1526 | DAV1.1 | David | Introducere in filosofie | da |
1527 | LAN2.1 | Landgraf, Artur Michael | Introduction a l'histoire de la littterature theologique de la scolastique naissante | da |
1528 | ANN2.2 | Annas, Julia | Introduction à la "République" de Platon | da |
1529 | COR6.2 | Theophile Corydalee | Introduction a la logique | da |
1530 | VAJ1.1 | Vajda, Georges | Introduction a la pensee juive du moyen age | da |
1531 | ARO2.1 | Aron, Raymond | Introduction à la philosophie de l`historire | da |
1532 | FLA1.4 | Flasch, Kurt | Introduction a la philosophie medievale | da |
1533 | MAN1.1 | Mansion, Augustin | Introduction a la Phisique aristotelicienne | da |
1534 | BOU6.1 | Jacques Guy Bougerol, OFM | Introduction a Sain Bonaventure | da |
1535 | VOG1.1 | Vogel, Cyrille | Introduction aux sources de l'histoire du culte chretien au moyen age | da |
1536 | CLE1.1 | Clemens, Raymond; Graham, Timothy | Introduction to manuscript studies | da |
1537 | GRA2.2 | Gracia, Jorge J. E. | Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages | da |
1538 | SMI3.1 | Smith, Randall B. | Întruchipări ale înţelepciunii creştine | da |
1539 | OCK1.7 | Ockham, William | Intuition et abstraction | da |
1540 | CAL4.1.1 | Calvin, Jean | Învăţătura religiei creştine vol. I | da |
1541 | CAL4.1.2 | Calvin, Jean | Învăţătura religiei creştine vol. II | da |
1542 | COL1.1 | Colombo, Giuseppe | Invito al pensiero di Sant'Anselmo | da |
1543 | IOH2.1 | Johannes Oxites | Ioannis Oxeitae Oratio de monasteriis laicis non tradendis | da |
1544 | IOH3.1.3 | Joannes Zonaras | Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum. Tome 3 | da |
1545 | IOH3.1.5 | Joannes Zonaras | Ioannis Zonarae Epitome historiarum. Tome 5 | da |
1546 | PLA1.17 | Platon | Ion | da |
1547 | PET1.7 | Petreu, Marta | Ionescu in tara tatalui | da |
1548 | PET1.8 | Petreu, Marta | Ionescu in tara tatalui | da |
1549 | EUR1.3 | Euripide | Iphigenie a Aulis | da |
1550 | POR2.3 | Porfir | Isagoga | da |