 | MEN1.1.2 | Menander | Quae supersunt, pars II | da |
1675 | PRO3.1.2 | Procopius Caesariensis | Opera omnia vol II (ed. Haury) | da |
1676 | LUC3.1.1 | Lucian din Samosata | Opera vol I | da |
1677 | LUC3.1.3 | Lucian din Samosata | Opera vol III | da |
1678 | LUC3.2 | Rabe, Hugo (ed.) | Scholia in Lucianum | da |
1679 | FLO1.1 | Florus | Epitomae | da |
1680 | HER2.2.1 | Herodot | Historiae vol.I (libros I-IV) | da |
1681 | HER2.3 | Herodot (despre) | Eine Auswahl aus der neurren Forschung (ed. W. Marg) | da |
1682 | PIN2.6 | Pindar | Carmina cum fragmentis (ed. Schnell) | da |
1683 | PIN2.2.2 | | Scholia Vetera in Pindari carmina vol. II (ed. Drachmann) | da |
1684 | PIN2.2.1 | | Scholia Vetera in Pindari carmina vol. I (ed. Drachmann) | da |
1685 | PIN2.9 | Pindar | Carmina cum fragmentis (ed. Schnell) | da |
1686 | HES1.1 | Hesiod | Carmina | da |
1687 | HEL2.1 | Heliodor | In Paulum Alexandrinum Commentarium | da |
1688 | HEP1.1 | Hephaestion Thebanus | Apotelesmatica | da |
1689 | HER3.1 | Hermagoras | Testimonia et fragmenta (ed. Matthes) | da |
1690 | HER4.1 | Herodian | Ab axcessu divi Marci (ed. Stavenhagen) | da |