Nr.CotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1551BIBL1.49Corbellini, Sabrina; Murano, Giovanna; Signore, Giacomo (ed.)Collecting, organizing and transmitting knowledge [Texte imprimé] : Miscellanies in late medieval Europenu
1552COR1.3Corbin MichelLa doctrine augustinienne de la Trinité da
1553COR5.1Corbin, HenryL'homme et son angeda
1554COR1.1Corbin, MichelSaint Anselmeda
1555COR1.2Corbin, MichelLe chemin de la theologie chez Thomas d'Aquinda
1556COR4.1Cornea, AndreiScriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platonda
1557EPI1.2Cornea, Andrei (ed.)Epicur şi Epicureismul
1558NEP1.1Cornelius NeposLiber de excellentibus ducibus exterarum gentiumda
1559COR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
1560COR2.1Corte, Marcel deLa doctrine de l'intelligence chez Aristoteda